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Everything posted by elkhunter

  1. elkhunter

    Girlfriend's first big game!

    Zeke- some guys are into reloading or elk or Coues or off-roading, I'm into javelina! They make good jerky! we all have our little weird passions
  2. elkhunter

    Daughters first big game

    Dang 30 yards?! Sweet congrats
  3. elkhunter

    Last minute donated 34A javelina tag ...

    Heading out tomorrow to 34a with the vet. Anyone else want to tag along and help out?
  4. elkhunter

    Great Time in Mexico!

    Again great video! U boys really maximized the time down there, good job
  5. elkhunter

    Pops 2017 Ham

    We found pigs early at 704am, they were in the flats and on the move. We decided to go down and begin the stalk while our buddy stayed at the glassing spot and give us directions. The pigs went nearly 3/4 a mile before they began to feed. Given there was one hill in the flats buddy reported to me that they were at the base of the only hill in the area. We headed that way and found the herd, 61 yard shot and my pops season ended. This was a pretty large size male.
  6. elkhunter

    YOU - Huntress Success

    Great hunt and story! congrats to all
  7. elkhunter

    First HAM Hunt

    Great! Congrats
  8. elkhunter

    HAM double

    Awesome! For some reason I can only double down with my pops during archery, never during HAM or back in the day during rifle hunts, with a muzzy is very impressive!
  9. elkhunter

    Pops 2017 Ham

    Thanks! We got a lady who has a rifle tag this friday, hope we can go 5 for 5
  10. elkhunter

    Truck Stuck- help

    Here's the picture
  11. elkhunter

    2017 Ham Javelina

    Long story made short, glasses up 3 pigs over a mile out, something scared them and they ran down a canyon and out of sight. We figured we'd leave them alone and chase them tomorrow. There's a large chunk of private land between us and the pigs so it wasn't wise to make the long hike around the private land to chase spooked pigs. We moved farther up the canyon and glassed for other herds, dad was glassing the spot we found pigs earlier in the day, at this point it was like 2 miles and javelina were just a speck of dust moving around in the swaros. We decided to go for it, after an hour hike we got closer, nothing. We worked our way down to where we last saw them. Quickly learned that you can't see anything in the scope when a pig is 7 yards away. I had to eyeball it and when I shot I hit the dirt a few feet infront of the pig. Pretty bad. They scattered and was able to make a clean harvest at 54 yards.
  12. elkhunter

    2017 Ham Javelina

    Here's the entrance wound, 55grn hornady. Also forgot to mention this is the biggest pig I've possibly seen, she was a heavy pack out
  13. elkhunter

    Residency question

    you have to pay nr fees when you have lived out of state for 6 months or more and you don't become an Arizona resident until you have lived in Arizona for 6 months
  14. elkhunter

    Kaleigh's first

  15. elkhunter

    Evening Javelina areas

    In my observations- an undisturbed herd of javelina wakes up and feeds from 8/9am to around 2-3pm and lay down for naps. Around 430 they tend to start waking up and moving around again but more often stay low in canyons rather than up high where you usually find them in the mornings. So for afternoons, head to a new spot that you didn't glass in the morning and look under trees, at bottoms of small canyons on hillsides. There's always 1 or 2 pigs still feeding or walking around while the herd naps. I too struggle with finding pigs in the evenings, most of them time I'll find them right at sunset when they are walking in a straight line to their bedding ground for the evening.
  16. elkhunter

    Anyone use a pistol AR for Javelina??

    As long as barrel is 14 inches or shorter its considered a pistol
  17. Do these donations to AES count towards tax credit? I think I'm bout $250 deep and have not won anything this year The lady is asking me who AES is on my bank statements
  18. elkhunter

    RTIC coolers

    If you throw in 2 bags of ice, it will last bout 4 days and the water is still cold about 40-45 degrees. If you cool up the cooler prior to putting the ice in (leave it outside on a night that freezes) the cooler will keep 2 bags of ice for 6ish days. Ice melts the fastest when you first put them in the cooler, if you pre-cool your RTIC prior to using it you can make ice last much longer
  19. elkhunter

    Buyin a bonus point

    nice story!
  20. elkhunter

    Long overdue hello

    Welcome back Scotty- I skipped out on internet forums for bout a year and half, moved to WA, hated it and moved back to Arizona and got back onto cw.com, welcome back!
  21. Amanda should offer a credit card for cw.com where we can get 5% cash back
  22. elkhunter

    WTS 270 WSM dies and brass

    i'll take em