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Everything posted by rabidApache

  1. rabidApache


    Dude......pick up a longbow while your out shopping and give it a go. A big differnece in shooting styles and an overall different feel. I personally have both and shot a recurve for years. I own two recurves and shoot my longbow more often just cuz its fun. My longbow pulls 65# @ 28" and shoots off the shelf. Still have yet to take a "biggame" animal with LB. Good luck.
  2. rabidApache

    The Future of Wolves in Arizona

    Its a hard to say if the Mex. wolf population will ever grow beyond intended recovery goals. From my experience as a wolf bio/technician/trapper on SC res. IMO no. From personnal observations the wild born pups don't have a chance. My guess...maybe one or none will make into adulthood. Even as adults it tough being a wolf in AZ. Disease, starvation, lead poisoning, veh. traffic, other predators and many other factors they gotta survive to make a living. Wolf population is on a downward trend IMO. From having 62 collared animals back in 03-04 to 42 in 2010. With this known population plus 30 more for any unaccounted totaling 70+ wolves. You think 70 animals would put a dent in the elk population. I don't think so, we would probably see more elk movement more than anything. Again..just studying these wolves hunting tactics and comparing to humans from my personnal observations its clear to me. Wolves hunt close contact, oppurtunistic and use other skills we as people don't know about. They use all natural senses, man hunts totally different. I hunt/guide and have learned alot from wolves. The subject of wolves came once and an Apache elder (98yrs) talked of the days when apache bands hunted close with wolves nearby. Respect between hunters. Where you find wolves you find prey. Wolves and Apaches were basically treated alike back in the "Wild West" but times have changed. Out of my countless effort and patience I finally captured an elusive "uncollared" wolf. Pretty cool pic actually. Enjoy fellas.
  3. rabidApache

    San Carlos, Unit C, August

    Man.... its gonna be a great year for everything up there on the SCAR. Enjoy pics fellas. These pics are Unit C bruins. Another one from early spring.
  4. I called in two maverick bulls once. Man they were.......Pissed off! Both charged thru the mesquite flats like rhinos. Scared the heck outta me and partner since we only had bows in a mesquite thicket that grew only 4' high .
  5. I just completed my first ever Selfbow outta Hickory. To be honest it Kicks Azz. The specs go 66" and @27" draw it pulls 58#. Shoots arrows like a dream, amazing to just watch an arrow hit where your looking. So far I managed to kill two cottontails, never could catch up to a nice Mtn. Tigger on Mt.Turnbull during the heavy winter storm but were still tryN. Planned to hunt Javies this weekend with it. I was just curious to see if anyone on CWT hunts with a "real" stik and string? During the chase...I'll try and get closer pics of bow/arrow later. Even in action.
  6. rabidApache


    The reason I'm not pictured is that I simply wasn't there. I was working that day . So basically the day before the "kill". Myself, cuz Shaun Grimes (aka G-ride) and Brandon had hiked into this area and located plenty-0-bucks with ruttN activity everywhere we looked. Saw some nice'uns but just not the caliber of deer Brandon was after. The bucks were just coming and going out of the woodworks. One minute they're there then another they're gone. It was cooz-crazy I tell ya. After the days end we all discussed the events that happened that day and we all agreed that we shoulda stayed put all day long in the very spot where the big ole "grand-daddy" stepped out the following day. So the day Brandon sniped the bruiser buck I was at work while Brandon and team were celebrating on Mtn . What a year...... for good ole' AZ with all these excellent animals being taken. Yeah baby!
  7. rabidApache

    Shed Hunting Pack

    I use a freighter frame, with a smaller backpack simply strapped over the frame. When I arrive to my destination I simply stash my frame and run the hills dropping sheds at the spot and go looking for more. Becareful and flag (not GPS it without flagging) the drop-off spot so you'll be able to find your pack....again. I found this to be excellent when in steep country with heavy brush, it keeps you lite. GPS's in steep canyon will be off sometimes within 30-60yds and thats alot, especially when your dead tired, thirsty and carrying horn. My rack'N buddy have found that good ole' original Duct Tape is the best stuff to carry along with a couple rubber bungee cords with the "S" hooks. The rubber grips the sheds excellent too. I stack'em tight then tape'em together where they cross. I'll then bungee the horns on to the frame. I've never had any come loose or rattle around while hiking back. They stay put even in "horn grabbing country". Also in my pack I carry a couple pouches of EMERGEN-C to give ya that need electrolyte boost that you sweat out all day and a few HD Zip-ties. The ties come in handy for anything from securing loads to even trail repairs of a pack.
  8. Its Dewey, not Dan . Dan is the other Injun aka (Apache7MM dude).
  9. The only way that your allowed to enter unit D or any other "restricted" areas like R100. . 1. you have a valid Big-game tag in that unit. 2. you have a small-game permit accompanied with a tribal guide in unit D. 3. you have official business within the tribe to enter these areas. Traveling through these areas your at risk of getting stopped and citied. But traveling through R100 on route8 (1000rd) your okay ONLY if you stay on the hard top between posted areas with a valid SC hunting or fishing permit. If your gonna hunt lets say unit 28 or unit 27 and you find its more convient to travel thru the rez. You'll need a recreation permit to get to your destination and back. Remember this permit does not cover you to travel through "restricted" areas of D or R100.
  10. rabidApache

    San Carlos Javi hunt

    Two for two=success!!!!!! I had a blast so did my hunters. Everyone missed but luckily my "honey holes" still held pigs. We encountered 3 seperate groups of Javies. First stalk within 25yds. Shot too high. Cool stalking shot taken by me. If you look close enough you'll see his quarry. Second time around, he nails one through the boiler room in a different area. And to top off the second day, we spot this group within 10mins. of setting up in the AM. We made a 30yd. stalk, and 3 shots later nails a sow.
  11. rabidApache

    San Carlos Javi hunt

    Hey Amanda, Notice my Camo. I even took my two archery bucks wearing this custom outfit.LOL
  12. rabidApache

    San Carlos Javi hunt

    Look right in front of the Prickly's, you'll see its face/muzzle.
  13. rabidApache

    My San Carlos Hunt

    Nice'un bro.
  14. rabidApache

    I gotta Know..... ATV Use....

    Good points above with ATV's. For your info its No atv's on the res. at all and I hope it stays that way. I've heard complaints from non-tribal and tribal hunters before since I'm a guide on the res. My opinion is this from when I was taught about hunting for anything from my elders.....Its Not easy and it is not suppose to be easy! At least leave some blood, sweat and tears for the effort. I do.
  15. rabidApache

    Weekend Finds

    Myself and a bud decided to head up on the mountain and look for sheds. He went that way and I went the other way. While enroute to our "honey hole"we both jumped slick headed bulls (9). Then began the Zig and the Zag to find the drops. It was pretty tough country but I managed one set, and a nice one at that. I had just about decided to call it a day when I peered thru some juniper branches and saw just tips.... barely. Upon further investigation, the otherside merely 6 steps away. My bro ended his hunt with 2 singles. With our new knowledge/scouting within the area, the nexttime may bring a couple more. Either way it feels great to be pounding the hills, once again.
  16. rabidApache

    Weekend Finds

    Update guys, it was all GOOD up in gods country. Plenty of wildlife to watch and we did get a couple sheds.Even saw a couple horns still on the animal. I found a couple "whites" last years drops and this fresh 6X7 young bull. I even stumbled onto this deadhead on the way back to the trailhead. Enjoy die-hards.
  17. rabidApache

    Weekend Finds

    Thanxxxxx guys, Yeah I did ok for the first time out since 08. I planned on camping out, even backpacking into some prime spots this weekend. Its funny cuz word gets around that the area we went into was "combed" out last year. But funny thing is I spotted a couple "whites" laying in the open. Yeah rite........ combed out. I'm still amazed though, how tough it is find a coues shed let alone a pair.
  18. The same goes for me!!!!!!! Unit D on the Carlos rez. Multiple WT and Muley bux everyday (at least three) in different areas but no shots taken. They're either too rutted up and on the chase or too many eyes. But mostly in very rugged and thick country. It was torture for me to watch helplessly as a 4X 105"+ buck chase does all over the hillside at less than 200yds. Only thing preventing me was a 500ft drop/drainage. Tried everything (calling) but time was not on my side, 5pm and gettN dark quick. The following day RAIN and low lying fog. Maybe this weekend.
  19. rabidApache

    Opening weekend weather blows!!

    It was the same deal out here on the Carlos rez too. Nice, Saturday AM spotted a 3X3 buck two ridges over in unitD. By the time we moved our glassN spot to get a better look he was gone. Then by 10AM wind from the SE. I don't mind wind but when it blows your tripod and bino set-up over it BAD. Sunday was a bust too.......rain, sleet, snow and wind on the Santa Terresas. But at least the Muleys and WT are ruttN bigtime on the Mountain.
  20. Was out this last weekend for Tribal deer hunt and lost a bruiser in unit C. No shot taken but had a couple chances at two nice 90"ers. Catch and release.
  21. rabidApache

    Are the Crappie Running Again?

    Temperature. SC lake East end (Old San Carlos to Apache Pt.) is a shallow flat where many anglers target for crappie. The Max depth is anywhere from 10-15ft. Light penetration coupled with shallow depth's IMO is why it starts sooner for crappie.
  22. Well another great Spring turkey hunt this year on SCAR. It started slow but we (My bro and I) stuck with it and killed two birds. We heard and seen many gobblerz every day huntN and scoutN but they just wouldn't commit til this weekend. We even called in two groups of jakes within 10yds til we got up and chased'em away! Both Tomz were called into range using no man-made callz but just the good ole natural voice box. We had a blast.....hope everyone with SC tags did well. Me with my early mornN gobbler back at camp by 8AM. Blasted'em at ~20yds with Win.12ga 3"#4 Win. Supremes. Morning pic of a nice bruin while tailing turkeys. Me and my hunter (Ty) after a long morning (5-9AM) and 3 seperate set-ups to finally coax this Long-beard into #4 range.
  23. rabidApache

    SC Rez Turkey succezz

    Hey Matt, Sorry I didn't stop on by at your Turkey camp during the weekend. I drove past and everyone was packing up. Hope you and your buds had a great hunt. The turkeys were being a lil difficult this year maybe due to the weather? I don't know...but its all good. I may try and get out with Randy (also know as "Dirty Face") and his boy (lizard). Everyone has an apache nickname out here....(ex. Monster, Dino, Pogo, Bear) maybe you need one LOL. Its good luck to have another apache name ya. Later man,,,,,Peace out.
  24. rabidApache

    back from the san carlos

    Well stated Dan, Its been my experience that all units have unique qualities about'em. We hunted unit C'08 with excellent results. We spotted pretty good buXs every day on our outings. The rut in C unit was full-on. BuXs scurring over the mtns. sides criss-crossing trails in the fresh snow. It was great until the sun popped out and melted the roads away. From then on it was a battle to keep vehicles from getting mired up in the mud and snow. It was all good. We managed to take a 100+" w/ 18.25" spread (handle bars) and a general issue 90+'' SC coues deer. We had hunted a valley for a previously spotted 110" class that snuck away from us and saved himself later on by breaking off one whole side. Its OK, save'em for next year....throw'em back and let it grow somemore Enjoy.
  25. rabidApache

    san carlos whitetail

    FYI, A,B,C units go for $1500.00 and D east or west $2,500.00. 3 tags are still available for unit D with the hunt starting tommorrow Dec.29 til Jan13th. Ya also can obtain a bonus Mtn. Lion tag free only good for the hunt. In my experience all these units hold some excellent deer. Thats IF ya put your time and some hard footwork into'em.\ Good luck... .