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Everything posted by rabidApache

  1. rabidApache

    Pears on the san carlos

    The pears are pretty spotty throughout the res. I saw some that will be ripe in a week and in other areas nothing or just budding. Acorn crops pretty much the same.
  2. rabidApache

    whats your effective range?

    Thx! Elktrax.....I have a couple rock curled Grizzlies lying around in my shed from previous hunts. Grizzlies are my second choice for BH.....they're FAWESOME.
  3. rabidApache

    whats your effective range?

    Practice from 5-50yds but release a razor sharp BH at less than 25yds. 60" Black locust. 29" carrizo cane tipped w/ an Ole'school FB razorhead.
  4. rabidApache

    Sunrise 3D Shoot!

    I'll be there. Myself and a couple bros that shoot/hunt with primitive gear always have a blast kill'N targets and bust'N arrows.
  5. rabidApache

    Deer chops

    Don't OVERCOOK'EM. Like rclouse said 2-3min. tops on each side.
  6. rabidApache

    Dewey Wesley sticks another one

    Thanks fellas.......just doing what I love and love what I'm doing. Fo Sho:) .
  7. rabidApache

    couple of couesDeer

    I'm still here Sir......just lurking here and there . Lost the Huntscout hat years ago. Actually my purebred rez dog ate the bill off. LOL Dang some killer "tse'ehh'" on the "Whi'iver side".I bet they feed them steroids... NOT! . Awesome bucks thx for the pixs.
  8. rabidApache


    Rattlin! Too late for that...them rattlers are all snoozin by now.Try in the summer Jk. But I've had limited success. Only once did we manage to draw in two younger bucks into bow range. I've had better success with a doe-n-can bleat call.
  9. rabidApache


    +1 Just go out and hunt..man. Scout,track and observe. Hunting is hard and its supposed to be hard. Forget the crap ya see on outdoor sportsman TV. Debunk that bullstuff dude. Too many folks depend on gadgets and snake-oil to hunt these days. Use what ya got and spend time out there and get to know the land and its inhabitants. Peace!!
  10. rabidApache

    The best way to bow hunt coues deer

    Myself personally,I prefer a one-on-one spot & stalk. I tried the waiting game, couldn't stand it. My best advice for this method is slow down and then slow down again. Also keep good wind direction. IMO camo doesn't mean squat. Scent-lok Scam-lok. Wind direction and stealth kills deer with dead-on arrow placement not the gadgets and junk you see on TV or sporting goods.
  11. A couple pics of the fire. 6/26/11 While out on San carlos Lake. Pretty cool watching it load.
  12. rabidApache


    Welcome. I shoot traditional equipment everynow and then,but since then I've become a primitive archer/builder. Happy HuntN.
  13. I just completed a couple cane arrows for upcoming SC Tribal Javi hunt. They shoot and fly like darts, its no wonder why "Apaches" were deadly back in the day! Enjoy. Anyone else on CWT hunt traditional? A close up of my fleching job.
  14. rabidApache

    Trad. arrows apache style

    Thanks guys, I've been very busy with work and all but once ya get into building arrows and bows its No limit what you can do. Its amazing that all you need is all around you, If you know what to look for. Shooting Traditional/Primitive archery is just FUN. No sights, no fumbling with equip. and No excuses. You miss, it was you! Later fellas, I gotta try an stick a Gobbler. Hick Stick has 1 notch now..... I think it needs another.
  15. rabidApache

    San Carlos success (Trad.bow/arrow)

    From start to finish it was an exciting event. Plenty of Pigs even in the brutal cold mornings. But I finally made it happen but only after two shots. First at 27yds and then finally connecting at about 20yds. All with self made equipment except the Broadheads (Zwickey Blk Diamond). Arrows are cane with hardwood foreshaft fletched with turkey feathers. The bow that I made is from Hickory and pulls 53lbs @28".
  16. rabidApache

    San Carlos success (Trad.bow/arrow)

    Thanks Amanda. Maybe next time it'll be a deer .
  17. Check these eagles out. Badazz birds on a kill site. Truly awesome! Enjoy.
  18. rabidApache

    Trad. arrows apache style

    Every thing I assembled together for the arrow shaft is off the rez. The cane came from a neighbors yard down the road from me. I don't know if this particular cane is native but I've read somewhere that Apaches sometimes would bring plants from other parts of the SW (Mexico) and plant them just for their tools/arrow building qualities. The foreshafts (arrow weed)is from Bylas springs. I have been researching Apache bows and arrows quite a bit. Some from books and most from the Elders. My next project is a hunting replica Mulberry Apache bow. It'll be quite the challenge because Apache bows were very short. Most apache bows were about 40-44" from nock to nock. Shorter the bow the more difficult to obtain legal hunting draw weight. But thats the challenge .
  19. rabidApache

    Wolves moving West

    I'm with you on that Griz! I like looking back on my backtrail to see whats hunting me! The wild west as it should be, not F'n tame and lame. Like when my buds and I watched a Mtn. lion w/cubs take a deer down awhile back. All I can say is it was awesome! Thats what I like to hear and see. Nature at its best. But to each their own I guess...
  20. rabidApache

    Wolves moving West

    Apaches and wolves alike in the ole' west. LoL
  21. rabidApache

    Stand hunting vs. still hunting (archery)

    Rattling horns IMO for coues is tough deal for a single bowhunter. It may get an attention of a young buck but most mature bucks just tend to ignore the rattling that I've seen. I've lived in AZ all my life and I can honestly tell ya I have never heard a buck fight with a heavy clashing of antlers. These animals are small and ya almost have to be rite on'em to hear antlers clashing. Most often its a big shoving match between bucks with breaking branches, rolling rocks, stomping, bucks grunting/balling and chasing each other. Remember they rely on scent first. If they do investigate its usually downwind from rattling location. I've had more luck with the "doe-in-a-can" bleat call than rattling. But then again I focus on single bucks in the rut. Get the wind right be patient and call. Hope this helps.
  22. rabidApache

    Stand hunting vs. still hunting (archery)

    I don't know about Minn. but deer densities in AZ is about 1 buck per 3-5miles depending on season and area your hunting. It could be better or worse in some areas. In Jan. I could bet if you find a good concentration of does you'll eventually cross a buck. Coues deer does and bucks are very skittish animals. Any noise, sight or smell they're gone. But I find when at the peak of the rut in Jan. bucks tend to be less aware and more focused on the rut. The best stalking or still-hunting oppurtunities I've found are single bucks cruising/bird dogging for a hot doe. Thats actually all I look for when Bowhunting. I don't care how good you could be at stalking, you'll most often get busted by the does. I will usually watch or follow at a distance and plan an ambush or stalk accordingly. I took my best buck during the rut at 21yds. But I waited for the best time which was at noon. I basically watched the buck all morning until it bedded up. Moved slowly, took my time and stepped each time with the wind to cover any noise. If your serious about stalking invest in some booties. Booties are simply slip-ons or overboot made to absorb or deaden noise under foot. I use wadding booties intended for rafting/surfing but adapted it for hunting. Its made of neoprene with a thin rubber sole and works excellent for the final 80yds stalk. Hope this helps ya out and good luck man. And remember "pick a spot".
  23. rabidApache

    Coues Gender Identification

    I love tracking...its interesting and fun. While most folks agree on the prints themselves and can easily determine MD vs coues. I usually don't ever determine sex of the deer by tracks alone. I determine the gender by the behavior of the tracks. In January for instance I'll follow tracks if its a large print, heavy or left a deep impression. I'll also follow along and also look if its- 1.single 2. spore (droppings, urine smell, rubs etc.)3. Travel behavior, most bucks in Jan. usually travel way differently than a doe or a group does. Most bucks tend to travel from point A to B searching for does. There are many clues left behind by any animal if you know what to look for.Then with all the info. gathered I'll determine the if this animal is worth hunting.
  24. When out in the field, I always place cooler w/ ice in shade and wrap an old cotton canvas, blanket or big towel soaked in water to cover cooler. I've learned this trick from Grand Canyon river guides that gotta keep ice for weeks in 90-100+ degree temps. Also keep from opening the cooler to a minimum. Rubbing bar soap on old ratty tent zippers to keep from seperating the zip. Storing sliced bread in metal AMMO cans. Six loaves fit nicely in the "rocket"box. Works great for Beer too! And.....always carry Duct tape and heavy duty zip ties.
  25. rabidApache


    Zwickeys are nice....I've stuck a few in limbs and dirt throughout the rez the past years. I got lucky and have a buddy who gave me 2 doz. old bear razorheads! 145 gr. ones which I now use. Excellent heads and sharpens so easy. I also shoot cedar, various weights from 40-55#spine. My longbow shoots 45# arrows (selfbow) and recurve 50-55# @30.5"