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Everything posted by coues4x4

  1. coues4x4

    desert sheep pic

    Desertsheep,You have a heck of a collection of coues going there.The San Carlos buck was my biggest to date and i'd love to show him to you.Amanda has the rack right now, she's scoring it for me.When i get it back i'll contact you so you can check it out.I ran into a couple of guys from Gilbert hunting in 24A.Hope my pointers panned out for them, should of got their names but didn't want to be too nosey. I'd sure like to see all those racks on the wall.Talk to you soon.Tony Villegas,Finley Farms Gilbert.
  2. coues4x4

    Dec. 110" Coues

    heck of a buck, congratulations.Sure like to here the rest of the story and more pics.
  3. coues4x4

    24B Success

    Man that buck has a thick neck.I can't wait for the Jan. hunt.Congratulations,thats one fine deer.
  4. coues4x4

    record book tail shot in dec.

    Whoa,thats one heck of a buck! Man there has to be a great story behind this one.More pics please and tell a story so we can dream about it. Congratulations to you for a toad of a buck. Thanks for the pics the wait was sure worth it.
  5. coues4x4

    desert sheep pic

    heck of a ram!Congratulations.1 down and 1 to go.Good job.
  6. coues4x4

    best ever

    Congratulations Rugerman! That's an awesome adventure you have there.That's about the best tag anyone can get.Merry Christmas to you and the family,we'll be waiting for the first deer pics in 10 years.Again congratulations
  7. coues4x4

    archery rut hunt

    Awesome hunt the way you tell it we were all there with you.Congrats,waiting for the pic's
  8. Man i gotta tell you, I LOVE THIS SITE! All the posts of detailed hunts are awesome.We have to be a different breed to be crazy about a little deer like we are.I hope to run into members in the field.I hunt 24A alot(blue trooper or maroon 4 runner.When i get my horns back from Amanda I'm getting some stickers to put on our vehicles.Looking forward to meeting you guys in the field.Merry Christmas to all of you and your family's,keep it safe(not too much egg nog)Good luck on everyone's hunts,Tony Villegas
  9. coues4x4

    Trial cam pix

    What the,hey my kids are watching. Just kidding, nice pics. Hope the "MUY GRANDE" shows up at your stand.Good luck
  10. coues4x4

    Unit 32 success (Nov.)

    Hey guys leave some deer for us! Good job on ya'alls hunt.Nice deer Scott.How about pics of the whole gang with thier bucks?
  11. coues4x4

    Unit 27

    Nice bear Scott.Would'nt you know it,see a nice animal,NO TAG.Ole Murphy has another law to put up.Good luck on the rest of your hunt.
  12. coues4x4

    Dec success - nice 4x4

    sweeeeet buck.Congrats to you on a successful and safe hunt.I agree on attending the meetings for G&F.I plan on being at the Mesa one next week.Again congratulations
  13. coues4x4

    90" two point

    Sweet buck!! I agree it would of been hard to pass himm up.Congrads.
  14. coues4x4


    Hey Lark, your spelling is getting better.Have you been taking Spanglish 101?Merry Cristmas to you and all your family,even that blockhead son of yours Gunner.Sincerely,Sleepy V.
  15. coues4x4

    record book tail shot in dec.

  16. coues4x4

    Whats the San Carlos Scoop?

    I'm not so sure on the two tags but i do know it's first come first served.Get there early,i'm talking midnight or so,so you'll get a shot at the thousand dollar deer in units A,B,or C.Good luck.
  17. coues4x4

    36B Dec. Coues

    dang those coues sure are pretty! Congrads on your first coues and a dandy one at that!
  18. coues4x4

    35B Dec. Coues

    AWESOME,need i say more? Congrads on your toad.
  19. coues4x4

    my dec 24a hunt

    Nice play by play Amanda.Hope you score on a toad! Thanks for keeping us up on your hunt it's almost like being there with you. Good luck.
  20. coues4x4

    what will he score?

    I'd say 81,yeah 81,he's 81.
  21. coues4x4

    Unit 27

    Nice country Scott. Not a bad deer either,hope your luck gets better.I talked to a couple of guys from Archery headquarters yesterday,a guy wiyh them killed a 92" at 700yds with a 25/06.some dang good shooting. Anyway good luck.
  22. coues4x4

    San Carlos unit A or B?

    I like unit A also,but like rapache say's their both good units.I killed a nice one this year in unit A.
  23. coues4x4

    Who says you need a truck?

    That looks like the same car Lark carpools with to work.He said the 8 of them leave from the pool lot at 3am to get to work by 7:30
  24. coues4x4

    Petroglyph pics

    I think Lark put the date on that on the rock art The first pic is Lark doing the"I shot a toad dance"
  25. coues4x4

    You guys thought Mace's buck was big?!?!

    Absolute toads congrats.I wish i could find the pics of my brother in laws deer he took 3 years ago in 24A.I'm glad i had good binos he had 1" antlers starting with a tiny burr and then flattening out on his head. Soon as i do i'll post them.Again congrats on your toads.