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Little Creek Calls

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Everything posted by Little Creek Calls

  1. Little Creek Calls

    Moosings - Idaho - 2019

    Man I would love to go, just a little to short of notice. If you are looking for someone to help I can check with my brother in law, he lives in Rexburg and I think he is off track this semester.
  2. Little Creek Calls

    Moosings - Idaho - 2019

    Earlier this month in Montana hunting with a partner saved two archery elk hunters lives. https://www.ktvq.com/news/montana-news/investigation-continues-into-2-grizzly-bear-attacks-in-sw-montana
  3. Little Creek Calls

    Moosings - Idaho - 2019

    Looks like the south fork of the Snake to me. A couple summers ago I was floating the Henrys fork on a pontoon and had to slowdown and dodge several moose that were crossing the river. Love spending time in that area.
  4. Little Creek Calls

    Iso jet boil

    A few years ago I looked into them and ended up going with the cheaper Champ Chef Stryker and ended up getting the propane version since I was already using a propane lantern and wouldn't need to carry both propane and butane. I really like mine and it heats up water just as fast as others who were using the Jet Boil.
  5. Little Creek Calls

    2019 National Call Making Contest

    Here are a few pictures of the call I am entering into the national call making contest this year. Just finished making it last week and feel it turned out great. It's a slate call in a Arizona Walnut pot with a Mesquite striker.
  6. Little Creek Calls

    Late Season Unit 1

    Looks like you might be getting some snow. If you do one of my favorite ways to hunt unit 1 in the late season is after a good fresh snow (6”+) get out in one of the no motorized entry areas and find fresh tracks and follow them. It usually doesn’t take long before you catch up to them if they haven’t been spooked. When you catch up if its still morning and they haven’t bedded yet it will be close, under 100 yards and they usually don’t know you are there. Just be sure to have a GPS and know how far from a road and how long of a pack out you are getting yourself into. Even if you spook them you can usually catch up after a mile or so.
  7. Little Creek Calls

    12 g steel ammon

    How much for just the speed ball?
  8. Little Creek Calls

    Spring draw is on the portal

    Call the phone number, 602-942-3000.
  9. Little Creek Calls

    Spring results

    That's great Mark! Where did Kathi put in?
  10. Little Creek Calls

    Smoker recomendations

    I have had several electric smokers, an offset charcoal smoker and have been using a Yoder pellet smoker for the past 5 years. I have liked them all but would never go back from using a pellet smoker now. There are different things you can do to get almost the same flavor out of a pellet smoker as you can out of charcoal or electric. First is using a smoke tube that burns pellets and goes on the grill with the food. You get more than double the smoke output than your normal pellet smoke. You can also use it and get smoke at any temp using the tube, super hot bake or almost no heat in a cold smoke because it is not burning in the fire box. Another option is mixing in charcoal pellets with your hard wood pellets. My ultimate smoker would be the Yoder YS1500. It's to bad there is no longer a Yoder dealer in AZ and shipping is to expensive (around $550 to ship the YS1500, they are really heavy and come assembled on a pallet).
  11. Little Creek Calls

    Pickin' Ppears!

    What is his recipe for the BBQ sauce? It looks and sounds great. We juiced some a few weeks ago and I still have some frozen juice in the freezer.
  12. Little Creek Calls

    Free Tickets to Tonights Dbacks Game

    Sean I will take them.
  13. Little Creek Calls

    Antelope cape

    I have a couple family members with hunts starting Friday. Both already have antelope mounts on the wall. How much are you wanting to spend on a cape and I will see if they are interested in selling? FYI Your PM inbox must be full it wouldn't let me send to you.
  14. Little Creek Calls

    Where am I

    Pinedale WY
  15. Little Creek Calls

    Turkeys in the Chirichaua's in 1966?

    Seems like I remember hearing that years ago there were reintroduced Merriam's turkey in 29 and 31 but cant remember where I heard it.
  16. Little Creek Calls

    Big Lake Fishing Report?

    In my opinion it is a female cutthroat. Your other picture is of a male cutthroat and that is the reason it is more colorful and has a bigger mouth.
  17. Little Creek Calls

    12AE Logistics

    We used Lacorti's in Fredonia a few years back for meat processing and were really happy with his work. My Dad will use him again for his 13A antelope this year.
  18. Little Creek Calls

    Forest Closure Map

    The White Mountain Apache Tribe are also doing closures. Basically any lake off the paved road very far are closed. http://wmatoutdoors.org/wp_view.html?pageid=13
  19. Little Creek Calls

    Kype development in AZ brown trout?

    Brown and brook Trout spawn in the fall and rainbows, cutthroat and Apache trout spawn in the spring.
  20. Little Creek Calls

    Need Rio Feathers

    Turkey usually have 18 tail feathers unless they have broken or lost one. If they loose or break one they will grow another one back. Each feather is a little different depending on where it is located in the fan. All of the feathers I have are numbered so I can put the fan back together in the correct order. I have several Rio fans that I killed but haven't put back together. Post or send me a picture of the missing feathers so I know what feathers you need.
  21. Little Creek Calls

    Need Rio Feathers

    I have lots of Rio tail feathers. I cant help out with the neck feathers, no reason to pull them and bring them home.
  22. Little Creek Calls

    RMEF Elk Auction Tag last night

    I was there and had a great time. Saw and talked to lots of friends. Met and made several new friends. Its always fun to watch the videos from the projects and camps that the money spent helps fund. Thanks to all the volunteers who made it possible.
  23. I will be doing a turkey hunting and turkey calling seminar again this spring. There will be general turkey hunting tips and strategies. There will also be breakout trainings with hands on call use training. This year I will be a doing a box call training. There will also be a pot call training (slate, aluminum, copper, glass and crystal). All calls for the training will be supplied by me. Calls will be available for purchase after the training. There will also be a question and answer time so if you have any questions or are looking for help in a particular unit there will be several experienced turkey hunters willing to help. This seminar will be free of charge with no registration required, just show up the day of the seminar. I look forward to teaching these seminars each year and helping others improve their turkey hunting and calling skills. I hope to meet some of you there. Thursday April 12th 2017, 6:00PM – 8PM at the Mesa, Arizona Sportsman’s Warehouse
  24. Little Creek Calls

    Goulds - Unit 29

    Or pinery canyon or rucker lake or both turkey creeks east and west sides or pretty much anywhere and you can find birds in 29. Good luck to both you and your daughter.
  25. Little Creek Calls

    Turkey Hunting and Calling Seminar Thursday April 12th 6PM at Mesa Sportsman's

    I am looking forward to seeing some of you tonight. Should be fun.