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Little Creek Calls

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Everything posted by Little Creek Calls

  1. Little Creek Calls

    I declined a goulds tag that was surrendered

    I have been hoping to get a call like that. I figured with everything going on there would be a few Gould's tags turned back in. Unfortunately someone else had a better draw number and got the call before me in the unit I put in for. Hopefully I get the bonus pass tag next year.
  2. Little Creek Calls

    National call making contest 2020

    Just finished up with the calls I am entering in the national call making contest in Nashville at the NWTF convention and thought I would share a couple pictures. First is a Hawaiian koa pot with a brass calling surface. It has a koa striker to match.
  3. Little Creek Calls

    Turkey experts get in here please.

    This is the correct answer. Doing your homework scouting and knowing the pattern of the flock will pay off big time on windy days. Work with the wind in your face and you will be able to hear them better. Only down side is you will have to move in closer so they can hear your calling. It can be a lot of fun waiting for them to walk over a ridge or behind trees so you can cut the distance. A couple years ago on a super windy day I followed a flock from a distance for a mile or so before I was able get close enough for them to hear my calling, they came running when we got close enough for them to hear. We could hear them but they couldn't hear us.
  4. Little Creek Calls


    And I heard from a friend that spurs are all busted up from fighting. What a crappy year, short beards and busted spurs.
  5. Little Creek Calls

    Hearing enhancement buds

    I have been doing a little research as well. Just curious if you have found any you are most interested in? If money wasn't an issue I think I would go with the Tetra AmpPods 90 programmed for turkey. I talked to the owners at the NWTF national convention and it seems like a great product but even with the 10% NWTF discount it is a little more than I want to spend.
  6. Little Creek Calls

    Hey hunters, $20K reward *update*

    You are going fishing along Bonita, Pacheta, Hurricane and Reservation creeks. Buy a daily fishing permit and take along a fly rod. There used to be a closure in some areas for apache trout reproduction but I think it might have changed because I don't see it in the current fishing regulations any more.
  7. Little Creek Calls

    wanted 12 gauge

    Savage makes one and you should be able to pick one up for under $200 brand new.
  8. Little Creek Calls

    National call making contest 2020

    It's for looks and is kind of a turkey striker thing. People have been making corn cob strikers for a long time but full cob strikers are for soft calling and doesn't have much volume. This is just a insert and doesn't affect the volume of the call.
  9. Little Creek Calls

    National call making contest 2020

    The second call is a carob pot with a glass calling surface. It has a carob striker to match the call.
  10. Little Creek Calls

    Elk hunting with Lee Marvin

    That's really really cool Steve. I can see the resemblance between you and your dad. Lee Marvin was in some great western movies. I really like The man who shot Liberty Valance, "All right dude, this time right between the eyes". Did your dad or grandfather ever say if he was as tough and mean elk hunting as he came across in some of his movies?
  11. Little Creek Calls

    Over/Under Shotgun

    In that price range I like some of the CZ guns.
  12. Little Creek Calls

    DEC Rifle Hunt Roll Call

    Same here, just Saturday for the day. Good luck Shelvin.
  13. Little Creek Calls

    4A Access

    You can also access it from Heber by using the 504 road and driving across 4B until you cross chevelon creek into 4A.
  14. Little Creek Calls

    The trophy room!

    Are the top and the bottom calls both cedar and the middle one walnut? Looks like well used calls. RIP Marvin Robbins, lots of good memories.
  15. Little Creek Calls

    The trophy room!

    I like all the turkey fans. In first looking I thought they all looked like Merriam's. Coming from NM I might be right. Are any of them NM Rio's?
  16. Little Creek Calls

    Leftover Tag Strategy

    There is no non resident cap on leftovers so if you want to hunt together you should put in together on the same application. Also there is not a huge demand for the spring leftovers like there is with the fall deer tags so don't over think it. Tags will be available for several weeks sometimes longer depending on what hunt you are after.
  17. Little Creek Calls

    Sandhill Crane Hunters

    Just Curious Yote with all of the different birds what is you favorite to cook and eat? Of every thing I have tried grilled Crane is hands down the winner and it is not even close. Fried turkey would probably be a distant second.
  18. Little Creek Calls

    2020 Spring Results are up

    Hopefully they get the online system working for the leftovers so we don't have to play the guessing game of when do I mail them and what address do I send it to anymore.
  19. Little Creek Calls

    Goulds tags!

    Looks like results are posted on the portal. I didn't get drawn for turkey. Maybe next year.
  20. Little Creek Calls

    Osceolla Turkeys.

    Osceolla's are really fun, one of my favorite turkey hunts I have been on.
  21. Little Creek Calls

    Packing in the big glass ever a bad idea??

    You bought it, might as well use it or at least have it available to use if needed. I wouldn't care about an extra 7 pounds. My only worry would be space if you were packing out a deer.
  22. Little Creek Calls

    Goulds tags!

    Hope everyone put in for the same units as last year. If so then I should get my first Goulds tag.
  23. Little Creek Calls


    They added the youth hunt between then and now. The youth get the second to last Friday in April. If you like the week earlier date hunt NM. Starts April 15th every year. Even with the earlier season in NM I would rather have an Arizona hunt.
  24. Little Creek Calls


    I think so, pretty similar to every state I have hunted. I think Merriam's start nesting in May in Arizona just based on my experience. I will have to find the research report and check the dates.
  25. Little Creek Calls


    If you are looking at the Gould's hunt dates they start a week later this year because they did a study and found they nest a week later in Arizona than Merriam's. Merriam's adult hunts start the last Friday in April just like always.