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Little Creek Calls

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Everything posted by Little Creek Calls

  1. Little Creek Calls

    Setting up a turkey gun

    An extra full turkey choke and a good set of sights are most important in my opinion. Shotgun brand doesn't matter as much and your 870 Wingmaster will be great. For sights I like the HiViz TriViz adjustable sights. http://www.hivizsights.com/products/shotgun-sights/triviz.html You can buy them at Sportsman's or Bass Pro and they are adjustable left to right and up and down so you can truly sight in and center your pattern. I have tried several other sights and these are the best I have found. You have to be careful with the fiber optics, they break easily but if you do send HiViz an email they will send you replacement fiber optics and or parts at no charge (I have done this twice). As far as shot goes you will have to try a few to see what shoots best out of your gun and choke. I like #6. You get more shot on target. You can make up for the weight difference by going with Winchester extended or hevi shot but it will cost a lot more. Hevi Shot is currently offering a $20 mail in rebate when you buy 2 boxes of 5 shells. Winchester Extended are hard to find, almost impossible online but bass pro still has a bunch in the store but not online (they are my favorite). You don't have to buy the expensive stuff though, I have killed many birds with cheaper copper plated turkey load in #5 & #6's. Hope this helps.
  2. Little Creek Calls

    Turkey calls?

    I will be doing a seminar at Sportsman's Warehouse in Mesa on Wednesday April 2nd. I will have slate, glass, crystal, aluminum and copper pot calls; box calls and mouth diaphragm calls available for purchase at the seminar. There will be some hands on instruction on call use probably with box calls and pot calls. There will be a raffle with some of my calls. I will post more info as it gets closer. In the mean time if you are interested in getting a new call to start practicing with or want more info on calls you can send me a message and I will get back with you.
  3. Little Creek Calls

    4-12x40 or 3-9x40?

    Vowell has a Crossfire for sell in the classifieds if you are looking to save a little money. It has a little extra magnification 3.5 x 10 and a 44MM objective (little more light with out having to go with high mounts). http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/46338-vortex-scopes-diamondback-crossfire/
  4. Little Creek Calls

    Flagstaff Turkey Hunting Seminar

    Yea if it wasn't on a week night I might try and make it.
  5. Little Creek Calls

    Flagstaff Turkey Hunting Seminar

    Jim is a great guy with a lot of knowledge and a good friend. It will be a great opportunity for people to learn more and get excited about upcoming hunts.
  6. Little Creek Calls

    Goulds Turkey Populations

    They all appear to all be tom’s except maybe the front one you cant tell. You can see spurs on the two of the non-stutters. These like most bachelor groups are sorting out dominance and pecking order by seeing who is brave enough to strut and not get beat into submission by the others. Is it a little early, probably not. They have been hanging out together since summer and are probably starting to get on each other’s nerves and getting excited for some female attention that’s up coming.
  7. Little Creek Calls

    National Call Making Contest

    Thanks for the comments. The judging takes place February 13th and 14th at the NWTF national convention in Nashville. It would be nice to win the DD Adams award. I have thought about and looked into getting an electric iron to burn info into the bottom of my calls. If you are interested in purchasing a call or want more information just send me a message.
  8. Little Creek Calls

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    I know it's hard to tell because it only comes around every three years but what your best guess on how many points will it take for the muzzleloader elk hunt in unit 1?
  9. Little Creek Calls

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    In Arizona I have harvested 3 Mule Deer 2 Whitetail Deer 4 Elk 1 Javelina 15+ Merriam’s Turkey Looking forward to the day when I get lucky enough to draw a tag and hunt Gould’s Turkey, Antelope, Buffalo and Sheep in Arizona.
  10. Little Creek Calls

    Browning A5 for sale

    First auto loading shotgun and in production until the 90’s. Browning just rereleased the A5. Jace Robertson shoots an A5 in some Duck dynasty shows and in a few commercials. Great looking classic gun.
  11. Little Creek Calls

    Archery stuff and some other for sale

    What 4 Primos DVD's do you have? I have a bunch but am missing a few.
  12. Shooting the birds is just an extra bonus. The real fun in this type of hunting is watching a dog use his natural abilities and training work a field for birds. I think it would be the same with wild birds, the dogs do all the work and hunting we just show up after the hunt is over and shoot at a flushed bird.
  13. I like hunting the High Desert Hunt Club for Pheasant. Its just north of Cordes Junction along the Agua Fria river. They have a special youth day once a year, I am not sure if it has already happened. Here is a link to there web site. http://www.ymcahighdeserthuntclub.org/
  14. Little Creek Calls

    NWTF 2014 convention

    The calls I am sending will be entered into the national call making contest. They are judged on Thursday night and Friday morning. Friday when they open the show floor with all the vendors all the calls that were entered will be available in one of the back rooms on silent auction. There are hundreds of calls from all over the country in various different categories. With so many calls for sale it is a great place to pick up some great calls for not much money. A few of the winning calls will be sold at a live auction at one of the evening diners.
  15. Little Creek Calls

    NWTF 2014 convention

    I wish I was going. I went two years ago and had a blast. I will be sending 3 of my calls to the convention. If you get a chance take a look if you can find them. There will be one slate, one crystal and one copper. My strikers will be the easiest way to find them, they will have corn cob inserts between the wood. I don’t know what your plans are but here are a few suggestions for your trip. If Ronnie “Cuz” Strikland is doing a seminar at the convention check it out. It was by far the best when we went. Go to the opry one night you are there. It is right next door and we saw some great groups when we went. If you are looking to get away from the convention and get some great food try Martin’s BBQ or the Loveless Café. If you want entertainment with your meal go to the Blue Bird café but you will need reservations because it is a small popular place. Have a great trip. Ammon
  16. Little Creek Calls

    A Couple of New Calls

    $40 to $50 depending on materials. I am currently working on box calls and hope to have some available by next spring.
  17. Little Creek Calls

    A Couple of New Calls

    Here are two calls that I just finished up for Kilimanjaro. They are slate over glass in Mesquite and slate over slate in Claro Walnut. They turned out great and just wanted to share some pics.
  18. Little Creek Calls

    Youth Velvet Coues Buck

    Took my wife’s little brother out hunting this weekend and he was able to harvest his first deer on Friday afternoon. He was pretty excited, it was a fun hunt for both of us.
  19. Little Creek Calls

    Best Turkey Units in AZ

    You are forgetting how easy it is to accumulate points for Turkey with 2 draws each year (fall & spring). The difference between your 13 and 16 is only 1 1/2 year of points.
  20. Little Creek Calls

    Best Turkey Units in AZ

    Good luck with the draw. If you get drawn My suggestion would be to attend a turkey hunting seminar or volunteer at a youth camp in the area closest to where you draw out.
  21. Little Creek Calls

    Best Turkey Units in AZ

    With turkey there is always a handful of 2 year old uneducated birds that come running to calls and are the advantage to having the first hunts. With the youth hunt now going the week before the adults it seems like all the advantage of being the first in the woods is gone. I would guess there are more older birds killed in the second season because the hens usually start laying eggs around this time and older toms can get lonely and be easier to call but this can vary year to year. I have called in and killed birds on both the early and the late hunts and enjoy both seasons.
  22. Little Creek Calls

    Best Turkey Units in AZ

    The most sought after tags in AZ are any Gould’s unit. I think the bonus pass is around 16 points or more for those hunts. If you want to hunt Merriam’s unit 1, 27 & 12A have the largest flocks in the state with 23 and 6A not far behind. Tags are usually fairly easy to draw. Don’t put in for 12A there will be leftover tags in that unit if you don’t draw out in other units and are willing to drive that far for a Turkey. Hope this helps.
  23. Little Creek Calls

    A few Elk calls

    I have a few new elk calls for sale. They are double reed mouth diaphragms. After trying various different calls this is the design I like. $4.50 each shipping included. Plus I have around 10 bite down cow calls available with plastic barrel and lanyard $6 + shipping. Can turn a walnut barrel for call for additional $6. Will post picture of bite down cow call when I get home tonight.
  24. Little Creek Calls

    My AZ Bear- I still can't believe it!

    First day of elk season and checking for pictures, Wow you just stole the show. Nice bear.
  25. Little Creek Calls

    A few Elk calls

    Sorry it took a little bit to respond, yesterday was a busy day. The calls are all new never been used. I have a press and make the mouth calls and this is the style that works best for me but if there is a different style or cut you are looking for I should be able to help you out. I have different thicknesses of latex and a gauge to measure the tension I put on the latex before finishing the call. As for the cow calls I just assemble them and sometimes turn custom wood barrels on the lathe. If you are interested just send me a pm. Thanks for looking.