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Little Creek Calls

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Everything posted by Little Creek Calls

  1. Little Creek Calls

    East Valley Tom's 1st Banquet

    It was a good banquet. It was at bass pro and a little smaller venue so there was only seating for around 90, It was sold out. There was lots of guns. Food was good, all you can eat buffet of Chicken ribs mashed potatoes and apple pie. Lots of help from other chapters to get it going, Steve Sams from Prescott, Donna and one or two others from Tucson and of course Justin the regional director and his wife. Mike the new chapter president did a good job. Up next is the valley long beards banquet on July 26th. I will be out of town and cant make it but will have a couple calls there. Then last is Sierra Vista and the Huachuca Goulds August 2nd witch I hope to attend for the first time.
  2. Little Creek Calls

    A Bowhunter's Worst Nightmare...

    Drawing a bow is allot of stress to be putting on a newly healed clavicle. I had a bad clavicle break about 12 years ago and I dont think I would have tried it but I didn't get the titanium hardware. Doctors were back and forth on what they wanted to do and ended up just letting it heal naturally. My recommendation would be to get your doctor to write you a letter not recommending the draw a compound bow take it to game and fish and get a crossbow permit.
  3. Little Creek Calls

    Thanks NWTF & Little Creek Calls

    The smoker was purchased in the live auction but you daughter did sell me the winning ticket to a youth pheasant hunt.
  4. Little Creek Calls

    Thanks NWTF & Little Creek Calls

    Its a pellet smoker. Has a electric ignition for the first 5 minutes after that its 100% wood fired. The computer monitors the temp and adjust the amount of wood added and fan speed to keep it at preset temp, No baby siting required.
  5. Little Creek Calls

    Thanks NWTF & Little Creek Calls

    Glad I was able to get this smoker for you. You will have to post some pictures when you pull your finished bird in 9 or 10 hours. I guess it is kind of fitting that your first smoke on your new NWTF smoker with turkeys on the front was a turkey. I look forward to coming over for BBQ's in the future and maybe having a friendly smoke off competition.
  6. Little Creek Calls

    East Valley Toms 1st Banquet June 21 at Bass Pro Shops

    It will be fun to see you there Mark. We can talk more about our spring hunts in New Mexico. As far as what call I will be donating I am not sure yet. It will be picked tomorrow, it will either be a slate, crystal or a box call.
  7. For those of you who don’t know there is a new chapter of the NWTF in the Phoenix area, the East Valley Toms. I didn’t know until recently when a friend told me he heard they were going to have a upcoming banquet. I got in touch with the chapter president and am meeting up with him tomorrow to give him a call that I will be donating for the banquet auction. Their first Banquet will be this Saturday 6/21 at Bass Pro Shops. Doors open at 3:30 dinner will be at 5. I plan on attending and will have more information tomorrow.
  8. Little Creek Calls

    Tucson NWTF Banquet Calls

    Here are three calls that I made that will be auctioned off at the upcoming NWTF Southern Arizona chapter banquet this Saturday night at the Tucson Double Tree Hilton - Reid Park. I will be coming down with my wife to attend. Hope to meet some of you there. The callS are left to right (1.) Pecan box call with Jatoba lid. (2.) Willow Acacia Slate call with slate soundboard (3.) Carob Ceramic call with slate soundboard.
  9. Little Creek Calls

    Tucson NWTF Banquet Calls

    One last reminder for the Tucson NWTF banquet tonight. Hope to see you there. REMINDER WALK IN's WELCOME....TICKETS AT THE DOOR 21th ANNUAL HUNTING HERITAGE BANQUET WILL BE HELD ON June 14, 2014 @ The Double Tree Hilton - Reid Park 445 South Alvernon Way Join us for a fun filled night of live auctions, silent auctions, brand new games and raffles. Bring the family!!! You're guaranteed to have a great time! Make sure you bring your dad...we have a special raffle just for Father's Day! Doors open at 4:00p.m. for drinks and Hors d'oeuvres. Dinner will be served at 6:00p.m. Prime Rib is on the menu! And of course we will have guns, guns, guns!
  10. Little Creek Calls

    Any Fishing recommendations in Maui for honeymoon

    If you happen to go to Oahu or the big island try these places. They are local favorite spots that are not too expensive. On Ohau go to Nico’s at pier 38. Great fresh seafood and great prices. On the big Island try Kaaloa’s Super J’s. Local hole in the wall joint with the best lau lau. We bring some home frozen every time we are in Hawaii. http://www.nicospier38.com/ http://www.urbanspoon.com/r/37/1522193/restaurant/Hawaii/Kaaloas-Super-Js-Authentic-Hawaiian-Captain-Cook
  11. Little Creek Calls

    5/6 WT Fly Reel for sale - RMEF Special Edition

    On most fly reels you can change the drag system pretty simply by removing and turning over a small mechanical part to make it right hand retrieve.
  12. Little Creek Calls

    Tucson NWTF Banquet - June 14th, 2014

    I will be coming down with my wife to attend this year. I will be making 3 calls for the auction, 1 box call and two slate calls. I will post pictures of the calls when I get them finished.
  13. Little Creek Calls

    Which Scope for ML

    3B Elk tag
  14. Little Creek Calls

    Which Scope for ML

    Looks good. I got mine in the mail on Saturday. My new silver rings will be here this Friday and hope to have it mounted early next week. My old black rings will be going on my dads Muzzleloader. I thought it might look a little funny with the stainless steel barrel silver scope and black rings. It worked out nice because my dad was going to need a new set for his ML. Cant wait for September.
  15. Little Creek Calls

    Fishing in Yellowstone

    Learning to cast and mend on a bigger river the first trip out might be a little difficult on your own. I guide would defiantly help. In the meantime take the new rod out to the park or some of the local urban lakes and try to get a little head start on the casting. If you want to try to learn and practice mending go to the salt river maybe Phon D Sutton to avoid most of the tubers. Work on casting and mending and don't worry about catching fish. A two indicator setup is good for learning to mend, try to keep them parallel the same distance apart while floating downstream.
  16. Little Creek Calls

    Turkey Hunt 2014

    Sorry it's a few weeks late but I am still trying to gather pictures from friends we hunted with. Here are a few pictures of my turkey hunts from this year 2014. We hunted New Mexico and helped out on the Arizona youth hunt. We had a fun and a good year. We harvested 6 birds in 4 days with at least one bird taken each day. It was fun to have my two boys nearby hanging out at camp making mud and throwing sticks and rocks in the creek. It was fun to see them come running and get excited each time we came back to camp hoping to see the next turkey. I cant wait until they are 10 and have a tag of there own.
  17. Little Creek Calls

    Which Scope for ML

    Thanks for the heads up on the deal. It wasn't my first color choice but will look great above my stainless steel green mountain barrel.
  18. Little Creek Calls

    turkey mouth call

    The cut latex side goes up against the roof of your mouth. That way it allows the cut reed to vibrate more away from your tongue pressure.
  19. Little Creek Calls

    AZ Rio Grande

    Congratulations! This is the first report I have seen or heard of someone hunting the Rio’s in AZ. Beautiful bird, almost looks like a Merriam. In fact if I were taking a quiz I would have got it wrong. I have shot 4 Rio’s in Hawaii and the cream band at the tips of the tail feathers wasn’t near that thick. After rereading it today the difference between the two (Merriam’s and Rio’s) besides terrain is size and color. Rio’s are similar sized to an Osceola’s and Merriam’s similar to Eastern’s. In the birds I have shot the tail feathers are 1 to 2 inches shorter on a Rio. Rio’s are supposed to be lighter in color and Merriam’s darker black. The wings might be the best way to tell from your picture and rio’s have wider black bands on wing feathers. Again congratulations on a beautiful bird and a Great looking Rio!
  20. Little Creek Calls

    Forecast: Heavy Snow / Wind

    Some of my best days I have had turkey hunting have been when snow is falling. The rain and snow last Saturday and the rain on early Monday the 14th seemed to make them more vocal. One thing for sure the wet ground will make it easier to move in the woods without making to much noise.
  21. Little Creek Calls

    SCTP State Sporting Clays Commissioners Cup

    This is great. After seeing all the money and time my extended family sink into little league sports for their kids then seeing a neighborhood boy get involved in similar competition shooting events I told my wife this would be something I would rather encourage our boys to get into when they are old enough. I wish I would have been involved in something like this when I was younger.
  22. Little Creek Calls

    Youth Turkey Hunts

    To me it still seems a little like pre mating. We also saw some large bachelor groups and also most flocks with hens had at least 2 and up to as many as 4 toms with them. Didn’t see any flocks with just one tom which would be a normal breeding flock. There might be some breeding going on but they still seem to be figuring out dominance and pecking order.
  23. Little Creek Calls

    Youth Turkey Hunts

    I just got back from a week off work and 5 days of hunting with friends in NM and youth in AZ. I did allot of field testing with the new boxes. You will be receiving a walnut box that called in 2 birds, one in NM and one in AZ. I will be posting photos of birds later but in in 5 days of hunting 6 birds were harvested by youth, friends and 2 for myself in NM. I helped with at least one killed bird a day (4 days in a row) until yesterday, the cold weather and hunting pressure made it difficult but still fun. Hope everyone is having as much fun and success as we did.
  24. Little Creek Calls

    Turkey Shotgun Ammo Prices - Is it just me?

    Its the price of tungsten that is driving up the price to $40 plus. Some of them even try to fool you by only selling you a box of five for $30. Crazy. You can still get lead or copper coated lead from $10 to $20 for 10 shells. If you want tungsten it looks like your best option would be to have PatrickSr load you some for $2 a shot.
  25. Little Creek Calls

    Is 20 gauge 3" enough?

    Yes. If you are using the heavier shot I would use 6's or even 7's like elpepe suggested. They say the weight is similar to one size up in regular lead. 6's would have the power of 5's and 7's the power of 6's. The advantage is a lot more shot down range and on target. Currently there is a $20 mail in rebate when you buy 2 boxes of hevi shot good until June 30th. https://www.hevishot.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=222:2014-hevi-shotr-turkey-rebate&catid=16:rebates&Itemid=65