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Little Creek Calls

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Everything posted by Little Creek Calls

  1. Little Creek Calls

    Sandhill Crane

    I have read several different ways to prepare and cook them, what is your favorite?
  2. Little Creek Calls

    Spring Draw

    I don't have anything scheduled yet but I am sure I will have at least one or two. They will be held the end of March or first part of April just before the spring turkey hunts.
  3. Little Creek Calls

    Turkey Call Making

    It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed having them in the shop. We worked on a mesquite glass call. I was surprised at all the different camera angles he got that I never would have thought of. David from game fish really seemed to be an artist with the camera. I can't wait to see the finished show. He said it would be on next year some time and he would let me know.
  4. Little Creek Calls

    Turkey Call Making

    I am not sure when it will air, i assume next year sometime. I will keep you updated.
  5. Little Creek Calls

    Spring Draw

    My mistake the Game and fish website says the 12th so maybe not for another week unless they are going by the date in the regulations.
  6. Little Creek Calls

    Hunting Hawaii?

    In looking at the map it looks like there is quite a few areas to hunt on Maui. Most areas are open year round for pigs and goats. Some areas are only open on weekends. There is also one archery only area. The daily bag limit is 2 goats and 2 pigs per day. If you are after pigs look for any wild fruit or nut trees like guava mango papaya or mac nut. You might also check with any fruit or nut orchards, i sure they would love for you to help control the population of pigs. For birds check with the state for seasons. I have never seen so many different types of game birds in my life in large numbers. With no predators they are not to skittish and fun to hunt. Here is a link to the big game maps. http://dlnr.hawaii.gov/huntered/files/2013/05/MammalHuntingRegs_Chap123.pdf
  7. Little Creek Calls

    Hunting Hawaii?

    To hunt in Hawaii you need to send them your hunter safety card and they will issue you a exemption number (since you didn't take the course in HI) and that will allow you to get a hunting license and permits (hunter safety is required). This needs to be done before you go or you will not be able to hunt. You also need to check in your firearm with the local police department when you get there. I have not hunted on Maui but have hunted multiple times on the Big Island. On the Big Island there is no need for a guide or outfitter because there are plenty of public hunting areas loaded with birds and animals to hunt. All you need to do is sign in and out of the hunting check stations. Licence is around $90 and most permits are no charge. Just make sure what you are wanting to hunt is in season when you are planning your trip.
  8. Little Creek Calls

    Garmin's new action cam! check it out!

    That looks like an Apache trout on the north fork of the White River. I enjoy fishing upstream from that crossing.
  9. Little Creek Calls


    7MM WSM
  10. Little Creek Calls

    No see ums

    I think you are talking about this thread. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/58672-chiggers/
  11. I am really curious at what distances everyone is successfully shooting Coues deer. You hear or read lots of stories and it seems that the distance is getting farther each year. Just wanted to take a poll and get more of a feel for what is actually happening.
  12. Little Creek Calls

    Sierra Vista Call Donation

    Well the Turkey Banquets are coming to an end for the year. I sent my last donation call yesterday to the Huachuca Gould’s Chapter for the Banquet Saturday night in Sierra Vista. I will not be able to attend this year but I hope my name is called when they draw for the state Turkey tag. The call is an Arizona Walnut pot with a black anodized aluminum calling surface. The striker has a Pecan head with Bacote dowel.
  13. Little Creek Calls

    Valley Longbeard's Banquet Calls

    Here are a couple calls I just dropped off for the Valley Longbeard’s Banquet this Saturday night in Phoenix. The first is a Glass call in an Claro Walnut pot with an Apple Bubinga striker. The box Call is Mesquite body with Ash lid and base plate. I will be attending and hope to see some of you there.
  14. Little Creek Calls

    Valley Longbeard's Banquet Calls

    I was told that there are still tickets available. Come and celebrate the 20th annual banquet for the Valley Longbeard's and help support the NWTF and wild turkey. Saturday July 25th doors open at 5PM dinner starts at 6PM LOCATION: Hilton Phoenix Airport Hotel 2435 S. 47th Street Phoenix, AZ 85034 For Information & Reservations contact: Rich Williams 602-881-7292, Howard Frampton 602-692-2911, or Scott Snarey 602-996-4679
  15. Little Creek Calls

    ok, now where am i?

    lower blue river
  16. Little Creek Calls

    New Addition- Archery Coues

    Looks good. Who did the mount for you?
  17. Little Creek Calls

    Anyone Save that Cabelas Coupon?

    I have a $30 off a $150 purchase at sportsman's warehouse coupon if you want it (no expiration).
  18. Little Creek Calls


    What size are the neoprene feet in the Simms waders?
  19. Little Creek Calls


    I have never encountered them in Arizona but have in Missouri and they are not fun. In looking around on the internet about chiggers found some interesting things about them. A common myth about chiggers is that they burrow into and remain inside the skin. This is not true. Chiggers insert their feeding structures into the skin and inject enzymes that cause destruction of host tissue. Hardening of the surrounding skin results in the formation of a feeding tube called a stylostome. Chigger larvae then feed upon the destroyed tissue. If they are not disturbed (which is rarely the case because they cause substantial itching) they may feed through the stylostome for a few days. The itch is due to the presence of the stylostome and usually is most intense within 1-2 days after the bite. Many home remedies for chigger bites are based upon the incorrect belief that chiggers burrow into and remain in the skin. Nail polish, alcohol, and bleach have been applied to the bites to attempt to get rid of the chiggers by "suffocating" or killing the chiggers. But because the chiggers are not present in the skin, these methods are not effective. Chiggers do not bite at colder temperatures below 60 F. Chiggers also are not found in areas hotter than 99 F.
  20. Little Creek Calls


    They are like ticks and DEET products work to repel them.
  21. Little Creek Calls

    East Valley Toms Banquet

    I will be coming this evening. I look forward to talking with you again TJ and Mark. Hopefully meet some other CW members. Here is one of the calls I am donating. It is a Arizona Walnut call body with a Brazilian Cherry lid and base plate. It should be in the live or silent auction. I will also be donating a pot call.
  22. Little Creek Calls

    2015 App is in . . .

    With 1 point you will not make the bonus pass and have a chance at drawing 1st or 2nd choice.
  23. Little Creek Calls

    2015 App is in . . .

    Depends on the unit you applied for.
  24. Little Creek Calls

    2015 Tucson NWTF Banquet

    Just putting the finishing touches on the calls I made for this banquet. I look forward to attending, last year was a lot of fun.
  25. Little Creek Calls

    2015 App is in . . .

    One other thing to remember is the bonus pass for Bighorn Sheep is done with all applicants and hunts combined and not hunt by hunt because you can’t have 20% if only 1 or 2 permits are offered for a hunt. What this means is if you applied for unit 22 you just as well have just bought a bonus point because there are no tags offered in the 1-2 lottery drawing. All 4 permits are going to the 20% with the most bonus points. Some other of the most popular units fall into this same problem.