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Little Creek Calls

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About Little Creek Calls

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    Queen Creek

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  1. Little Creek Calls

    Any quality down sleeping bags for sale?

    Check the returned items section at REI. They have some great deals on stuff like that.
  2. Little Creek Calls

    Fish Id

    Like the others said, looks like a green sunfish.
  3. Little Creek Calls

    Wanting to test new binos today

    I don't own either one but have looked through and used both on hunts and to me the difference is clarity all the way to the edge with the HD. Now they are coming out with 14X52 NL pure. I wonder how those will compare. I like the idea of 14X instead of 15X, kind of splitting the difference between 12 and 15.
  4. Little Creek Calls

    Got my life-size bear mount on the wall

    Nice work Tommy. It looks great. Who did the taxidermy?
  5. Little Creek Calls

    skull cleaned charges

    Here is a link to Cole at CMC Skullworks. His prices are listed on his website. I have had several things cleaned with his beetles and have always been impressed with his work. He is in Tucson but is worth the drive. https://cmcskullworks.com/
  6. Little Creek Calls

    Road to the Chiefs

    Are you taking him to Arrowhead or are they playing the Cardinals next year?
  7. Little Creek Calls

    How was opening day? Who got one?

    Solo hunt. Had no one to take my picture. Like you said real quiet this morning, came running in silent. One shot from my son's 20 gauge did the trick.
  8. Little Creek Calls

    2024 youth turkey hunt

    My son made a great shot on this Tom opening morning. It was fun to hear him gobble when he was really close, it was so loud you can almost feel it. He strutted for us for like 15 minutes. I was happy my son was patient and waited for the right opportunity and got a clean one shot kill. This is his third turkey and it is fun to see him get so excited. I am glad I get to share these hunts and memories with him each year.
  9. Little Creek Calls

    Calling class?

    Christian hunters of America is having a Turkey seminar tomorrow in Phoenix. I wont be there but they have been good in the past.
  10. Little Creek Calls

    Calling class?

    Haven't done one for a few years. Don't have anything scheduled this year. Sportsman's Warehouse used to call and ask me to come do it every year. I don't think they have been doing much of the fishing and hunting seminars and classes since covid. Maybe next year I will give Steve a call and get one scheduled. I have had quite a few reach out asking if I was doing one this year.
  11. Little Creek Calls

    Auction tags

    For bighorn sheep all the applicants for all the hunts are pooled together for the bonus pass (not by hunt number like other species). With only 25 points he probably will never have max points and never be guaranteed a tag. He will just have to get lucky or out live everyone with more points than him.
  12. Little Creek Calls

    Turkey calls- What do you like?

    I condition every call in my vest and clean the striker tips each night before I hunt the following morning. I also clean and apply new chalk to all my box calls. I also use a new mouth diaphragm each morning so I don't have to deal with stuck reeds. With the price of mouth calls these days I don't expect many people do this but I make my own so they are cheap for me. Before I started making them I would put them in the refrigerator at night and use paper clips to separate the reeds. I was in Sportsman's Warehouse the other day and couldn't believe what people are charging for mouth calls, crazy.
  13. Little Creek Calls

    Turkey shot size question (Updated)

    This is a fun topic. I think the fun in turkey hunting is in the calling and getting them in close. Have I shot birds at 40+ yards before? Yes, but for me it is much more exciting to have birds under 20 where you can feel the vibration of the spit and drum and hear his long wing feathers dragging the ground and really see the color changing on a toms head when he is in close. A lot of this comes down to where you pick to setup before calling. One of the things I remember most from the late Marvin Robbins seminars was how he taught the importance of setting up where you can only see to your shooting capabilities so when the tom shows up he is in range and you can kill him. If the tom shows up and can see you at 80 yards there is a good chance he can see your setup and will not come any closer for you to get a shot. Even if you are using decoys, they only work for me about 25% of the time. If you want to be a more successful turkey hunter pay more attention to where you set up. I guess its kind of like Coues hunting, you can glass deer and shoot them at 1000+ yards but is it more fun to save money on gun setup try to get closer or even into archery range? There is no right answer, it is up to the hunter to get the experience he is looking for out of each hunt.
  14. Little Creek Calls

    Turkey calls- What do you like?

    I offered to get it done quick and bring it down to you but you ordered it after you had already killed your bird last year and told me you wouldn't need it for quite a while.
  15. Little Creek Calls

    Turkey shot size question (Updated)

    The other thing to consider is to really pattern your gun to know your max effective range you would need to shoot how many times? I am glad you shot it at 40 yards but what does it look like at 45 and 50? What is your true max range? Also how close is to close? What does it look like at 10 yards? Baseball size or smaller? I like to have at least a volleyball sized pattern or larger. Smaller than that and it's easy to miss. Also beyond 40 how effective is #9 tungsten going to be at breaking a turkey spine?