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Everything posted by gonhntn

  1. Public humiliation is far worse than an a$$ whooping. Post them pics. Let the public do your work for you.
  2. gonhntn

    Get together????

    For all of you taking your rv's, toyhaulers etc... we have a dump station for your convienence at Mountain Spirits RV and Storage. It's next to Casa Adobes subdivision near in San Lorenzo. Hope to see you all there. P.S. Any credit card hits ???? gonhntn
  3. gonhntn


    I wonder how I ever got along without one. I met a gentleman who has a speacial place in my and my families heart. He gave and taught me how to use my first gps. His name was Norman Pint. Norm gave me and my son a pair of the garmin 10's after our first elk hunt. He helped my son harvest a really nice 330 Gila bull here in NM. My family and I have now upgraded to a Garmin 12's and the garmin 76cs. The Garmin 12 is an excellent choice if you do not need a mapping unit. Thanks Norm for being a teacher of the outdoors , we think of you often. We are sure you are calling in a big one now. Gonhntn
  4. Went scouting this weekend for a early archery gila elk hunt. I got to several of my favorite waterholes to set up treestands and found last years outfitter ladder stands still there. These stands YES have been there since last year. You may ask how do I know that they have been there since last year? Well many of the straps have been chewed up by chipmunks and I recognize them. The local outfitter lives very close by. Are there any laws in NM regarding treesstands and there use??? This is not fair. These ladderstands are all the same and have actually had my stands stolen and replaced with the very same stands. What would you do????????????
  5. Hey guys and gals I got the ok from my wife to purchase a scouting camera. My probem is that there are soooo many to choose from. I need something that is of good quality and user friendly. Any advice would would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
  6. gonhntn


    No tags yet but anxiously awaiting. Good luck,
  7. My late grandad was an avid hunter. He was a world war II vet and my hero. He was from Grant county N.M. He would share many stories with me and talked a lot about his friend named Ron Gerdes. They both worked for Phelps Dodge and I believe Ron was an electrician. They hunted quite a bit together. I picked up a bowhunter magazine and read an article about a Ron Gerdes and he had won a goulds turkey tag for Arizona. This was a couple of years ago. I tried to find out info on him but was unsuccesful. I just recently purchased that great book off this sight titled How To Hunt Coues Deer by Duwane Adams and Tony Mandile and there on page 104 is pic of Ron Gerdes. This is pretty weird since I have been thinking about my grandad and hunting lately. I hope this is the gentleman that my grandad spoke so highly of. I am not a stalker. I just want to make contact with him and maybe he can share some stories with me of my grandad. His name was Jimmy C. Portillo.
  8. Thanks so much Scott. Now a question about hunting scrapes. I am setup between two of them. The tracks inthis area were very fresh a week ago when I hung my stand. What do you think? Should I rattle and grunt off my stand or should I just wait? Also what do you all do to keep warm on those stands and how long should I stay on my stand? Thanks again for all your help. Gonhntn
  9. Thanks so much Scott. Now a question about hunting scrapes. I am setup between two of them. The tracks inthis area were very fresh a week ago when I hung my stand. What do you think? Should I rattle and grunt off my stand or should I just wait? Also what do you all do to keep warm on those stands and how long should I stay on my stand? Thanks again for all your help. Gonhntn
  10. I first want to thank all of you for such a quick response. Scott I would sure appreciate his phone number. This would really make my day. I will be waiting patiently for your response. Amanda you are right. This sight is testimony that we will not only share our hunting stories etc.. but also help one another when needed. I am sure getting anxious to try for another coues deer this coming week. I will let you all know how it went. gonhntn