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Everything posted by BikerRN

  1. BikerRN

    Lobsta from Lark

    How long do you have to cook that blue backed white bearded fat lobster for, and can he feed a feast of nine?
  2. BikerRN

    Got him...

    OK, he's caught, bought, and bagged, but we should've had him seven years ago. Time to pick up our kit and move out. Lots more enemies out there that need the same. Biker
  3. BikerRN

    Wilderness Athlete

    I lift weights, 12oz at a time, walk to the mailbox for cardio, and eat pretzls for energy food. What more do I need to do?
  4. BikerRN

    Arizona Hunting Regs now available

    I just talked to my local G&F Office and they said they would have the paper, read that as proper, format on May 09, 2011. Us Old School types like to have something to read when performing our morning constitutional and often do our best thinking then too. Biker
  5. BikerRN

    How to skin a coyote.

    Awesome. Knowing myself as I do I'd probably forget to stop inflating and have a scattering of sorts.
  6. BikerRN

    New shotgun

    Thats hilarious!!!!! Thanks, but I find little to be jocular about concerning who and what resides in the White House.
  7. BikerRN


    Howdy all. Late night and the two pebbles in my head are spinning around and bumping in to each other in that vast void known as my brain. That led to me thinking about wolves. As a mythical creature they are great for stories, but I'm not so sure they are so great in real life. Arizona, along with other western states has gone to the exspense and trouble of reintroducing wolves to the wild. Since wolves have no predator, other than man, I can see the potential for the wolf packs to grow out of control, while decimating game herds and livestock. Given that a big part of founding the west was based on livestock production in the early years, the wolf was hunted to almost extinction. Was this a good thing? I tend to think so, as the livestock herds grew so did the other game animals like deer and elk. Coyote management was often done by trapping, which is now almost illegal. I hardly see a Mule Deer now, when back in the 1980's, after multiple poisonings of coyote packs, the coyote's prey rebounded and were abundant, like rabbits. Today I'm seeing more coyotes and less rabbits and deer in many of the areas I frequent. This leads me to think that better and more effective predator control needs to be accomplished. Of course even mentioning such a thing tends to send the tree hugging bunny loving granola eaters in to a tizzy. Since game animals will self correct in a natural environment, with some becoming extinct, the unbalance in the equation is us, man. We are now a consideration in the equation. Animals no longer have the vast expanse of territory they once had as the human population exspands. Thus it falls to us to become that regulating feature that Mother Nature once had. I submit that predator control needs to be increased, and wolves hunted in most western states no matter the sensitivities of the tree hugging granola eating crowd. I am curious as to everyone's opinion on the matter. I have found that good livestock management, and healthy cattle, tends to also benefit the deer and elk population as well. What say you all? Biker
  8. BikerRN

    New shotgun

    Sadly we may be looking at the last of those if the ATF and the Kenyan Village Idiot has their way. It makes me want to buy one or two just because. Biker
  9. BikerRN


    Hey! Beating up on cripples is the best way to get money for lunch. Biker
  10. BikerRN


    Another reason to be happy.
  11. BikerRN


    I find the delisting of wolves to be interesting. I fear what shenanigans the tree huggers will use next to keep wolves from being hunted in the northern states. Outdoor Life, or maybe Field and Stream, had some discussion about this verytopic on their blog. Biker
  12. BikerRN

    Ultimate Hunting technology

    Reminds me of some of my Iowa relatives.
  13. BikerRN

    Huntin Coues with a .250 Savage

    I enjoyed reading your story. You made me feel like I was overworked and behind in gathering my gear. I too wondered why your buck was still upright. I felt my pulse quicken and my breath start to go rapid and shallow as I read the ending. GREAT JOB!
  14. BikerRN

    Rooster Sauce

    Tobasco Not just for road Kill anymore. Biker http://www.perfectunion.com/vb/handgun-tactics-training-competitive-shooting/
  15. BikerRN

    Spouse Compatability

    Since I spend most of my online time dealing with non-hunting issues I thought I'd post this here. It's a conversation I'm involved in on another forum. If it's not suitable for discussion feel free to delete or move it. Biker
  16. BikerRN

    Lion Encounters

    Your opinion doesn't differ from mine.
  17. BikerRN

    Lion Encounters

    Howdy all, I'm involved in a discussion on another forum regarding mountain lions and the carry of a self defense revolver. Here is something I posted and I was curious what you all thought: Another post I made: I look forward to what you all have to say. Biker
  18. BikerRN

    New Way to cross the border!

    My only question is when are we, as a nation, going to get serious about the illegal alien and drug smuggling problem? Biker
  19. BikerRN

    An interesting question for you all...

  20. BikerRN

    New Hunter

    Welcome Eli Cooper. Biker
  21. BikerRN

    Sparky getting bounced?

    My first question is, why? Did Sparky represent something politically incorrect that got the pc folks panties in a wad? Biker
  22. BikerRN


    I just wonder if Tucson will have a riot tonight since the UA did what? Oh yeah, they lost to UCONN! Actually, if one follows the sport and techniques of the game of basketball, and I don't, it was a very good game. Biker
  23. BikerRN

    An interesting question for you all...

    I agree too. Biker
  24. BikerRN


    Bye? UCONN won the National Championship. Now I'm off to the Bashful Bandit to have a glass of milk, riding my Vespa. Biker
  25. BikerRN

    Sick of the Arrogance

    I think that about sums it up. Biker