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Everything posted by BikerRN

  1. BikerRN

    Stupid, stinkin', coyotes

    Donnie hit the proverbial nail on the head with his post. Biker
  2. BikerRN

    Canadian Moose

    I have a friend who's an outfitter up in Alberta. He can answer any questions you have. His name is Chad, shoot him an email. Info@savageencounters.com Thank you Kaibab. I'll keep his email handy and email him when I get closer to doing such a thing. Right now I'm just fermenting the idea in my percolater, also known as my brain. Biker
  3. BikerRN

    Canadian Moose

    +1 Mmmmm OK you two. I know you are in cahoots with one another. Actually I don't mind, as it helps to urge me onward. In my communication with a guy in another forum he said I needed to get a permit to bring the meat back across the border. How do I do that, or do I even have to do that? Does my Canadian hunting permit serve as my importing permit since I'll be the one that shot it and bringing it back across the border? Thank you. Biker
  4. BikerRN

    Canadian Moose

    Thank you! I hadn't thought of that, and was dreading the thought of having to buy a bunch of coolers. Right now this is just in the percolating around in my brain stage, as is Africa. It'll most likely take me longer than two years to accomplish, but it is on the list. I'd probably want to do Canada before attempting Africa. The thing that really bothers me about Africa is not being able to bring the meat home. At least when I was in Australia I was able to make use of the 'roo's I shot. That has to be one of my favorite meats. Biker
  5. BikerRN

    Canadian Moose

    Very nice! Congratulations on acquiring some wonderful memories. Also, thank you for helping to set my mind at ease, as I'm more of a meat hunter than anything. I like to eat what I harvest, coyotes excepted. Biker
  6. BikerRN

    Stupid, stinkin', coyotes

    Millions and millions of people from all over the world have come here LEGALLY. There is no excuse for anyone to sneak over here illegally. Get in line and wait your turn. If I had immigrated legally from another country and the Gov't decided to let all the ones that came over illegally get a free pass, I would be TICKED OFF. Now the moron in the White House says we need to INCREASE our foreign aid to muslim countries so they will stop hating us. Yeah...that's a fricken genius move. Thank you Desert Bull for clearing that up. My sarcasm meter has been malfunctioning lately. Being the spouse of someone that did immigrate here legally gives me a somewhat different perspective on this matter I think. As for the POS that thinks he's our president, stupid is as stupid does. Biker
  7. BikerRN

    Stupid, stinkin', coyotes

    Having seen the damage illegals do to our country I can do nothing but hate them, no matter their country of origin. Our nation's laws in regards to illegal aliens is designed to fail, as I believe our republic will. The question is when? If not today, then tomorrow, but it will happen. My only goal is to slow down the speed at which the demise occurs. As for liberalism, that is a mental disorder brought about by lack of the ability to reason and think in a critical manner. Biker
  8. BikerRN

    Stupid, stinkin', coyotes

    I hope that's sarcasm. I detest illegals and think they should be treated like the vermin they are. I don't care what country your from, illegal is illegal. Biker
  9. BikerRN

    need mechanic advice.

    I would think that your impromtu solution would do the trick. Bear in mind I'm not a mechanic, but you already know what you have without the fix. I fail to see how your solution would make it worse, and you stand a chance of making it a lot better. Biker
  10. BikerRN

    Meat Processors

    Willcox Meat Packing House, Willcox Meat Packing Company 3266 N Fort Grant Road Willcox, AZ 85643-3020 Phone:(520) 384-2015
  11. BikerRN

    2 BP Agents killed

    It appears that's what happened. To the friends, family, and co-workers: Sorry for your loss. Biker
  12. BikerRN

    2 BP Agents killed

    Look guys, sensitivity is not my strong suit. I'm trying to figure out how it happened, and I'm less concerned with that it did happen. I do know people that have taken naps on the tracks in their vehicles, so going by what I know of human nature, and past expirience I could only conjure up two scenarios as to why this occured. Like I said, I'd be interested in knowing what really happened. This is as sensitive as I get, as it doesn't affect my life at all: Biker
  13. BikerRN

    2 BP Agents killed

    Unless one is trying to cross the tracks in front of a train or fallen asleep in their vehicle on the tracks, hoping to use the sound and vibration of the oncoming train to awaken them, I fail to see how two people can be killed in a vehicle in a collision with a train. I will be very interested in learning more details about this incident. My condolences to the friends, family, and co-workers of the deceased. Biker
  14. BikerRN

    SNOW in White Mountains

    The latest snow I've ever expirienced was in June in northwestern Nevada. I was stuck in Del Monte canyon at the time. Biker
  15. Howdy all, I got what seem like a dumb question, but I figured I'd ask it anyway. I already know which hunts I want to apply for, and have the new application envelope. My question is, when can I mail it in? I couldn't find an application period, besides the deadline. Can I mail it in now, or must I wait until a specific date? Biker
  16. BikerRN

    Fire at Greer Lodges

    I'm sorry to hear this news. I spent some time there as a kid and the wife and I were there last year for our Anniversary. Biker
  17. BikerRN

    Deer Application Question

    Just for your own info.... if you look at page twenty, note one of the regs it says you can submit your application as soon as the regs are available online.... Thank you. I've already put my application in, and don't read things well off a computer screen. I find it easier to flip the pages of anything I read. I managed to figure out where to put in for, but hated doing it on a computer screen. Obviously I missed that little bit of information when I attempted to read the regs online. Biker
  18. BikerRN

    Deer Application Question

    Thank you. It will be in the mail on Monday.
  19. BikerRN

    Racism Question

    I need help understanding something, so I ask you to bear with me. I have never voted for or against a person based upon the color of their skin or gender. I base my selection on the political views of the nominee and how well those beliefs coincide with my beliefs. I will say up front that I do not support the current resident of the White House. With that said I often refer to him, Obama, by various names. None to my knowledge are racial in nature, but rather pay homage to his ineptness for the task at hand, leading our nation. I will also note that the former President, George Bush, was often compared to a monkey, and pictures of him with a monkey were abundant in the media by those that didn't support him. Kenyan In Chief Kenyan Monkey Obamessiah So I am asking someone to please help me understand where calling the current president a monkey or Kenyan is racist. I make no reference to the color of his skin, and as noted before, Bush was compared frequently to a monkey when he was in office. Kenyan is reference to his ancestry, as well as the fact that Kenya has a poor educational system, except for a select few. Remember, I think the current president is unqualified and inept. I realize that my names for the current president are not complimentary, but why are they racist? Do we have a double standard in our society? If we do, is this right? Biker
  20. BikerRN

    Racism Question

    I am a lot of things, uncouth, crude, ill mannered, but racist I take offense to.
  21. BikerRN

    Lobsta from Lark

    Where was that picture taken?
  22. BikerRN

    Administration de-lists the grey wolves

    Not all of us are happy with that crap put upon us by that piece of fecal matter named Babbit.
  23. BikerRN

    Administration de-lists the grey wolves

    I do believe you are correct.
  24. BikerRN

    Administration de-lists the grey wolves

    The only good wolf is a dead wolf.
  25. BikerRN

    Got him...

    Discipline. Impromptu displays get in the way of the mission, and just bringing the body back wouldn't have completed the mission. Focus on the mission, all else is secondary. The mission is whatever assigned task you have to accomplish.