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Everything posted by bowhunter66

  1. bowhunter66

    yuant family fund raier

    Can anyone tell me about the fund raiser for Dana Yaunts family.
  2. bowhunter66

    Dana Yount family

    I dont know if anyone responed to you, yet but yes she did. The Yaunt family are great friends to have. Please keep praying for them.
  3. bowhunter66

    Dana Yount family

  4. bowhunter66

    Dana Yount family

    Dana and his family have been my friends for over 18yrs, he was the type of man that is the diffintion of, " I'll give you the shirt off my back and my last sip of water." I will miss him the same as my own brother, and I will continue to pray daily for his family. I am proud to say he was my friend.