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Everything posted by KGAINES



    The ones I run into especially around my house usually die for some reason. Lark, I think you are right about it taking a while for the snakes to catch up to the mice and rabbits, and they are multiplying like crazy, just how long it takes to have a bunch of baby rattlers is what I'm wondering. I have caught two king snakes in my yard and just moved them to a safer place, the rattlers weren't so lucky.


    I think you could let the gator go into any of our now full lakes or streams. On a serious note I just try to be more aware of where I am putting my feet or hands, I live in the desert and worry more about my kids than anything.
  3. I am praying for a speedy recovery for you, take care of yourself. God bless you and your family.
  4. Has anybody read this article on page 8 of the feb. / mar. issue? After reading this article it sounds like a toned down version of Ranching for Wildlife, the article don't say anything about landowner tags it just states that will be paid from license fees to allow access. I don't know what to think without reading more about it, New Mexico is supposed to be unveiling an access program next fall according to the article. Has anybody heard about this.

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Scott
  6. A city boy was visiting the country and wanted to go hunting. The farmer loaned the boy his gun, telling him not to kill any farm animals. The city boy headed off and soon after saw a goat. He managed to creep into range and finally shot it. Not knowing anything about animals, the boy didn't know what he'd killed so he ran to the farmhouse and described his kill to the farmer. "It had two saggy teets, a beard, a hard head and it smelled like crap!" said the boy. "Oh, crap!" said the farmer. "You've shot my wife!"

    Good Desert Camping

    You can also try near seven springs or go down towards horshoe lake and find a spot close to the river, I think the water is still running to fast to cross, so sheeps crossing would probably not be a good place to go even though there are a few ways in the river has probably damaged a lot of the surrounding area. I seen that you mentioned 2 to 3 hours, you could get to a whole lot of the state in that amount of time, the places that I mentioned are really close to the valley, a little further and you could get to the verde rim, Crown King, or any number of places. I went to Yuma today and there were flowers along the road the whole way, so you know that the further you get from the road the nicer it will be. Good luck finding a spot I wish I could be of more help, I am sure there will be quite a few suggestions from the rest of these guys.

    Spring turkey tags?

    Congratulations Doug, that is a great tag, I chase them every year there during archery, I haven't got drawn for the spring there yet. Good luck
  9. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...the_fading_hunt
  10. It makes you wonder if too many people are trying to hunt other states, I think there are people out there that might put in for an out of state hunt and if they don't get drawn they don't hunt, or these people are putting in to hunt in these western states and take tags away from residents, I know quite a few people in AZ that put in for hunts, but they check the box that says I only want a license if I am drawn, I buy a license every year because I hunt archery, plus dove, quail, and whatever else I can, I just don't think the casual hunter does that. I just wonder if those are the same people that are not taking their kids. I personally will take my kids hunting and that will be my number one priority, but chances are they will be putting in with me anyway. I think CA is on the decline for the reasons you mentioned az4life, but also it seems that the majority is against hunting or it might just be the loud minority, whatever the reasons we have to stick up for our rights to hunt.

    Shed huntin

    http://www.coueswhitetail.com/shed_photos/shed_hunting.htm You can also do a search on shed hunting, there have been quite a few threads on this topic. Welcome to the site.
  12. Good Luck and God Bless you and your family. My prayers are with you.
  13. It was skewed toward eastern hunters, but seemed funny.
  14. 1 The entire month of November would be a paid religious holiday. 2 You could go to a fast-food restaurant and order a McBackstrap sandwich with extra garlic and fries. 3 Men with big butts would be renowned for their “outside spread.” 4Taxidermy would be a required course in elementary schools. 5Golfers would have to leave the links at once if you spotted a good deer on the course and wanted to stalk it. 6 Failure to do so would result in the golf course’s being converted to an 18-hole food plot. The sand traps would be turned into mineral licks. 7 Guys who hunted your stand without permission would do a mandatory seven to 10 years. 8 You would be fined by the police if you were stopped and found not to be in possession of a weapon. 9After one week, reports of violent crime would cease altogether. 10All jackets would come with a built-in safety harness and hand-warmer pockets, even tuxedos. 11 There wouldn’t be any tuxedos. 12 The government would announce a “race for the cure” and throw billions of dollars into research to eradicate buck fever. 13Your wife would complain that you’re spending too much time around the house and tell you to “drop that paintbrush and get your sorry butt out to the stand.” 14 At parties, a tending grunt would be considered a sophisticated way of showing interest in a member of the opposite sex. 15 Gas stations would have attendants that approached from the downwind side to fill your gas tank, then spray and clean your windshield with Scent Killer. 16 Women placing singles ads would state their times in the 1-mile deadweight drag, 150-pound division. 17 All vehicles would come with bloodproof seat covers standard. 18Game wardens could not come within 300 yards of you unless you signaled that it was okay. 19 A warden’s first words would be “If this isn’t a convenient time, sir, I’d be happy to come back later.” 20 Convenience stores would stock shells, broadheads, and blackpowder accessories in little bowls by the doughnut case. 21 If you showed up at a fancy restaurant in full camo and reeking of doe urine, you’d immediately be shown to the best table in the house. 22 Bars would have “sparring areas” where you could put on an antler helmet and go head-to-head with other hunters to let off steam. 23 A chewing tobacco would be developed that, when mixed with human saliva, turns into a powerful deer attractant. 24The dollar bill would feature a picture of the Hanson buck. 25 Landowners would come around to your house and beg you to hunt their property. 26 If you gave your wife or girlfriend a scoped .30/06 on her birthday, your anniversary, or Valentine’s Day, she’d say, “Honey, you’re the best!” 27 The State of the Union address would be given by a deer biologist telling you the best places to hunt. 28 “I just felt like they were gonna be moving this morning” would be an acceptable excuse for why you were late to work. 29 Each day’s weather report would start with wind direction and velocity, barometric pressure, and times for the beginning and end of legal light. 30 Reality TV shows would feature six people turned loose during the rut in an extremely rural area with a sharpened stone and a grunt call. First one to bring in a 150-class deer wins $1 million.
  15. A tiger and two chimps in CA in about a week. http://www.sanluisobispo.com/mld/sanluisobispo/11054863.htm
  16. Sorry to hear it happened to you again. A few years ago we had a quad, motorcycle, and just about every thing they could take from my camp trailer stolen, the quad was my brothers and was a month old they were all locked up with a cable, this happened on the night my wife had my daughter while we were at the hospital. Not only did they steal the stuff, but they cut a section out of my fence to get it. I feel for you and hope by some miracle that they catch the punks.



    Hunt'n season over

    Taste it, strong pine taste = this year, if it taste like dirt its older.

    Roosevelt Lake!

    I agree, fishing is going to be great at all of our lakes.
  20. http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/news/article.ad...223125309990013
  21. I will sign it as well. I was working at one of the ranches on the list and was talking to one of the ranch hands, he was complaining about the antelope and telling how much they eat, and then in the next sentence tells me they charge a lot of money to allow hunters on the property during the season.
  22. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...htforpolarbears

    AZ Jan Coues and Muley

    Congrats to both of you guys, 2006 is right around the corner.
  24. Thanks for the birthday wishes, and I hope everybody has a great year.