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Everything posted by KGAINES

  1. Probably luck, but right now it is not so hot that they will overheat being out and about during the day so you might be on to something. Buy the powerball tickets though, some people who hunt and fish regularly don't see two in their lives in the wild. The last picture looks like something from Jurassic park, thanks for sharing.


    Your right about two things there June, fire Departments use Stihl, and fuel should always be drained from anything if it is going to sit for any length of time. The additives that are in gasoline turn it to junk in a short time and it will mess up any carb out there, and with a lot of small 4-strokes it will seize the valves and bend push rods causing expensive repairs. Save your money and drain them, the stabilizers help a little, but as June said run them dry when not in use and then there is no worry. Rotten fuel is not warranty, same thing with the air filter, keep it clean.

    prayer request

    Prayers sent
  4. Don't forget that China has expressed to the U.S. that it better not devalue the dollar since they have so much invested in our mess.


    Stihl are really good saws, and they have a two year warranty for homeowners I believe.

    Take it or leave it

    I sent you the email I received Amanda, maybe you can decipher what it is. Thank You
  7. God Bless your brother and all our troops, I am praying they stay well.

    White Moutain Apache

    Why just curious as to your reason?

    Take it or leave it

    Amanda I was just reading the wildlife news and some of the stuff written in there seems confusing to me compared to the statute you listed. "Every spring, deer, elk and other upland wildlife lose their antlers. They grow them all winter long, keep them through mating season, then the antlers fall off (or are shed) and the process begins anew. A common question asked of the Arizona Game and Fish Department is if individuals may pick up and keep the head or any part of wildlife they find dead in the field. What may appear to be an easy question actually requires a complicated answer. State law requires an individual to have evidence of legality when possessing or transporting wildlife carcasses or their parts. A hunting license and/or big game tag meets this requirement for wildlife lawfully taken during hunting season. However, if an individual in the field finds dead wildlife, or any part of an animal he or she did not legally take during the hunt, then that individual may not automatically possess and /or transport any of it. An exception is that there are no restrictions on the possession of naturally shed of cast antlers. If an individual wishes to keep such wildlife parts found in the field (other than shed antlers), he/she must contact the Arizona Game and Fish Department so an officer can determine the cause of death of the animal. If it is determined the animal died from a natural cause, such as predation, disease, fights, falls, drowning, lightning, etc., the wildlife part may be possessed by the individual. If the officer determines the animal died from an unnatural cause, such as wounding loss, illegal activity or vehicle collision, no part of the wildlife may be possessed or transported. If the cause of death cannot be determined and the wildlife part is fresh, meaning bone or tissue moisture is present and the part is not oxidized, possession will not be allowed. This also applies to parts, such as skulls, where the age cannot be determined because the finder has boiled and/or cleaned them. If the cause of death cannot be determined and the part is old (with no moisture and oxidized), possession will be allowed. Just remember, the key is to contact the Arizona Game and Fish Department prior to picking up the part. There is no way these parts may be lawfully possessed until the department has determined the cause of death. In recent years, the use of off-highway vehicles to go out and find these sheds has increased in popularity. The Game and Fish Department cautions all shed hunters who use OHVs to always stay on roads and trails when out shed hunting."
  10. The HSUS has so many people duped it is unreal, people think they are all about animal shelters and taking care of pets. They have no idea what they really do and that what they think they do is completely false, their cute little kitten calenders, the dog coffee mugs, and for just a small donation to help the needy animals they will get you one of those gifts and people throw money at them because it is for those needy animals. People hate to hear the real truth about the HSUS, but it is something we all need to do.

    Elk and Antelope checks

    What does the 26 stand for and what does the 40 stand for? I don't see anything important that the numbers would stand for. At least we gave it a try. I bet that was copied from the early fall hunt regs, (26) is the note number that is part of the regs., and 40 is the amount of tags given out for that hunt number. Just a guess.

    Technical Difficulties

    If that's the case, then everyone should quit calling so the app's will get processed faster! I think that is true.

    Officials euthanize AZ jaguar

    The AZGFD works with all the conservation groups and they all have say in what projects are done with the special tag funds, they also have habitat projects all over the state that benefit all wildlife in those areas. The research on the Kaibab has been ongoing for years and the AZGFD stood by the results so far negating the cliffrose surveys that they have relied on for years. It goes for the lakes and rivers with fishing as well, they manage that too, and the research in our state in one way or another benefits us all.

    i finally succeeded

    Lark God Bless and take care.

    Elk and Antelope checks

    I looked at my check as well, the ten digit code on mine started with the last four of my social, probably is just the number assigned to your app.

    Get ready, Again

    Is every person out there that lost their job a liberal, I don't think so. Is every person out there that shops at wal-mart a liberal, I don't think so. Is every person that voted for Obama a liberal, I don't think so. The word liberal has a lot of definitions and at some point we all are or have been liberal with something. It is when the government decides that certain people have more than they should and even though they have worked their entire lives for it or their parents did and left it to them, and then it is taken from them by the government to give to people that feel entitled to it, whether they work or not, people that have been government dependant from day one and are continuing to make more government dependent people, people that think the welfare system and the benefits that go with it are a right, people that don't strive to make themselves better, people that believe just because this is the greatest country on earth that they should have everything given to them instead of working to make their lives better. The liberals that are in Washington have no problem spending money that isn't theirs, most of them are taken care of. I vote for and back the politicians that most represent how I feel and believe. I do wonder how what someone does for a living determines whether they are a liberal or a conservative, I can see some jobs dictating that, but most people are who they are no matter what they do.

    interesting pig hunt

    Very cool pictures, thanks for sharing.

    Elk and Antelope checks

    I usually do money orders, but I waited until the last minute this year and wrote the check, then stressed on whether I signed it or not until today. At least they got the money, now I just hope I get drawn.

    Get ready, Again

    Here is my theory on socialism, taking from hard working people and giving to lazy bums that think that the government owes them something for living here. I know that isn't the true definition of the Utopian society that many envision with socialism, but that is what I equate it too. Communism is a Government that is based on a socialist society at least that is what I remember being taught when I went to school, in the last few years it may be taught differently. I never said liberals don't make anything with their own two hands, as a matter of fact I know they do, every time I pull up to McDonalds one of them says hello what can I make for you today. We still have the freedom of speech and I think everyone should use it and give their opinion, there was a lot of mud being slung for the last eight years and I suppose we are supposed to sit back and allow this next eight years to go by quietly without questioning anything.

    Elk and Antelope checks

    My check went out today 03-09-09, I hand delivered it on Feb. 10th at about 5:00 p.m. or so.
  21. http://www.ussportsmen.org/Page.aspx?pid=1930

    Cartridge Collection

    What about shotguns, I have 12, 20, and .410 shells, who has the 28, 16, 10, 8 and the oddball punt gun sizes. Thanks GH, now I will be looking for just about any round out there.

    Get ready, Again

    It sure seemed with Bush that everything he did was attacked and it was definately a us against them strategy that the media used to sway peoples opinion, now when someone questions Obama it is thrown out as nonsense. I think everyone would like to give him time to see what he is going to do, but every time he opens his mouth it just sounds like socialism or it sounds like the car salesman trying to fool a sucker. The fact of the matter is I don't trust him one bit. This is right off the White House website. "CONTACT US President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history. To send questions, comments, concerns, or well-wishes to the President or his staff, please use the form below:" You are limited to 5000 characters, that is an upgrade from the 500 that it was, but it don't take to many words to equal that when it even counts spaces. I know that they have probably received millions of emails and mine is in the stack somewhere, but with the President of the United States you would figure that there would at least be an automated response that says your email was received. Since Al Gore took the initiative when in congress to create the internet maybe he could work on the website for the President.

    Cartridge Collection

    Well mine is simple in what I have right now, I haven't restocked on the .22's yet. 45-70 leverevolution .243 .223 .44 mag. .357 mag .357 leverevolution