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Everything posted by KGAINES

  1. What do you mean, they are already taking applications for limited opportunity elk, but you have to buy the license and there is no refund. I also forgot to mention that if you do get drawn you can purchase an over the counter buffalo tag, but there are no guarantees.

    official scorers

    That is a great buck, even without a score it is an awesome trophy.
  3. Hello, is this the FBI? " "Yes. What can I do for you?" "I'm calling to report about my neighbor Rick . He is hiding marijuana inside his firewood!" "Thank you very much for the call, sir." The next day, the FBI agents descend on Rick's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they bust open every piece of wood, but find no marijuana. They just sneer at Rick and leave. The phone rings at Rick's house "Hey, Rick! This here is Floyd, Did the FBI come?" "Yeah!" "Did they chop your firewood?" "Yep." "Have a Happy Thanksgiving, buddy!" And, Who Says Rednecks Aren't Real Bright!!!!!
  4. I hate to say it but I hope there is an archer out there that is unhappy, and not a poacher who messed up, because I have a feeling that a poacher would shoot another and another until he took an easy one. I really hope that this elk makes it but it does not look good.
  5. Ok you went and did it Rembrant, you read the arizona republic, or watched any channel on tv except FOX, because we can blame Bush for everything, at least that is what they tell us.
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060202/ap_on_...TdmBHNlYwM3NTM-

    We need to get involved

    Maybe bunnies aren't the only thing she is kissing to get the job.

    TAM's big lion

    Congrats TAM, Josh, and the rest of the group, great trophy and thanks for the pics and story.

    Say goodbye to Dec. coues hunts.

    ultramag, are you asking Lark to apply as your cook.

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Bill, Good Luck and God Bless

    Say goodbye to Dec. coues hunts.

    " Why can't the game and fish see it. " Because they don't want to.

    Happy Birthday

    Thanks to everyone for your posts. I went hunting today, didn't see any bucks and didn't get to hunt all day, but I still got to go hunting and that is great.
  13. Happy Birthday, Good Luck and God Bless.

    Say goodbye to Dec. coues hunts.

    Well said Matt. I wish they would also give a bonus point for lions, if you take a lion you receive one bonus point for the species of your choice, maybe after five lions you receive one permanent bonus point, proving you took the lion I guess would be the tooth that is turned in. The december hunts are prized hunts that are hard enough to draw already, there are leftover oct. hunts, why create more hunts that nobody wants unless it is a last resort. They need to learn to take care of the valued customers ( devoted hunters ), the group they are trying to appease could care less when they hunt, and if they don't get drawn they have other things planned. In the short term they will make money, in the long term nobody will want to hunt in AZ including the residents.

    i figured it out!

    He was probably trying to get it to stop so he could take it out by hand, but the bullets were loaded wrong so he hit it on accident.
  16. I am such an idiot, gosh why didn't I think of that.

    Two January Archery Bucks

    Congratulations to both of you, you and your dad can sit back and enjoy for the whole year.
  18. In the words of Napolean Dynamite, she has no skills. In all reality we don't know how she would work out, but I think a qualified person should have been chosen. In politics people nowdays only want somebody that will agree with them, if the person doesn't agree with the boss, they get fired. I hope Amanda and the ADA, can talk some sense into these people, but the governor has his own agenda and the hunting community be damned.
  19. She may have been chosen for other experience or qualifications, the same way some guys choose a secratary.
  20. Dan the post from newbee was from jan. 05, I thought the same thing until I looked, a year old and still getting posts.

    my dec 24a hunt

    Congratulations Amanda, very nice deer, one to be proud of, thanks for all the updates and keeping us in on the hunt.
  22. D-10 cat. Blade around these inconciderate private landowners!!! just my two pennies. Is anyone with me? Why blade around, if they block access we should blade through or over, we should start with the tapia lady. Let them know that public lands stay public and should always have access, it sucks when one person can screw it up for thousands.

    Unit 21 Buck

    Congratulations on your unit 21 buck.

    123" buck

    Those are great deer, congratulations to the hunting party. Doug, if AZGFD reads your post they might have to try to have a special meeting to start a January rifle hunt, but once they used political math to figure it out I don't know where that would get us.

    Take your dog and shoot it

    I had and had friends that had pit bulls growing up, I don't ever recall anyone ever being attacked by them. With that being said not a single one of of my friends that had them me included have them now, and we all have kids. Most dogs will bite to defend itself or stop a threat, some dogs however will mutilate or kill and pit bulls are one of those dogs.