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Everything posted by KGAINES

  1. http://www.azgfd.gov/h_f/hunt_guidelines.shtml
  2. The one problem that I had with the march is that when they interviewed people nobody gave a straight answer for what they were marching for, I think most of the kids just did it to get out of school. I don't have a problem with people wanting to come here and work, I also don't have a problem with them wanting to be US citizens, we are a great country and wanting to better yourself by coming here is respectable, but there are ways to do it and crossing the border illegally is not a good thing and shouldn't be encouraged. No matter what bill or law they pass there is going to be people that are not happy, I just hope they can come up with a resolution that is good for the United States and the citizens that live here. Good Luck and God Bless

    Lever guns

    I like the idea behind it, any little bit helps.

    new truck

    10.00 is a lot better deal Casey, Sorry about that Amanda.
  5. Saturday, April 22 in Phoenix. The meeting begins at 8 a.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn/Phoenix Midtown, 4000 N. Central Ave. Thank You Amanda


    What kind of cart is it, and is it the kawasaki motor.
  7. Has everybody taken the survey, I think we are getting close to the deadline and the meeting, Amanda where is it and what time. Thanks Keith

    new truck

    Casey I think she has stated that if you want the large sticker all you have to do is ask, if you want the small stickers you make a $25.00 donation and she will send you the stickers to stick on your new truck, congrats.


    Rembrant I did the same thing, I respect those peoples opinion also and asked that the gov. support this bill, and I stated the reasons I thought it should be done as well, now if she reads it or even counts our votes is another matter. Its funny how we have to almost beg to preserve our hunting future, every time we win a fight another one starts, we are in a constant battle and it isn't going to get easier, people so easily forget their heritage, hopefully my kids and their kids will always have the freedom to hunt. Good Luck and God Bless
  10. I will bet that story doesn't start- This one time at band camp a bear.............. Thank goodness for morphine, that dude looks hurt.

    hunter harassment law

    Whoever happens to go the butt whoopin route, make sure to take the film/memory card or whatever and then get out of there, I will be your witness, I swear the guy threw the first punch, you only defended yourself, I was watching the whole thing from a few hundred yards away, had my binocs and heard the disturbance, I got closer and heard everything, you were trying to leave until the guy swung at you, how many members are on here, I think we were all within shouting distance, 1000 peoples word against a couple of freaks + they get whooped. fatfootdoc, seen a very similar story about a guy leading them out into the woods and leaving them after dark. Nobody get in trouble over people who's only mission is just to get you into trouble, find a way to make them suffer without causing you any grief.

    Arizona's 10% cap

    Thanks Kevin, I thought I had read that before, I guess AZ isn't that bad for non-residents, I really hope it stays that way, I would hate to have to choose between archery and rifle. At least with the AZ archery we all have the chance to hunt and that is all that matters, and I don't even mind sharing a Dec. rifle tag with bowhunters. Good Luck and God Bless.
  13. http://www.venturacountystar.com/vcs/ve/ar...4594189,00.html Did anyone see this, I read two seperate articles on it, one said he went to kill a bug with it, Overkill I think.

    Arizona's 10% cap

    fatfootdoc while it may be harder to draw a tag at least for now you can still buy an archery tag and hunt just about anywhere in AZ, and there are three seperate seasons. What Lark said is true about the uso, I think it created an us against them mentality and now as you said nobody wins. I am curious about archery hunting in New Mexico, do you have to be drawn, pick units, or is it similar to AZ. Good Luck in the Draw this Year

    My buddy Zeus.

    Sorry about your loss, looks like you have some great memories of a great friend.


    Like I said before, however you want to hunt, hunt, don't worry about what other people think as long as you enjoy it and it is legal, that is all that matters. Everybody should have their own opinion, and you should care about your opinion, I can listen to all your opinions, but I don't have to change mine and you don't have to change yours, but if everybody always agreed on everything this would be one boring world. Good Luck and God Bless

    Trouble with your golf game

    I was riding in a small cart on a course in cavecreek when we turned a corner and two were laying on the grass, the guy driving pulled up to about five feet away, the bobcats didn't move, I tell the guy to back up, he says they're just little bobcats what can they do, I guess now we know, they can cause you to get a bunch of rabies shots not to mention a few stitches.

    hunter harassment law

    Maybe if they were arrested you could sue them in civil court for the cost of your hunt plus the years spent applying, but just arresting them won't do anything, they don't care if they are arrested, their supporters would look up to them for standing for what they believe in, not for wrecking what we believe in.
  19. Thanks Amanda, E-mail sent.

    Trouble with your golf game

    I have seen several on golf courses throughout the valley, they usually take off when you get close to them, but being ten to fifteen feet away from one can cause you to worry just a bit when all you have is a couple of wrenches in your hand.


    I was just wondering if they allowed you to proof read this article, after seeing it my first thought was on what you would think. http://www.azgfd.gov/artman/publish/article_494.shtml

    news from pugwash junction

    I have seen the robodeer several times, but this past year we past it and seen the game and fish dept. guys all waiting for the road shooters I guess even though it was archery season, about a mile from them on our way back to our camp I saw a guy stalk a deer decoy just out of a camp, he bailes from the truck and fell, got up and started moving off the road, we had stopped when the guy bailed because we figured he might have seen something, but thought it was weird because we were right next to a camp and there was a decoy out, then we decided he was after the decoy, the truck he jumped from drove past us with a woman driving and keystone beer on the dash, she went past us a ways and stopped, we had started to chuckle as the guy got to about ten yards, he studied it for a second, then stood up and walked back to the truck, we drove off but wanted to follow to the robodeer since they were headed that way, he didn't shoot from the road, but the azgfd guys might have had a problem with the beer on the dash.

    Planning my first Coues Bowhunt

    Buy the How To Hunt Coues Deer book, it gives units and tactics, Amanda sells it on this site, it is worth the money if you are planning a hunt, and definitely if you have never hunted here. Good Luck and God Bless


    I will say there is a difference in tactics from east to west and north to south, the one thing that matters is that if you don't like to hunt that way you don't have to do it. How you as an individual feel about the hunt is what matters, my opinion is just because it is legal doesn't make it right, but that is just an opinion and everybody has one, and no I haven't hunted in TX and that could change my opinion. To each their own, Good Luck and God Bless.

    are the coues shedin yet

    http://www.coueswhitetail.com/coues_biology/life_stages.htm This is a start for you.