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Everything posted by KGAINES

  1. Some CA deer in my relatives camp.
  2. Great deer and story, congrats to you.
  3. Marlon good luck to you and to your family it sounds like you have a great opportunity in WY. Take it easy and God Bless You and Your Family.


    I always leave the gates as I found them and as long as everyone knows that there shouldn't be a problem.

    CA deer

    This deer isn't right, I was told she chased the little buck away when he got close and then she came back for more attention, I don't think they tried to scare her away. I didn't ask if they were in a big campground with a lot of other campers around, it was in northern CA.
  6. Is this poll scientific . At least three hours if I am hunting up north, well over three if I am hunting down south.

    1st Archery Kill

    Congrats on a great job and a great deer.

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday, Good Luck and God Bless.

    Monster Coues

    Absolutely awesome deer, congrats to the hunter.

    Cross Bow?

    No it is not legal for archery.


    Ditto to the other posts, great service.

    How REAL Men Hunt!

    I would have shot it too if it was jumping on the fender of my antique car, notice that he looks like he was out for dinner.

    Opening Day Success!!

    Congrats, can't wait to hear the story.
  14. I might be going up to 17A this weekend, I took my son and my nephew up on sat. and came back sunday, I just wanted to get the kids up there for a day and check it out since I will be going back up for this weekend with a friend from work. I took the two boys on a hike and seen one doe and she must have been deaf because the kids haven't learned to be quiet yet, I spent more time trying to explain what they needed to do to see animals than anything, especially my nephew, he is 9 and only goes hunting if I take him. My six year old told me we didn't see anything because the deer though he was a bob lion, not a mountain lion or a bobcat, he was a bob lion, so I am sorry if we got close to anyone up there and scared anything. Overall I had fun and the kids did too, I will try again this weekend without the kids. Good Luck to all and God Bless.

    Hunt of a Lifetime

    Allen I will bring it up at the next ADA meeting, I read about it in one of the local az magazines and it seems like an awesome way to help these kids and their families.

    Hunter Killed

    Seen that too, I hated that they were so anti but, our family always kind of liked his shows since he was crazy and had a set to mess with those crocs and snakes, my condolences to his family

    Ernesto please help us

    You don't want monster Ernesto batters cuba. You want Ernesto bags monster Coues.
  18. Good Luck and be Safe, Have a great trip. God Bless
  19. If you get to a spot that you know or can tell someone else has set up to hunt and you are there first you have every right withinn the law to hunt it. That is definately not right in my book, the law is the law, but there is still a right and a wrong. I can understand how people scout areas and never see anyone, and then on opening day there is someone there and that person being upset, but you don't know if the person that was there has done the same thing that you did, and now he is wondering why someone showed up at his spot too. If you have placed salt, carried water in, or even baited an area than anyone coming in to that area should be able to tell that it is being used and they can move on, if that person has left a note or a sign then it is even more of a reason to move on since they are trying to prevent a conflict. Rolling boulders across a road is preventing access to all and to me is simply trying to stop anyone from going into an area period. With all my statements above I am assuming that these places are off the beaten path and are not right off the side of the road, because if you are just off of a road you are going to have plenty of company no matter what and you can't expect to be alone, with dove season opening this weekend those places are going to get hammered this whole weekend. Good Luck to All and God Bless, Have a Great and Safe Archery Season, and most of all have Fun.


    You might also want to show up to whatever commission meeting follows your hunt and tell them how you felt and how your hunt turned out. If we don't start telling them now they will make any changes they want, and with very few of us showing up at these meetings they think we don't care or their surveys (not ours), tell them how the majority really feels and they do what they want.

    Bill Quimby

    Very nice Bill, congratulations.
  22. bowsniper this a very good thing you are trying to do, but the one thing this guy needs to know is that we have enough access problems to deal with not counting people trying to stop public access on their own. I understand that it sucks when you scout an area for months or years without seeing anyone and then on opening day there are people in your area, it happens, but it is not illegal. This guy is lucky it was you that seen him and not someone else with a lot less restraint because some problems might have occured. Good Luck with this, God Bless.

    Forum will be moving

    When will the transfer happen.
  24. Looks like you guys had a great time.