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Everything posted by KGAINES


    Oct. camp scores 5!

    It looks like your group had a great hunt, congrats to all of you.
  2. Congrats on a great year for you and your family, thanks for all the pics and video.

    last day success

    Congrats Casey, looks like all your practice is paying off.

    Is this the Brag Board???

    Congrats on the bear.

    Got My First Buck

    Congrats to you and your dad Christian, thanks for all the pics of your scouting trips and your hunts, I am glad all your effort paid off.

    Hunt Sucess

    Congrats to you and your son, something that neither of you will ever forget, great job.


    I have tried to read through all these posts about the hunts and I want to congratulate all of the succesful hunters out there. I hope everyone has had a great time so far regardless if you've filled your tag. God Bless All.
  8. dave that is what we need, a simple worded proposition that would protect the majority of Arizona's hunting land, and while were at it we ought to get a bill passed that says we can hunt animals in AZ unless they are endangered species or federally protected.

    bad karma

    It would have been worse if it happened on your way to your hunt or while you were there. Good Luck to you and God Bless
  10. dave I also don't know how they sell the land and would like to know the process. I do think that we have a lot more than 640,000 acres that should be set aside, that really doesn't look like much when compared to what is huntable public land right now. az4life as far as an IQ test for voters, I don't think it would work, they would change the test and mtv would write the questions, to vote you would need to know who the last three rappers were that won some mtv award, or who the current gay celebrities are, or what the plot was to the latest michael moore movie is, or who bill clinton is currently sleeping with, we would never get these right. They certainly wouldn't ask if the economy is better now than in a long time ( and we are paying for a hurricane in new orleans still and a war in iraq), or why are we attacking terrorist in their countries not waiting for them to attack us in ours. We can't say praise God but we can say F you, you can marry the woman you love and try to make a life, or you can marry your roomate (man or woman) just for healthcare and welfare, you can raise a pig for slaughter, but you have to take him for walks daily, I really don't know what is next and I am sure there will be a few new members to our azgfd commission that are handpicked by our gov. and that can't be good for us. I would love to see someone run for office and say exactly what He or She thinks, not what the other guy is doing, and not some sugar coated politically correct speeches, say what you feel and run for office.
  11. To me 204 is a feeling out process for those groups, they are testing the waters to see how to word and phrase a proposition to get it through, next time it will be that dairy cows and their facilities should be kept a certain way, and then beef cows a certain way, and then it will be the next best actress or actor that will come to az and support a prop to ban lion hunting, and all of these dances with the stars watching people will be out to vote to help out their favorite celebrity. I think there are way to many people out there that are manipulated by some ex druggy rock star or dairy queen cashier from canada than we think, when did singing a song or being in a movie make them a political expert, but that don't matter to the sheep that follow them to vote. No matter what happens we as hunters and outdoorsman need to be very aware of each and every proposition that can affect our sport and our future.
  12. You can see that at azgfd which is a state run facility, but there can't be prayer in schools, maybe its ok for kids to wear stuff like that at school, it is a state run facility. I cuss way more than I should, but I have way more respect than to say or wear something like that. It all boils down to respect, something like that is disrespectful and to wear something like that in public is not an expression of your first ammendment it is your admission of stupidity. Political correctness will be the downfall of this country if we let it, we are in a day and age when we live in the greatest country on earth and keep trying to change it into the countries we worked so hard to be different and better than, we are the best country on earth and we need to quit making excuses for it, they can try to be more like us, not the other way around.

    success in 23

    Congrats to your hunting party, it sounds like your group did very well.

    6A hunt this weekend

    Well I ended up striking out on my whitetail hunt, seen plenty of mule deer some elk, but no whitetail. No matter what I had a great hunt, this last weekend I took my 6 year old son and my 9 year old nephew up with me and they got to see some mule deer at about thirty yards. We seen enough mule deer that I had my son just looking at me and saying in a whisper those aren't whitetail either, those are those mule deer, and then asking me why I just don't hunt those. I hope you others that were up there were succesful and had a great time.
  15. Congrats to you and the entire hunting party, your group did a great job.

    Josh's Buck

    Thanks for the pics and story to go with it, I am glad everything workecd out for you, congrats on a great deer and hunt.
  17. Great story and pics, thanks for sharing a great hunt.
  18. Congrats on your hunt and thanks for the story and the great pictures.

    Air rest

    Depending on the strength of the magnets, it might be very hard to move the arrow at least complared to the other types of rests out there, but I dont like that you have to add a magnet into the arrow shaft and make sure that they are all identical, plus do they move on impact. Most ideas start out with a lot of skeptacism before they get used enough to be accepted, so when there are enough archers that use it in the field we will know.

    6A hunt this weekend

    I will be up there, I will probably be in a green jeep, not sure where we will be camped yet. Good Luck to all and be safe, God Bless.

    CHD Spotted

    I for one am not trying to preach to anyone, I am just saying what I thought needed to be said, I haven't been to church in years, I cuss way to much ( thank goodness I can censor myself on the computer), I love to hunt, but I believe in God, and when that gets brought up I will state what is obvious to me. The one thing about all of these posts is that if we don't like the topic or what is being said we don't have to read it. We live in a society today that will scream freedom of speach if you tell them not to say f-this or f-that, I hear more about gay marriage, animal rights, pollution, smoking, drinking and drugs, and every body makes excuses to me about why they are ok to talk about, but somebody says praise the lord and he is told he can't say that, it is not wanted here. well out of all the things I just mentioned I would much rather talk about something good ( God ), than all the other things. This is Amanda's website and we are guests on here, we can live by her rules or leave.

    Archery Proficiency Test????

    I can see it now, game warden pulls you over checks your weapon, bow sets up a target at 20 yards, rifle a target at 100 yards, muzzleloader target at 75 yards, hit the target and keep your tag, miss and go home. I for one don't want that. A lot of hunting is passing on good information and trial and error while in the field hopefully less error. Practice will make you more proficiant at anything you do, a person who doesn't practice at all is probably going to miss completely or never get a shot. I think it is better for us to point out these mistakes and give sound advice so these people get better at hunting. The more regulations and barriers that are put in front of hunters is going to cause more people to turn away, probably more kids than anything since they might think it is to much of a hassle to get the chance to hunt, and people that are breaking the laws while hunting need to be cited and punished as the crime dictates. While we need people that can learn and become good hunters we don't need people that do stupid things and give all hunters a bad name. Just like in any aspect of any sport 1000 times something can be done right and nobody hears about it, but just once something stupid is done and everyone knows. Good Luck and God Bless.

    My Nov. buck

    Scottyboy that thing is a freak, I wish you the best. Good Luck and God Bless

    Buenos Aries Refuge Closed

    Dave it does irritate me that we are losing something because of what is going on, and the way that is described it is a situation of national defense. We are losing freedoms in our Country because of what is happening in another country, I don't mind the searches at the airports, I don't mind being stopped and searched for whatever reason, as long as I am safe in my country it is ok, when there are armed gunmen coming across our borders for any reason, drugs, people smuggling, or just trying to be bad, we need to kill them, they need to be shot, no tv, no reporters, just ship them back. I have said before I don't mind someone coming over here to work, and there are legal ways to do that, but if you come across our borders with guns you are attacking this country and its citizens and it should be dealt with accordingly.