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Everything posted by KGAINES


    Draw results are getting closer.

    sci-nevada was used up until last year and then it was some group from tennesee, I don't know who did it this year since it was reported that azgfd fired the tennessee group, and there was not supposed to be any online apps for a year to a year and a half according to azgfd, but someone must have made a heck of an offer or game and fish noticed a very low rate for the paper apps so they had to do something to make it up. Who knows who is doing it, but next year maye we can get a group together and volunteer our services to ensure that the apps get ran through the draw correctly.
  2. There should be another poll on how many of us buy both tags, draw only, or rifle only. I imagine that there are a lot of us that purchase both tags and that has to weigh heavily on the decision to go to draw for all, but then they would just raise the prices to cover their losses. Every time they take something away it makes it easier to take something else away, and if we continue to allow it to happen we won't realize our loss until it is too late. Not to mention it always seems a lot harder for us to get something back after it has been taken away. One hundred years from now our great grandkids might get lucky enough to draw the prized flathead catfish tag, or the whitewing dove tag, or get the coues deer photo tag ( of course you will have to buy the walking on public land stamp to use these). Good luck to all in the draw, God Bless.

    Draw results are getting closer.

    2007 Antelope and Elk Draw Results Payment processing is currently in progress. The Drawing results will be available on this site by April 16th, 2007. Thank you for your consideration and patience. If you are unable to locate your results, please call 602-942-3000 That is what is on there now. https://www.wildlifelicense.com/az/start.php It is getting closer, but it will happen when it happens. Good Luck to All.
  4. Amanda isn't the ADA display going to be life size mounts, I won't be able to be there but from everything I have heard it should be a great display.
  5. In the loss of habitat I agree with all that everyone has said, plus we have people that are closing gates that allow access to public lands. Some are doing it just because they can, others because of damaged property, the shooting of livestock, or tearing up the roads, and no matter who is really doing these things the hunters are blamed and pay the price. Oh and lets not forget the person that was passing off forged money that closed her gate bacause her son is a child molestor, but hey everyone has their reasons.

    Family Strengths

    Thanks for sharing. You have a great family. God Bless
  7. Very sorry for the loss to your Family Amanda.

    Humberto Fontova 2005

    Now I have a problem, if shortpants is right there is no way she can be our gov. legally, there are no resident populations of bigfoot in AZ.

    Humberto Fontova 2005

    That has to be the sickest thought on this website in a year, what are you doing in WY that made you think of that. No matter how we look at it the liberal side is going to be willing to do whatever it takes to turn people to their side, from stripping women, rockstars, film stars, porn stars, and then the childrens books and cartoons. If reno or our gov. decided to strip for votes they would lose simply because the gag reflex of the entire nation would not even allow you to read that name without puking.
  10. These are two of my favorites.

    az raffle tag buck

    Congratulations on an awesome deer, Great Job.
  12. I missed this one, did she get nominated again this year. The issue I have with the nra supporting her is that it just seems fishy, I am not saying she is a bad person, but I do think there are much better candidates out there that are getting overlooked for some reason.
  13. Congrats to you all, great pics, thanks for a great read. God Bless
  14. Congrats again on a great buck, it was your decision either way and as long as you are happy with it, it was a good one. God Bless

    Whats In A Name

    Maybe she looked at the pictures and decided on your name for you, isn't grong the aphrodesiac made from antlers.

    Whats In A Name

    Josh I thought at one time you was going to change it to mullet, though grong would probably be better.
  17. Congrats it looks like you all had a great time.
  18. I thought sci-nevada and the group from tn that did the draw last year were independent groups, and the group last year screwed up enough to get dropped by the azgfd. I was at the commission meeting when the ADA presented their survey and watched two of the commissioners dismiss it as not scientific and not speaking for the majority. I then watched very few people get up to defend it, the ADA had their people there and the AES was also there and spoke up about it that I remember, but less than ten additional people spoke up about it representing a few other groups or themselves. I didn't and should have, it led me to get more involved with what is happening with hunting and with deer in AZ and at the least do my small part. Apathy and ignorance is the worst thing for the sport of hunting, complaining and not getting involved doesn't do anything for us either aside from splitting up an already small group. Tell the commissioners what you think they might like it, preference points wouldn't hurt them any, maybe since other states have landowner tags we should too (not), no matter what people would still apply and pay, but if you have an opinion tell them because they probably don't read this website to make their decisions, I am not saying your opinion are bad I just don't agree with them. I will say it again to elect commissioners would be the fall of hunting in AZ, and once that decision was made it would never go back to the appointed commissioners. People that don't hunt wouldn't care how they vote, but hey pam anderson said this is bad or bill mahr said on hbo that hunting is bad, or the humane society that takes care of little puppies said this was bad, or did you see bambi, they would make it look like all hunters are poacher and killers, and as far as the nra goes they are backing Jennifer Martin for a second time as a commissioner, at least the three that are being recommended now are all hunters and worthy of the position.

    Happy Birthday

    Thanks for the the Birthday wishes, I had a great day, plus some snow. It was nice to meet you Chef, small world. Good Luck and God Bless
  20. So with a preference point system we better start putting our kids in now and we can tell them that for sure before they die they will be able to hunt elk in AZ, but just not in the next ten years or so, but hey hunting is great tell your friends. In the preference point system we would lose young hunters and the way we are losing hunters now it is an even bigger problem for our future. At least with the bonus point system everyone has a chance, and at thats better than knowing that there are ten years ahead of you for sure before you get a chance. As far as deer goes in AZ there are leftover tags every year, if you want a deer tag all you have to do is apply down south for one of the early hunts and your odds are really good. If you want the Kaibab tag every year or the December Coues hunts then it might take a while. We aren't Colorado, we are AZ, do we want to be like other states and have land owner tags, have private game ranches, there are a lot of things that the AZGFD do that piss me off, but they are still better than most. If you want change get involved in some way or another, go to the AZGFD meetings and tell them what you think, help a group of your choice with habitat for our game animals, what we don't want is to sit around and wait for someone to fix it for us, because it will never happen. Everyone should have an opinion and nobody needs to agree with it, its when you quit caring that we lose, this is our sport and we need to fight for it.

    ErnestoC Mexico Success

    Awesome deer my friend, congrats again.
  22. The legisature has to confirm the commissioners that are appointed, thus Ms. Martin not getting the job for more than a year, but I don't think there are any anti hunters on the commission, they may be strictly politicians with only money in mind (and yes that is a bad thing), but they are not anti. If it goes to a vote you would have the humane society and peta dumping tons of money on candidates for the commission and not to mention the hollywood types that would be supporting them. Just another reminder that the NRA was all for Ms. Martin getting her nomination.

    Whats In A Name

    Mine is simple Keith Gaines, that way I can remember it.
  24. Even though the one commissioner that you are talking about hasn't ever hunted at least she understands hunting and shooting sports, I don't want her as a commissioner and I hope that whoever replaces her is more of a hunter, but if we allow the people to elect our commissioners it won't be peta electing the people, it will be peta and the humane society getting elected.

    Back from Mexico

    Congrats on a great buck.