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Everything posted by KGAINES

  1. Thanks for a great story.

    Thieves suck!!!

    I hate thieves, I say post the pics.
  3. I am glad that it wasn't a serious injury as well, it just makes you think how that could happen. I agree if it is an animal charging or attacking the situation changes, but I would put turkey attack way low on Arizona big game dangers, not saying they couldn't do a little damage, but if my buddy was getting his tail kicked by a turkey the last thing I would do would be to spray the bird and him with a shotgun, a video camera and America's funniest home videos would probably be worth the turkey fight.
  4. Isn't the rule during the spring hunt a bearded turkey, I don't want the beard and the guy was a turkey jokes, but how in the heck could you shoot a person when you have to make sure you are shooting a legal turkey. Now if the guy was carrying a decoy of a tom right in front of his face maybe, I wonder how far away he was, it says he was shot multiple times, was that multiple pellets or did he shoot more than once.

    Wild dogs

    Those half wolf dogs are called mexican gray wolves, there was a lot of money involved to turn them loose.

    Miss America

    I was waiting for someone to point that out Kevin, I was going to but you got to it first. It sucks to be that girl, almost at the pinnacle of what she competes in, asked a controversial question buy a person who had no business being there and sticking to her guns and answering it honestly. Then have this same judge ridicule her, post explicit photo shopped pictures of her on his blog supposedly, and show more hate and bigotry toward her than imaginable. He will say he is sorry and it will be dropped like nothing ever happened, it sure isn't in the news like the Don Imus thing, shouldn't this guy be dropped by all his sponsors whoever they may be.
  7. The HSUS has so many people duped it is unreal, everyone thinks that all they do is help the dogs and cats.
  8. Maybe he's a conservative anti-hunter. I haven't received a response from him yet, but I will keep sending emails until he gives me an answer. Obama hasn't responded to any of my emails either, but then I never expected him to. Jon Kyl has I even received a phone call from his office to confirm that he will get my email and I should expect a response to my question and several of the reps from AZ have responded on a few issues, even the Governor has responded to me on some issues, McCain hasn't since he lost the election. I think hunters should overwhelm Rush with emails until he gives his position on hunting, and give an explanation on why the radio spots for the HSUS.
  9. Lark let me know if you hear back from the former Gov., she has never responded to me.

    Good Idea or Not

    I think it is a great idea, if the success rats are up (mandatory reporting would sure help), they can choose a different way to get the kids out there next year. I wonder how many total tags were purchased for these hunts.

    Free bows

    My thinking exactly GH, but weight would be a factor for my little ones. As far as whoopin Casey I'll let my daughters leave that to the older girls.

    Free bows

    Are they adult bows, or for kids.

    Mimi needs you

    Prayers sent

    Snakes for Sale

    Do you any pictures pictures.

    Sucessful opening morning junior turkey


    minimum caliber rifle for deer

    Thanks Doug I couldn't find anything either, you never know something could change tomorrow so when the deer regs come out they should at least update it then.

    Anthem sighting

    That could be Anthem, I-17 north of Phoenix.


    That would be enough to get your car keyed or swerved off the road by a peace loving pacifist left wing liberal.
  19. One other thing you might want to be sure of is the bullets you use, don't get the magnum style loads. I don't know if you can buy the blackpowder loads, but you can get light cowboy loads, Bill or Lark might know what would work best out of that gun. Take care and congrats on what sounds like a great gun.

    Just bugs me

    This was my reply I don't understand how you would stereotype a group of people like that. I am a hunter and have never been in trouble with the law in my life, I have several friends who are the same. We Volunteer with groups and help with youth activities some involve hunting, but most don't, we teach our kids right and wrong and how to respect others and how to respect our country. The way you describe it is that hunters go out and murder animals just for their heads, that is simply a blanket statement that makes you feel better when it isn't true. More people die in car accidents, by mistakes made at hospitals, falling in their home, and many other ways before you get down to hunting accidents, I wonder if you protest those accidents as well. Humans have hunted since their existence, I don't care if you believe in God or not, but in the bible it is ok to hunt, and if you believe in evolution then you have to know hunting is ok. People that watch the Disney stuff and the talking animals and believe that that is the way it is , or that they might evolve into that are the ones who hate hunters (and people) for the most part, and think the world would be a better place without humans. I will never convert you to my way of thinking, you know the life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness way of thinking, but then again the same people that hate me for being a hunter, hate the way this country was created, they hate what this country stands for, they are the same people that believe that if everyone was exactly the same, with exactly the same income, exactly the same thoughts, exactly the same looks, that would be great, If you are one of those people then I actually feel sorry for you, I hope you don't brainwash your own kids; and allow them to learn and have their own feelings. I pray for you, Take care and God bless. Keith Gaines

    Just bugs me

    Well I received my response. I am now a violent, weak person, who dismisses the needs of others, I have devasted the forest etc..... In the last few days now, I am the above, plus a right wing extremist, what next. Dear Keith: Thank you for contacting the Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting. There are many reasons why we want to abolish sport hunting. Using a weapon to intentionally kill an animal that poses no threat to you or to anyone else is an unnecessarily violent act. We believe that the world is already too violent and that any increase in the amount of violence is not needed. When we're violent we dismiss the needs, feeling and suffering of others, and that makes us weak inside and lesser people. Perpetuating the sport of hunting also devastates the forest and the areas where hunted wildlife live. Former PA state wildlife biologist Gary Alt has stated that state wildlife agencies have responded to hunters who ask for more deer to kill but they have ruined the forest in the process. State game agencies manipulate wild areas to benefit certain game species at the expense of the other species who are living there. When state hunting agencies clear cut tracts of land to create suitable habitat for deer, they devastate the animals who need dense woods to thrive. Hunting agencies are not concerned with helping all wildlife, they want to "help" only those they will be able to shoot (or trap or otherwise kill). Hunting is a sport that has the sole purpose of keeping itself alive. Game birds are bred and dumped on hunting grounds so hunters can enjoy killing them. There's no conservation value in abandoning birds who are unlikely to survive the winter. Canned hunting, where hunters pay a hefty price to kill exotic species or domestic species (meaning indigenous, as opposed to domesticated) who have been artificially bred to display desirable physical characteristics, also has no conservation value. The practice serves only to make the owners of the hunting ranches wealthy and to give violent people animals to kill. Hunters also cannot be trusted to obey the law. I used to believe that the great majority of hunters were honest about obeying game laws and honoring the limits on hunting seasons, but after relocating the C.A.S.H. office to New Mexico I have seen evidence of poaching since the height of the summer. You don't drive very far along a rural desert road before you see either headless deer dumped on the side of the road or cattle who have been shot and left to rot. And one cannot ignore the reality that hunting is a dangerous sport. Every year hunters are killed and maimed in hunting accidents. From accidental weapons discharges to not properly identifying a target to falling from a tree stand and everything in between, hunting tragically claims the lives of hundreds wounds thousands more every year. This is not something that anyone would want to happen to a child, yet, our statistics show that more than 13% of all hunting accidents victimize children age 17 and younger. It is far better to experience the outdoors through activities such as camping, hiking, wildlife watching and photography. Those are just a few of my thoughts, but in general, the world will be a better place with fewer violent people and I don't think that can be argued against very successfully. We understand that many people do not share our opinion when it comes to sport hunting, trapping and the role state and federal wildlife agencies play in creating many of the problems associated with wildlife. We hope that in time, as you continue to read The C.A.S.H. Courier and website, you will change your opinion and come to share our views. Sincerely, Joe Miele Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting P.O. Box 13815 Las Cruces, NM 88013

    minimum caliber rifle for deer

    Doug you are right, page 94 and 95 of the fall deer regulations have the 08 and 09 legal methods of take and there are changes that need to be looked at, I am still looking for the most current regulations. I haven't found a chart I can post yet, but it is a chart in the regulations.
  23. http://www.trapdoorcollector.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springfield_Model_1873

    Just bugs me

    This is what I sent. Can I ask why someone would want to interfere with a human pastime, I spend time with my children doing whatever they want to do, football, cheerleading, I buy them books to read on whatever subjects they might enjoy. What is wrong with families doing family things, do you suppose it is better to spend the day with the kids in the room playing video games or watching TV. I think sports and outdoor activities like hiking, camping, fishing, and hunting are traditions that need to be continued, and we need public lands and wilderness areas for those activities. We see more non game species while hunting then we do the species we are after, we learn survival skills not learned in the city, we learn what nature really is. Hunters are stereotyped as beer drinking automatic weapons toting killers, when hunters spend more time and money to preserve wildlife and habitat than any other groups out there. My children will make their own choices in life just like me, but hopefully they will never be so full of themselves that they will try to dictate how others should live their lives. When one group starts to believe they are superior and their way is the right and only way to live and then force others to follow, that is the time when people need to step back and evaluate your own individualism, freedom, liberty, and the right to respect others as you would like to be respected.

    Just bugs me

    I sent them an email, I can't wait for the response.