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Everything posted by KGAINES


    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    This was my letter to them I am a resident in the state of Arizona and have hunted for years, we have always had a draw deadline, and if you were late for any reason your app was denied, and yes I did mess up a few times. The way I see it is that Cabelas messed up, it don’t matter if it was UPS, or if it was an act of God, the fact that the AZGFD did not cause you to be late with your applications, and with that being said you have no business complaining, even if there is some sort of loophole that you and your high dollar attorneys may think you have found, your company has to know what is right. We as hunters use the word ethics all the time, we try to be responsible while in the field and show respect for the animals we hunt, you need to take a step back and look at yourselves and what you are trying to do, it is not right, it lacks ethics, and it shows absolutely no respect for all the hunters who applied and met the deadline that AZGFD set when the regulations came out. At this time I am a customer of Cabelas and you have a nice store in Glendale, if this crap is allowed you will lose me as a customer and anyone else I can convince, I will drive to Sportsman’s Warehouse, or Bass Pro Shops which are across town from me before I will ever shop at your store again. Thanks Keith Gaines

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    Crossbow or compound doesn't matter it's just a rule. Salt or feed doesn't matter even if it is a rule. Why not go out and buy that OTC elk tag and find whatever one you want wherever you want, its only a unit boundry, my mistake, just a rule Shoot it from your truck with a spotlight, just rules. I wonder if cabelas would represent us we are just trying to participate in arizona's hunts

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    That little end statement, according to me says the Director, not the commission, the director is still shrouffe isn't it and I would hate to see a lame duck type pardon for cabelas as he is going out. There is good news to this though, if we are having a little trouble deciding on our deer apps we can just wait a couple of extra days to send them in, or we can just take them down there a week or two late and turn them in and there shouldn't be a problem. We might even be able to pay for our tags with cabelas gift cards and coupons by that time. Elk and Pronghorn Draw Information The deadline day for submission of hunt permit-tag applications for fall 2008 hunts for elk and pronghorn antelope was Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2008 at 7 p.m. Draw results will be available no later than April 25, 2008 from this web page and by telephone by dialing (602) 942-3000. 2008 Antelope & Elk Draw Regulations [PDF, 8.25mb] Hunt Permit Tag Application [PDF, 312kb] Over-the-counter elk nonpermit-tag information Draw Procedure Details [PDF, 16kb] Fall Draw Information The next deadline day for the submission of hunt permit-tag applications for fall 2008 hunts for deer, turkey, javelina bighorn sheep, buffalo should be Tuesday, June 10, 2008. Check back to this web site for updated information. They should add 6-10-2008 or really whenever you feel life it as long as the draw hasn't been made public yet.

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    blah blah blah They did answer though

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    I have seen google and ask jeeves on the site quite a bit in the last couple of hours, how many people are google searching cabelas screws up on AZ elk Apps and here we are CouesWhitetail.com.

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    You are probably right, but to me they should have been told to "suck it" behind closed doors, then it isn't a public fiasco, No matter how I wrote that it just sounds bad, so just keep your minds out of the gutters, I am not talking about New York Gov. Spitzer.

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    Can I ask someone who might know why is Harry Seck requesting this for cabelas, he works for the AZGFD, is that his job, was it requested of him and he is now asking the commission as per his job. I don't know Harry Seck, and I can't seem to find his email address either. What sucks is that we don't know what the dept. is saying on the inside, but we all know that on the outside to us it will be { if the commission directs us to redo the draw then that is what we will do, we will do what the commission directs} when to me it should never get back to the commission it should have been stated as every one of us has said, you were LATE and didn't make the DEADLINE, now just go away.
  8. Did anyone hear of a mountain lion attack at sheeps crossing on the verde this weekend, my brother was there and said that at the camp close to them they heard a few shots, and when they stopped by there a little later there was a dead lion and a kid that had scratches down his back and some bandages on, there was also a dead lion. My brother said he snapped some pictures, but the camera is with his friend and he will get me some pics asn soon as he can. They were supposedly taking the lion and the kid into town to have the kid checked out and turn the lion in, my brother said the lion was around a hundred pounds or so, and just scratched the kid in the back, they told him they fired a couple of shots to scare it off, but it wasn't going to leave, they said it just walked right through their camp and jumped on the kid, and said it didn't look like a serious attack almost like it was playing. My brother said the story sounded weird, but the kid was scratched up and the lion was there and dead. I know this is all hearsay, just wondering if anyone heard anything. My brother said he wondered about rabies, or something wrong with the cat, he said it was mangy looking and had one broken tooth. He also said it wasn't tagged.

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    They dropped the online companies because they couldn't guarantee certain things, and from what I remember that the AZGFD has a vey high standard when it comes to the draw( this is from them), and these companies weren't operating like the AZGFD thought they should, and now here we are kissing the cabelas stores a** because they messed up. I read the rules I knew my tag had to be in by the 12, and I hand delivered it on the 11th because I knew the rules, I am just joe hunter and I must not matter if this goes through. If UPS messed up that is between UPS and cabelas, it don't have a dang thing to do with anuone else, that is about as simple as it gets, and like someone else said before, why in the heck do you send them the day before the draw.

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    The more I think about this the more pissed I get, if the azgfd is doing this to appease cabelas it should have been done behind closed doors: cabelas we are sorry for all your customers, but the AZGFD has a deadline and to change that for this reason would allow the integrity of our department to be compramised: and that all could have been said behind closed doors. Now it is an issue for the AZGFD, cabelas, and every person who applies to hunt in Arizona. I don't know about being at that meeting because if the outcome is in favor of cabelas I am liable to tell an entire commission to F-off, and cabelas to kiss my a**, not to mention whoever might be there to support them. dang it sucks to be this pissed about something so stupid, but then again over the last few years there are a few people on that commission that fit the stupid description to a tee. I probably won't ever get a tag here again, but as Forrest Gump said stupid is as stupid does.

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    If this is accepted then they will have to reopen the app process for another few days to allow all people to send in their apps., big freaking mess. Iwish we could sue rthem for even thinking this.

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    If there is any possible way I am going to try and be there, this is ridiculous that they are even going to listen to this. I would think there could be a class action lawsuit against them if this happens, everyone who has had an app returned for just about any reason could ask for an extension, if you mess up, you mess up, it don't matter who caused you to mess up in the end the only one who should receive the blame is you. They screwed up and now they are trying to screw everyone that did it right. If AZGFD allows this to happen They are in for a world of backlash, here they are asking us to support them against the legislature, but they are going to piss all over us because of a big money corporation and 600 applications that were LATE.

    Lets See your Loading Bench

    I bought mine from walmart or something like that, it is a kitchen accessory type table with a fold out edge, caster wheels that I did install, plus storage area, it is something like this but smaller and didn't cost near as much. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=2572254

    Mountain Lion

    I am trying to get ahold of my brother right now, he held the lions head for a few pictures, we have been joking with him for the last couple of days about getting the shots. I hope we are wrong that would suck for him.

    Mountain Lion

    Go get em! Any around CV are on my list to shoot on sight. When my brother was telling me about this, your story was the first thing I thought of.

    Scored big today!!

    Great find, that is awesome.

    Mountain Lion

  18. 1628 on the kitten game 10 on the elevation and hit a bunch of balloons
  19. I UNDERSTAND that my use of the services of Cabela’s T.A.G.S. does not guarantee or imply that a permit will be drawn and does not increase the chances that a permit will be drawn by the applicant. Use of Cabela’s T.A.G.S. does not obligate the applicant to book a hunting trip through Cabela’s Outdoor Adventures. If the Applicant is successful in drawing a permit(s), Cabela’s T.A.G.S. has the option to hold the permit(s) in its possession until reimbursement from the applicant for the permit fee(s) is received by Cabela’s T.A.G.S. Accordingly, Cabela’s T.A.G.S. reserves the right to charge applicant’s credit card as reimbursement for the cost of the permit fee(s) and/or refund checks issued by state wildlife agencies that have been funded by Cabela’s T.A.G.S. In case of any error(s) on a client application that results in rejection of the application, Cabela’s T.A.G.S. liability is limited to the application fee and service fee charged for said application. Cabela’s T.A.G.S. assumes no liability for any loss, expense, damage, accident, delay, inconvenience, injury or death which results directly or indirectly from the drawing of any permits and any resulting hunting and related activities, whether successful or unsuccessful, that may be undertaken. Limited Power of Attorney with Durable Provision TO ALL PERSONS, be it known, that the above applicant, GRANTOR, does hereby make and grant a limited power of attorney to Eric Pawlak, as representative of Cabela’s T.A.G.S., and/or any other authorized representative of Cabela’s T.A.G.S., and does thereupon constitute and appoint said individuals as my attorney-in-fact. My attorney-in-fact shall have limited powers and authority to do and undertake such acts as herein described on my behalf that I could do personally, with full power of substitution and revocation. Granted are the powers to execute such special hunting license and permit applications and endorsement of such license and permit funds. My attorney in fact hereby accepts this appointment subject to its terms and agrees to act and perform in said fiduciary capacity consistent with my best interests as he, in his discretion, deems advisable, and I affirm and ratify all acts so undertaken. This power-of-attorney shall be revoked by disability of the Grantor, and shall otherwise continue in full force and effect until revoked by Grantor in writing. [/color]In case of any error(s) on a client application that results in rejection of the application,Cabela’s T.A.G.S. liability is limited to the application fee and service fee charged for said application. Cabela’s T.A.G.S. assumes no liability for any loss, expense, damage, accident, delay, inconvenience, injury or death which results directly or indirectly from the drawing of any permits and any resulting hunting and related activities, whether successful or unsuccessful, that may be undertaken.
  20. I wonder if they tried to get them to accept the apps., what kind of offers or pressure was used if any, being a fly on the wall for those would have been something. You would think that as soon as cabelas got the final word they would have to send out notifications to their customers.
  21. You wouldn't think outfitters like uso use the cabelas tags program so that they don't have to spend the money too.
  22. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/content/...gs/tags2006.pdf Looks worse than filling out the app, unless you are a non resident that doesn't want to front the tag fee.
  23. I bet this going to be a majority of non-resident apps. and if so it will mainly be trophy hunts, so the guys that are from out of state that took the time to do it themselves should have a really good chance at drawing. If this did happen and AZGFD is not accepting these apps. I applaud them for their integrity, they could very easily have added them in and taken the money, $300,000.00 in app fees.

    Hunting class in High School

    Back in around 1986 I had a class at Deer Valley High School called outdoor adventure, we had a field trip for the weekend to black river, we had field trips to ben avery, for trap and skeet, and archery, I actually took my Hunters Safety Course in this class, I remember carrying my shotgun in its case down the halls of the school with boxes of shells under my arm.

    Elk tags?

    I believe it was march 23rd last year