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Everything posted by KGAINES



    I put this one on here before, but my cousin caught it between bartlett and horseshoe. Here is a smallmouth caught somewhere closer

    3 UTAH residents

    I wonder why the other 20 states aren't part of the compact.


    I would say yes to your Pleasant scenario.


    Have always had good luck between Bartlett and Horseshoe for big flatheads or channels, or you can catch some smallmouth and largemouth in there as well, but the big cats are worth the trip. Behind horseshoe is sometimes good too. Live carp or bluegill for bait, sometimes worms work for the big ones, chicken liver and shrimp will usually keep the bite going with the smaller ones. I haven't been up there this year yet, but this is about the time to start, with the huge run-offs check the flow, the slower the better for fishing. Also there will probably be water trapped in little ponds, if you can find those you will have all the baitfish you need with hardly any effort.

    Might be a honey hole!

    When I was growing up in Yuma someone killed an alligator that was more than 12 feet long near the old Cibola Landing on the river. It was back in the days when they still had five and dime stores selling 3-to-4-inch-long baby alligators for pets, and quite a few foot-long gators eventually turned up in the canals and river after their owners got tired of them. Such a big one found in the Colorado River made news across the country, though, and a photo appeared in the old Arizona Wildlife Sportsman Magazine. This was in about 1952-53. I still was in high school. I have a copy of that issue somewhere. Bill Quimby Bill there was one spotted and shot in the 40's too, I remember seeing an article on that. The gila and the salt in places reminds me of some of the stuff you see on the discovery channel with the crocs and gators.
  6. Well if global warming is going to cause mass starvation, why are we catering to the competition. Rembrant aside from the evolution group, there are also the groups that ask why are we killing Gods creatures, but then they haven't read the bible they just use Gods name if it helps their cause.

    Might be a honey hole!

    Jim I don't care what anyone says, there are bodies of water around the valley that would seem to support gators. You have all these people that buy these exotic reptiles which include, venomous snakes, constrictors, gators, and crocodiles, plus the piranha ( I know not a reptile, but still scary). What happens if they just let them go.

    Might be a honey hole!

    Jim every time I fish in in ponds like that I think gator, not to mention the thought of fighting of a rattler in a float tube. The pond does look a little familiar.

    Thumped the mighty thunder chicken

    Congratulations, sounds like you worked it perfectly.

    Younghunter caught on tape!

    He must be a treestand hunting fool
  11. The water has to be good for the wildlife, hope we get more.

    Sheriff Joe

    I don't know what we spend a year in welfare in this country, but if we was to collect the habitual welfare abusers put them in a truck and ship them to Mexico it would cost way less and then maybe they could live there on 1/4 of what it costs to keep them here, we take problems from there and we give them problems from here . If the border was structured to allow true honest workers through who are trying to better themselves this situation wouldn't be a problem, plus people that are here legally and are welcomed would be encouraged to learn the language and maybe become U.S. citizens and not be looking over their shoulder until the day they head back to Mexico. Both of these would help Sheriff Joe out alot. If you get rid of the people that sit on their tails and have kids so they can get more welfare, free insurance(free for them while we pay a premium for ours plus taxes for theirs), and complain that it's not enough while they abuse the system and won't work at a minimum wage job because they perceive that as being below them and they would rather steal or break the law for their money, it would free up a ton of money and taxes for the people that deserve it. If that solution don't work, they can have the welfare people show up daily at a designated area, bus them to the farms and low paying labor jobs and make them put in a full day for pay, and if you don't show up you lose food stamps and your access insurance, keep that up and keep abusing the system have the state take the kids from them, these non motivated drains on our economy would change their attitude quickly. DB the people that you say walk through the desert and endure what they do to work these jobs are the ones we need to find a way to allow them to work here legally. If their was a way to kick the heck out of Mexico and stabilize that country where the people there wanted to stay and build a better country for themselves it would be that much better. The resources that country has and the lack of utilization has to be changed and it has to start with the people, then maybe support from other countries would enable a complete turn around for them.
  13. Well said Kevin, same goes for me.
  14. We have seen them over the years near Parker Canyon lake, this last year during the early Coues rifle hunt we seen at least twenty in a flock.
  15. Funny that you end your statement with "I guess it goes to show how the right wing political machine works", do I take it that the left wing doesn't have a political machine because I call BS on that. The left no matter how you look at it is the media darlings, once these primaries are over they will start blasting the republicans. Just about all politicians are liars, and the democrats are just as good at it as anyone. If a democrat is elected and the economy continues to go bad they will blame everything on their predecessor, if a republican is elected and the economy gets better it will be attributed to congress. One other side note to Obama, isn't a muslim who converts to Christianity or any other religion now an ex-muslim and considered an outcast and is therefor executed in muslim countries, what will that do for diplomacy. From the stuff I read he was registered and raised as a muslim while very young, that don't make him one I guess, but tell that to the radicals in the middle east. Also Reverend Wright might not be muslim, but he sure seems radical and almost anti American to me, and was part of the campaign until some of his sermons and statements were made public, Obama conveniently didn't attend church during any of those sermons. No matter how any of this goes I am voting for McCain because he is the candidate left that I like best, I knew I wouldn't vote for Hillary four years ago because I don't like her and don't trust her with my country, and four years ago I didn't know who Obama was, he is like American idol in politics he can karaoke best so he is the new star.

    CWT.com Archery Hog hunt?

    When I head that direction I always go through Parker and Needles and down the 40 through Barstow, it might be longer in mileage, but there is almost no traffic that way and going the speed limit it takes around 7 hours, but making it in 6 isn't out of the question.
  17. Any news on the meeting, any changes to what was proposed.


    I was talking with my boss today and he was telling me that he transported a 6 year old to the hospital this weekend that had been bitten by a rattler, and I seen a report today that a ten year old was bitten yesterday.

    Rancher Kills 39 Antelope

    What about this part of the rule 6) require a landowner or lessee to demonstrate that the property depredation is greater in value than the value of any wildlife-related income or fee collected by the landowner or lessee for permission to take or kill an animal of the same species, on the private property or portion of the private property identified in the complaint as the location where the depredation occurred; and

    Rancher Kills 39 Antelope

    Reading and watching that pisses me off, I have to think this guy had more options but wanted to show the department that he understood the law and his rights and force the issue. I guess the meat was wasted and just left to rot. If wolves kill cattle ranchers are paid for the loss, I wonder if he was offered a deal such as that. If I am not mistaken isn't that the reason why the AZGFD has the over the counter elk tags right now, to get elk out of areas where they are not wanted, could something like that have been done for this guy. What about relocation, could they have moved these antelope to different areas to eliminate the conflict. Thirty nine just seems a bit outrageous to slaughter in that manner, there should be some sort of change to that law that has to allow the game and fish some say in mass killings.

    Sheriff Joe

    It sucks when you are criticized for doing your job. We need more of the chain gangs doing work, especially the ones that just want to sit in their cell and get out to do whatever again, give them some hard labor and maybe they won't want to go back. Shoot them if they try to escape, don't say halt or freeze or anything SHOOT them, they know who and where they are so if they try to leave it is understood that they still won't follow rules and shooting them is the consequence. I will continue to vote for Joe as long as he runs, he does everything within his power to enforce laws and punish criminals, he is a bit of a glory hound, but when you are a voted in public official you sort of have to be. Prison should be punishment, not sit in a cell and wish you were home punishment, it should be work your tail off and pray to God that you never do anything stupid enough to get you back there.


    This afternoon one jumped under my tire, I was about half a mile from my house. It was crawling out of a front yard when I seen it, about a 2 1/2 to 3 ft diamondback, about 50 yards from my kids bus stop.
  23. I am going to be at work on Saturday. Good luck to those that go, hopefully the commission will listen.
  24. from the article it sounds like it was her son who got diddled.... He is in jail for child molesting, allegedly, what you read in that article is that she says he was also molested, allegedly, and that is why he is what he is, maybe if she would have put no trespassing/private property signs on him and locked his gate, this never would have happened. As far as I'm concerned if her son was a molester the sob should be dead, child molesters should be shot when proven guilty, just like murderers. http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/printDS/68013 Yikes, I could have lived a happy life without ever stumbling onto this little stain on humanity.... She has been frequently brought up on this forum for a few years. http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...ghlite=%2Btapia
  25. from the article it sounds like it was her son who got diddled.... He is in jail for child molesting, allegedly, what you read in that article is that she says he was also molested, allegedly, and that is why he is what he is, maybe if she would have put no trespassing/private property signs on him and locked his gate, this never would have happened. As far as I'm concerned if her son was a molester the sob should be dead, child molesters should be shot when proven guilty, just like murderers.