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Everything posted by KGAINES


    Leftover Switch

    Even with the super raffle, think if the winner of the Mule deer or Elk tag put it on ebay or had an auction company sell it, it would be a huge issue. Conservation groups auction or raffle tags to directly benefit the animals, selling or trading would somehow be wrong. Years ago you could have a leftover tag after the draw and were able to take two deer, but since there are no longer any leftover tags "unwanted according to AZGFD" they will consider leftpver tags as opportunities to those not drawn and will only allow them to those people. If they keep adding oct. and nov. tags and taking away dec. tags statewide there will be leftover tags, because the road hunter types will not be able to afford the southern oct. hunts, gas money will bankrupt them and they will have almost zero success, so they will complain about the hunts and say their opportunity sucked.

    Leftover Switch

    I think to an immedaite family member or to a group such as Hunt of a Lifetime is the only way to transfer a tag in Arizona, but I don't think there is a way to trade tags. If that was the case there would be a lot of Kaibab tags on ebay to be traded, with cash considerations.


    Happy Birthday


    I got a 17A deer tag, oct. 24th through nov. 2nd, I also have an elk tag in that unit that is oct. 17th through dec. 14th, so I will have two tags in my pocket for my deer hunt.

    Leftover Permits

    Man look at all that opportunity, I am surprised that AZGFD calls them leftover tags, because once these are claimed the AZGFD says all the tags were used, and there is still demand so now they will eliminate 5 more Dec. tags to create more opportunity which is 150 oct. or early nov. tags since there were no LEFTOVER tags. It is first come first serve and there will be a date that they will not accept Apps. prior to, once you get that just mail int the app and you will have a good shot at a tag.
  6. What's the guys name and how much would it cost to make sure that when they recover the draw data miraculously every CW member will be drawn for whatever applied for.



    First hunt(s)

    I grew up in Surprise, my neighbor used to buy me bb's to shoot the birds out of his fruit trees and garden area I was probably around seven. Started hunting dove around ten, my grandfather took me out for my first dove hunt. My dad who coached and had me involved in all the team sports, decided if I was interested in that then he would be too and we started dove and quail hunting whenever we could. He pretty much encouraged me to hunt or do whatever and he provided me the opportunity.
  9. I left out Bigfoot, chupacabras, skinwalkers, ufo's and other unexplained type stuff, that includes the boogie man, I did put other people which does include the banjo pickin weirdos, drug farmers, and illegal smugglers (coyotes).
  10. That crap is to hard on my heart I knew for sure they were up POST THEM Please That changed a couple of days ago, I swear I don't know the exact time and date, but I am sure someone does. Then again I didn't listen to it while pushing the numbers to get through that blah blah blah crap to hear the results.
  11. That sucks, that store was very close to where I work and very convenient. Cabela's a few miles away from that store has to hurt.
  12. Did one of these guys get a camper for their birthday. http://youtube.com/watch?v=dIPjongO8Fs&feature=related

    fact or fiction?

    Interesting article Doug

    Trail photos

    Great pics DB.
  15. I bet interest is accrued daily, or does it really matter.

    Hey I am new to the site


    New To The Site

    Welcome to the site.


    The obvious question is, was Jim wearing the Binocs when she ran them over? The story is that my bro and I had gone Hog huntin' one day and stopped by my dad's house on the way home for a get together with the family. My bro left early and i was going to ride home with the wife. He put the rifle and my other bags ON TOP of the car, making me think that was all of it and I put it all into the back seat. For some reason he thought to set my backpack up against the rear bumper away from everything else and there is no street lights out at Pops house so it went undetected.........well, undetected for the first 20 yards backing down the driveway! BTW.......UPS tried to deliver my babies today but nobody was there to sign for it, and I have to wait another day Dang Jim I would have signed for them, would have waited at your house for you. I would have given them to you when you asked too, were they delivering the tascos with the blue or the red lenses so I can make sure to get it right, I think you need more friends like me looking out for you.

    any good hunting spots

    Welcome young man Keep posting and have fun and learn Also there is a new 10 year old female member Who thinks that you have cooties and are disgusting I think she is probably right but a PM to her would not hurt You are welcome Troy You didn't mean to reply to me on that one, did you.

    any good hunting spots

    crap I forgot this was the internet and anyone can now look at that spot. Sorry

    any good hunting spots

    GameHauler how come you didn't tell him about that spot over that hill on the side of that mountain that is next to the big rock and all those cactus, that is a great spot.
  22. Heck no don't go back to dog food, you have a special dog. For the price of a couple of bags of dog food, you can buy a ton of gravel, plus it is definitely recyclable.

    This will make you smile!

    You took that picture in Lark's front yard, he has a smiling face to come home to and it explains his hatred of javelina.