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Everything posted by KGAINES


    This is insane...

    I suppose you could ask them if they are armed prior to pulling your gun, I am sure that would go well. Pretty sure they all speak english well enough to know what was said, second if you said it in spanish; la helada hace usted tiene cualquier arma, the only response I would uderstand would be si or no, other than that what do you do, and these would be the most trustworthy people out there, plus the minute you didn't have a gun and the numbers are 16 to 1 you are probably on the wrong end of an butt whippin . If this guy wasn't out there shooting these people and was just catching them on his property I don't have a problem with it. It would seem sort of stupid for him to abuse these people and then turn them in, that doesn't make sense, what does make sense is that there are lawyers out there that look to make a buck of anyone for anything. It is also a sad day when our border patrol can't shoot drug dealers without getting into trouble, same goes for the police, when drugs are involved the situation can be almost impossibe to predict.

    This is insane...

    I would take my chances with a jury. If someone is stealing from my property I might not shoot first, if they are in my house they are dead, and I don't care where I am if someone messes with one of my kids I will kill them, I will hunt them down if I have to, and I would go to jail just to kill that kind of scum. Truthfully I HATE thiefs and pedophiles that are citizens more than I do the guy trying to sneak across the border to work, but they are both criminals. As far as drug dealers sneaking across I think Scotty and the rest of our officers and agents should be able to shoot first and not risk his life by telling them to freeze, or worrying about some miranda rights. If most of us were allowed to use common sense a lot of this crap wouldn't happen, and yes I would shoot a thief trying to steal my car or truck. If I was sure about it I would shoot a thief trying to steal a neighbors stuff. Thieves nowdays have no punishment really. it takes a few times getting busted before they serve time, or at least any real time. We are probably harder on drunk drivers than we are thieves. Three felonies and they should just shoot you and be done with it, deport you a couple of times and then they should drop you off in southern Chile, then it would take a while to make it back, unless you are a drug smuggler then they should let you go at about 20,000 feet, and that should go for any drug dealer or smuggler.

    Snoring Problem

    The names did seem odd when I read it.

    The "Spending Bill"

    When you read how they are going to spend this it really isn't going to help the middle class out I don't think. As you said there are right around 305,812, 550 people in the country, at least that are counted by the census, 780,000,000,000 would give each person around 2550 dollars, the problem is that most are not taxpayers, between the kids and the non workers, so lets say half for good measure. Now if they was to give out the 780,000,000,000 to the taxpayers it would be around 5,000 per taxpayer, maybe 10,000 per married couple if you file jointly and contribute. Five to ten thousand in the pockets of the contributers to this country would be a stimulus, the money would get turned right back to the economy from people paying off debt if they owe it, people investing if they want to, and people just spending it if they are set. The welfare system is set up with no checks and balances, people get on welfare and figure that they can cheat the system and steal our money for the rest of their lives, they have no drive to better themselves, there are a few that use the system to get back on their feet but for the most part the people on welfare drain the economy, and then they create more people that drain the economy, and now we have a president that thinks that by giving them our money and our taxes he will better the country. Wrong, these people have it in their heads that the country owes them something, they think for whatever reason that they have the right to everyones money simply because they aren't willing to do something on their own to make it better. I say if you want a welfare check show up at the welfare office at about four a.m. in the morning, get on one of them blue buses and ride out to a onion field and work your tail off all day, when you work for a week you will get a check, if your a single mom or dad, the welfare office will make sure your kid or kids are in school, fed during the day, and have medical care ( they already have this for absolutely nothing now), if you don't show up for work, you don't get paid and the state will take your kids and find someone that can tae care of them, the state will still probably pay, but these kids will hopefully learn some values on how to be a contributing citizen, and if losing their kids isn't incentive to get a job throw their butts in jail for child neglect. The people that have no children and have no job, and aren't willing to work can be homeless and if they don't care why should we. That type of work for food program would also lessen the need for the farmers to depend on illegal workers to harvest, kind of kills two birds with one stone. Of course the aclu and other civil rights groups would scream slave labor, but hey if they are receiving, cash, medical, and food, I think that equals to a paying job and they can shut up for all I care. The depression had the new deal which took ten plus years to pull the country out of the depression, and then there was a world war that we were involved in, I hope to GOD that that isn't what we are headed for.

    Available Positions

    Matt this is a good idea, with all the lost jobs there has to be a few aerospace machinist people who will be looking, maybe others will post employment opportunities.

    So far so good!

    Congrats to your daughters, great job.

    tax cuts

    Maybe this will help you out Lark. Stimulus Payment Info. "This year, taxpayers will receive an Economic Stimulus Payment. This is a very exciting new program that I will explain using the Q and A format: Q. What is an Economic Stimulus Payment? A. It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers. Q. Where will the government get this money? A. From taxpayers. Q. So the government is giving me back my own money? A. Only a smidgen. Q. What is the purpose of this payment? A. The plan is that you will use the money to purchase a high-definition TV set, thus stimulating the economy. Q. But isn't that stimulating the economy of China? A. Shut up. Below is some helpful advice on how to best help the US economy by spending your stimulus check wisely: If you spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China. If you spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs. If you purchase a computer it will go to India. If you purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala (unless you buy organic). If you buy a car it will go to Japan. If you purchase useless crap it will go to Taiwan. And none of it will help the American economy. We need to keep that money here in America. You can keep the money in America by spending it at yard sales, on EBAY, going to a baseball game, or spend it on prostitutes, beer and wine (domestic ONLY), or tattoos, since those are the only businesses still in the US.

    Has anyone else ever wondered???

  9. I just read an article that the sea level could rise 21 feet from melting ice. My question is that if the ice is already in the water doesn't it already affect the sea level, I am pretty simple when I think that if I fill a glass with ice and water and allow the ice to melt the glass doesn't overflow. I suppose that if they are saying that all the ice on top of Antarctica is going to melt and run into the sea it would change the seal level, but is that going to happen? They explained a little about the weight of the ice keeping the land submerged, and when the ice is gone the land will actually rise causing the sea level to rise. The earth's axis will shift and then what will happen, I think if the earth's axis shifts there will be more to worry about than rising sea levels. Another thing, if there is more ice adrift in the sea won't that cause the temperature of the ocean to drop, I mean massive amounts of ice that can raise the seal level by 21 feet is a lot of ice, maybe that will cause another ice age and not the global warming that Al Gore keeps talking about. It didn't say how much closer to the beach we would be and I dont think 21 feet would move anything to much closer to us.
  10. Is this a possible relation. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/hunt_stories/j_luffy.htm http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...95&hl=luffy http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...96&hl=luffy

    Feral hog/Russian wild boar in 36C?

    Congrats on the find Ernesto, is it possible that someone shot it from a distance thinking it was a Javelina and then when they seen it they did not know the laws and left it where it lay. Any other sign around, and how far away was it for someone to go to shoot it just to butcher it.


    How are you guys doing up there.

    The "Spending Bill"

    So I am driving home today, boom passenger window shatters, no cars in front or behind me and an open field to the right, do you think I thought about what I wrote to our ex governor and our President. My letter to the President was respectful, differing ideas, but respectful.

    The "Spending Bill"

    http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ I've sent a few messges, chances are nobody will read them though.

    Letters To The Editor

    A big congratulations to Lt. Col. Grant L. Rosensteel, Jr., you know that the person who asked for the response never expected one, and for sure never expected that one. Unless the person who wrote the original complaint is a foreigner or anti American he has to feel like crap right now and rightfully so. God Bless our troops.

    Obama's on the ball

    Here is a link. http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

    The second toe never got down.

    Pendergast and Haley are both gone.
  18. Get him a real rifle that will take down most anything and has a variety of bullets available nowdays from light loads to a little more. My vote is for a 45/70 lever action Marlin, they have several different models available, the XLR models developed for the leverevolution bullets, there are a few different 1895's in differing lengths that all shoot the 45/70. I have two and shooting the cowboy loads they don't have much of a kick at all, the cor-bons, buffalo bore or my heavy reloads kick a little harder out of the guide gun, but you still don't feel them much in the 1895C. A 325 grain leverevolution bullet is plenty for an elk and a good bullet for anything in Arizona, but you can get 300 grain to 500 grain bullets for just about anything.

    Two labs need loving home

    They are good looking dogs and I hope they find a good home. I have enough already plus pups, but if I hear of anyone looking I will point them here.

    357 ammo for pigs

    I like the cor-bons alot, but have just purchased some of the Hornady 140gr leverevolution bullets to shoot out of my Winchester, I bet it would be a heck of a round for a revolver. https://www.hornady.com/shop/?ps_session=cb...0b7fb27021cd85e

    The second toe never got down.

    In our hearts we see what we want to see and when it is in desperation it is even worse, but in reality it was a great game and there were calls both ways that were bad and good. The refs were sort of tight on their calls, but I thought fair. I questioned the roughing penalty more than anything. The worst no call was using the ball as the prop in his celebration after the final Steeler touchdown, they kick off from the 15 yard line and we are a little closer with two timeouts, but hey it's the Super Bowl. Antrelle Rolle throwing the block on Fitzgerald when he was chasing Harrison may have hurt us more than anything the Steelers did, at the least a 10 point swing, at best 14 and we have the lead and the ball after the half. I spent the last few days trying to explain to my kids that you can almost never blame the refs when you lose a game, it ultimately falls on the players and the coaches. We had a great year and the team learned a lot and hopefully they can build on it and get back there real soon. GO CARDS

    AZGFD ***LOOK***

    It looks like it will require a little effort on our part, but much better than having the meeting in Phoenix and only those willing to travel here be heard. Now all the outlying cities will be represented a little better, not the best but better than before. I really like the idea of a live feed on the website to listen to the meetings, Amanda maybe you should make the suggestion.

    desert Bull

    Man I missed something, seems to me DB is one of the originals on here, I always appreciate his comments.
  24. I have sent emails to all the commissioners, I have received three responses. None were from commissioner Martin, the other three made it pretty clear how they stood. I wonder if everyone else has had the same responses.
  25. It was hunting license or combo license, not just a fishing license, hopefully they fix it so that some of our not so hunter friendly governors have a harder time with bad commission choices. I am not saying that just because you have a hunting or fishing license you are the right choice, but it doesn't hurt.