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About BruinPoint

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday December 29

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  • Location
    Grand Junction, Colorado

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  1. BruinPoint

    Wts kids bow

    I'll take it. PM inbound.
  2. BruinPoint

    Mathews Switchback ld Bow SOLD

    Draw Length/Weight?
  3. BruinPoint

    Buddy Heater Repair

    Unless the supplier filters it, the propane in the big tanks sometimes has an oil in it that messes with the catalytic material which is not present in the small cans. I was having the same issues and went through the same process of switching hoses, etc. Called the manufacturer and they recommended the filter. I ran a 1 lb can through it to burn off the oil, bought a $10 filter, haven't had the problem again.
  4. BruinPoint

    Garmin GPSmap 62S + Utah OnX $175

    I'd sure love someone to get some use out of this thing! Does me no good in the closet!
  5. My dad bought it new and never took it in the field, and I used it once ice fishing and once on the boat. The GPS will come with the UT land status chip (HuntingGPSMaps which is now OnX), as well as the original box, cable, and paperwork. I also have another chip I will include that has Topo and Roads for the 4 Corners states, but no land status data. $175 TYD paid either through PayPal or Venmo. Will be shipped USPS Priority. I will be posting it on other forums as well so timestamp with a solid "I'll take it" prevails.
  6. Finally going through some of the reloading components my dad left and have a box full of items I have no use for so I'm passing them along as time allows. 1 - 1x Factory sealed bag of 50 unfired Remington .300 RUM brass 2 - 2x Boxes of 20 Remington .300 RUM factory load brass. I believe it is all once fired based on appearances and what I knew about his reloading habits, but I can't be sure. 3 - 1x Factory sealed box of 50 Nosler Accubond 180 grain bullets. 4 - 1x Factory sealed box of 100 Berger VLD 190 grain bullets. $150 for all TYD. I'd of course prefer to sell it in one lot to save shipping costs and hassle but if there's interest in individual items we can revisit that after a few days. Will be posted on other forums so timestamp prevails.
  7. BruinPoint

    Tundra oil change.

    One time we did an oil change and the next day the girl's engine seized on her way to work. The tow truck driver got underneath and said the plug and filter were fine and no leaks, and the mechanic shop pulled the plug and nothing came out, which had us all thinking our tech didn't add the new oil. I went to the shop and pulled the video which clearly showed everything had been done correctly and the tech even showed her the dipstick with her final oil level at the end of the oil change. After going the rounds with her parents it finally came out that her neighbor had watched the girl's boyfriend drain the oil the night after the oil change in hopes that we'd be buying her a new car. The crew at the store was never so happy to have everything on video because it would've cost them over a year worth of bonuses.
  8. BruinPoint

    Tundra oil change.

    What year is your Tundra and did you or the "lot lizard" look for oil dripping by the oil filter? Tundras, Tacomas, and 4Runners with a canister style filter instead of the old spin-on style are notorious for O-ring failures and it doesn't take long to dump several quarts of oil when it happens. When I was an area manager for Valvoline Instant Oil Change I dealt with several cases where they lost almost all the oil shortly after an oil change. If it makes you feel any better we never had one destroy a motor but dang it made everyone nervous. The lab is always going to find metal shavings in an oil sample so I wouldn't put too much importance on that, but if something does go wrong having lab results will strengthen your case if it goes to court. Get the letter saying they accept responsibility, pay attention to the truck and see how it goes. I had to laugh at the comment about getting new wipers and then the AC not working is your fault - I had things like that happen all the time. One person we had never seen before came in for a free windshield washer refill and a month later tried to blame a 10 year old bad battery on us. Some people just have to try I guess.
  9. BruinPoint

    Colorado deputy escaped the jaws of a mountain lion

    Just saw a PR stating the lion tested positive for rabies. It was a 91 pound male that appeared to be otherwise in good health, and the incident started in a RV park near the a river corridor when the cat attacked unprovoked while two gentlemen were trying to have a conversation.
  10. BruinPoint

    2020 az archery mule deer

    Nice buck and thanks for sharing the story and pics!
  11. BruinPoint

    OnXmaps AZ GPS chip - $60

    Would you be interested in trading for a Utah chip?
  12. BruinPoint

    Too late for the muley rut?

    A few pics from last week.