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Everything posted by Apache7mm

  1. Apache7mm

    My archery bull

    haha fighting with the fence, at least he won, congrats on the bull he looks awesome, that must have been a sight to see him walking around with that wire on his headgear. DAN
  2. Apache7mm

    Wow, check out this monster bull!

    WOW check out that old warrior, gotta love those HEAVY fronts!!! DAN
  3. Apache7mm

    Another birthday bull

    Nice! congrats, steaks on the grill soon. DAN
  4. Apache7mm

    3 Weeks In Coues Heaven.......

    Very Awesome!! holy mainbeams on the one buck!!! DAN
  5. Apache7mm

    BULL DOWN...

    Thats one mean looking bull right there, congrats. DAN
  6. Apache7mm

    2010 6x8 Bull Elk

    Check out that right side! AWESOME! DAN
  7. Apache7mm

    Elk shed

    Thats Cool! always keep your antler eyes on all year long!!! DAN
  8. Apache7mm

    Big bull contests?

    Do Native American (REZ) bulls count? haha jk, can't wait to see some big elk! DAN
  9. Apache7mm


  10. Apache7mm

    another shed trip, cold and windy

    Looks like another good day in the woods! DAN
  11. Apache7mm

    A new area produces!!!

    Excellent trip! DAN
  12. Apache7mm

    I Love Brownies!

    Thats too freakin sweet right there!!! looks like a great trip. DAN
  13. Apache7mm

    My SC Fish (Pics)!!!!

    That is one big fish! too cool. DAN
  14. Apache7mm

    Yesterdays Elk Sheds

    Thats a sweet set of brownies not to mention the rest of the racks!! good job and keep on lookin!!! DAN
  15. Apache7mm

    Couple of days out and i found some!!

    Someone forgot to "throw out" the 4 Wheel Drive in the 3rd picture, haha, sweet lookin antlers man. DAN
  16. Apache7mm

    Not your everyday carp

    very cool sighting indeed!!!, here's a pie-bald coues deer doe i came across and also the pie-bald bull elk here on the rez. DAN
  17. Apache7mm

    finally a coues horn

    excellent job on the racks!!! DAN
  18. Apache7mm

    Not many but all good....

    Those are some nice antlers there, the set is awesome, can't wait to get out and about. DAN
  19. Apache7mm

    Happy Birthday Apache7mm

    thanks alot everyone, i was kinda sick but all the steaks and the rest of the good stuff made up for it!!! Couple more days til antler season here on the rez, can't wait to post up some pics!!! DAN
  20. Apache7mm

    A few browns

    That's plenty of motivation to get anyone back out there again! nice, just gotta match them up now. DAN
  21. Apache7mm

    Some new ones for the pile

    Sweet Pictures as always!!! April 1st can't come fast enough man, can't wait to hit the hills and post up some pics just like everyone else, that 7pointer set is awesome! DAN
  22. Apache7mm


    What success, congrats to everyone, hopefully 2010 is looking the same or better!!! DAN
  23. Apache7mm

    What to Do.

    EXCELLENT POST!!! ....whatever your decision, don't forget to update us during/after the hunt, picture heavy please!!! DAN
  24. Apache7mm

    Excellent Coues In Mexico

  25. Apache7mm

    Elk Sheds

    HAHA took me a second but i got it, must be an off day today. DAN