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Everything posted by Apache7mm

  1. Apache7mm

    San Carlos Lake CLOSED... 7/12/12

    A very sad sight and thing to think about, we've always been very appreciative of everyone who has made some contribution to the tribe through this lake over the years, thank you. Water rights are not ours and we have no control over what water stays and what goes, some of the best farmland on our reservation was flooded when this dam was built, it also forced our tribe to relocate to higher grounds, it has brought revenue through recreational activities but also we've had to deal with the low water issues many times, the tribe can purchase water but our water we purchase is the first to go out the dam. The tribe's next move is to drain the lake, it'll give us an opportunity to have surveys done on the silt levels so that in the future, water level readings will be more accurate, also gives the tribe a chance to show this issue to higher powers and make a statement, we need some type of minimum pool established if the tribe wants to keep this lake, if not then we're looking to the future to develop other sites on the reservation. Bottom line is time to do something is now and our council will be taking whatever action it needs to move us into the future. DAN
  2. Apache7mm

    San Carlos Lake CLOSED... 7/12/12

    Tribal Council just approved resolution to close the lake to the public, so as of today the San Carlos Lake is CLOSED to the public.... .... time now to move on to future issues, discussion about draining whats left and clean up, creating a fund for those who want to contribute, getting some data on silt levels to have accurate water levels in the future, taking the issue to higher powers, etc, fish kill brought on by bad O2 levels, no golden alga in San Carlos Lake. DAN
  3. Apache7mm

    San Carlos Lake CLOSED... 7/12/12

    No words... Tribal Council is meeting today at 1pm to discuss the issue, i'll report the outcome. DAN
  4. Apache7mm

    San Carlos Lake CLOSED... 7/12/12

    Council meeting tomorrow, recommendation going to be made to close the lake. DAN
  5. Apache7mm

    7 WEST BULL PHOTOS updated monthly

    WOW great photos, thanks for sharing! DAN
  6. Apache7mm

    Velvet bulls!!

    Awesome!!! thanks for sharing. DAN
  7. Apache7mm

    Black River & Salt River now open...

    On the stock tanks, right now Bobcat Tank has been doing good for bass and catfish, you can hit up Point Of Pines lake while you're in the area for some trout as well. DAN
  8. Apache7mm

    Black River & Salt River now open...

    Glad to hear most people doing great out there, keep them reports and pix coming!!! DAN
  9. Apache7mm

    Black River & Salt River now open...

    Black River Crossing and Wooden Crossing have great reports for Smallies, black river crossing guys were landing some big small mouth, fishing report from 2 days ago. Up higher there are still no fish but recreation is excellent! come out camping this weekend and avoid crowds elsewhere, Point of Pines lake was recently stocked so trout fishing for the kids is excellent and stock ponds in the area are doing great for Big Laregemouth and Channel Catfish. Also current fire restrictions are "only in fire rings in established campgrounds" and the San Carlos Black & Salt River special use permit is still currently "Day Use Only", you can camp but it must be out of the river. DAN
  10. Apache7mm

    Best Shed Trip Yet!!! (pics)

    The mass on that one is crazy! good job. DAN
  11. Apache7mm

    The lucky hat

    Some good looking horns right there, good job. DAN
  12. Apache7mm


    Thats awesome, great finds, can't wait to see more DAN
  13. Apache7mm

    Black River & Salt River now open...

    Here's the memo.... Black River open for day use memo.pdf DAN
  14. Apache7mm

    Black River & Salt River now open...

    Thanks for that update, basically same reports down on the rez, not much aquatic life in the area and no bites at all, lots of sand/silt around too, i'm sure some fish are around but no where near the numbers as before, for now i'd say best bet would be smallies further south like Wooden Crossing on the rez but thats still to be seen. DAN
  15. Apache7mm

    Black River & Salt River now open...

    Sorry for not checking back with this update for awhile, i initially did but there were 0 comments so i figured everyone just took the info in and ran off to Black River LOL jk. Well first off the dept. website is incorrect (like it usually is), and its more of a bulletin board that is not run on a daily basis, hopefully changes will come in the future (wishful thinking), trying to have the memo scanned and emailed to me as i post this. Secondly, the Black and Salt River on the San Carlos (all areas) have been re-opened for DAY USE ONLY, any camping will have to be done up top somewhere. As for fishing reports, we have not gone out yet to conduct any at this time, but word of mouth from other anglers say "no fish caught, no crayfish in the area" (10 of Diamonds area), have not heard any reports for other areas down stream but i'm sure someone has been out there and hopefully they can post something or i'll post new info when i get it, but i should have a report by the end of next week for everyone (business mtg MON, mtn lion study stuff TUES-WED, bald eagle banding THURS, juvenile detention kiddies presentation FRI) i'll make time somewhere in there tho and in other news, havn't been out yet for antlers so hopefully soon TJ and i'll triple check my post before i put it up so that Bill will read all the way through LOL, jk, seen that earlier and going to learn from it DAN
  16. Apache7mm

    Just for Amanda

    Thats awesome! super dad DAN
  17. Apache7mm

    better pictures

    Thats one nice set to go with the rest of the antlers! Great job. DAN
  18. Apache7mm

    Happy Birthday Apache7mm!

    Thx everyone! aoo' for sure Ernesto haha, can't wait to share my finds with everyone else, and had a wonderful evening with my lil family and dinner out! another cookout on sunday for me from my immediate family, can't wait! good luck to everyone out in the field!! DAN
  19. Apache7mm

    Happy Birthday Apache7mm!

    Thank you, i'm ready and i know they're waiting out there for me DAN
  20. Apache7mm

    Happy Birthday Apache7mm!

    COOL!! thax guys! antler season opens April 1st here so i am anxiously awaiting sunday so i can share my finds like everyone else, time spent with my family and friends is all i need today!!!! DAN
  21. Apache7mm

    Happy Birthday Apache7mm!

    Hey!! i didn't even know it was my bday today, i will enjoy my day thank you DAN
  22. Apache7mm


    what a buck, nice finds. DAN
  23. Apache7mm

    Awesome shed trip

    Nice!!! DAN
  24. Apache7mm

    brown set

    Good job on the determination to match them up! DAN
  25. Apache7mm

    Nice One!!!

    Thats a beauty! love the color too, thanks for tossing it back and letting it grow DAN