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Everything posted by Apache7mm

  1. Apache7mm

    San Carlos, non-members can use own dogs for Lion

    Each tag with dogs is $225, tag is good all year til you tag a lion(just pay daily fee every trip out) then you can purchase another towards the 5 total for the year. Plenty of places to go, the ranchers can be a great help since they would like to see less lions in their areas so bumping into them would be a plus, hound traffic has picked up since the change so most likely cross with others in pursuit as well. There's also a limit of 6 dogs per hunter, some guys were coming in blazin' LOL. DAN
  2. Apache7mm

    Garrett's bull

    Now thats a trophy, good job. DAN
  3. Apache7mm

    Late Season Bull

    Monster of a Bull, congrats. DAN
  4. Apache7mm

    22N Archery Hunt

    Way to go TJ DAN
  5. Apache7mm

    Last day bruiser

    Whoa! DAN
  6. Apache7mm

    Nov. San Carlos Rez Bucks Taken

    Hoss is one of those guys that guides out of the kindness of his heart, no charge besides a 30 pack of NI DAN
  7. Apache7mm

    My first 100"+ Coues deer

    Sweet mainbeams and those eyeguards are cool. DAN
  8. Apache7mm

    How do you score sheds?

    Pretty sweet set. DAN
  9. Apache7mm

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    Those G2's are way too cool! Thx again for sharing with us all. DAN
  10. Apache7mm

    2013 Leftover Buck

    Wow congrats. DAN
  11. Julius Hostetler of HOSS GUIDE SERVICE, taken this morning. DAN
  12. Apache7mm

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    Holy Smokes!!!!! DAN
  13. Apache7mm

    2013 WT Hunt

    What an adventurous hunt, the story alone was cool, thx for sharing. DAN
  14. Apache7mm

    my elktober bull

    Nice bull bro! Awesome country as well. DAN
  15. Apache7mm

    First buck for new gun

    Awesome and the country looks perfect, thx for sharing. DAN
  16. Dang thats awesome and some nice country, thx for sharing. DAN
  17. Apache7mm


    Holy front forks! Amazing thx for sharing and congrats. DAN
  18. Apache7mm

    Az badger

    Badgers are way cool tons of them on the Rez if you know where to look. [url=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/266/v64m.jpg/] [url=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/853/yvsf.jpg/] [url=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/547/vw7f.jpg/] DAN
  19. Apache7mm

    Coueszilla, better to be lucky than good

    WOW! way too cool. DAN
  20. So the cleaned skull came back on the Freak buck that was shot in Unit A this past Tribal Deer hunt and I snapped a few more pics. How would You personally score this rack? Which is the Left Mainbeam and which is the Right Mainbeam? Eye guards? This happens to be a discussion forum so let us discuss DAN
  21. Apache7mm

    100" Coues Buck

    Those beams are way cool! DAN
  22. Story is first time hunter, probably nervous/shaking, excessively told not to let it get away even though she probably didn't understand why, bullet through the horn but stayed intact through most of the pack out but eventually busted clean off, tape holding it back in original position, in all, a very satisfied hunter with her first deer ever DAN
  23. Apache7mm


    Double Wow! DAN