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Everything posted by Apache7mm

  1. Apache7mm

    San Carlos Draw

    No doubt, the list is walking this way as i post. DAN
  2. Apache7mm

    San Carlos Draw

    I helped draw all the tickets and no we did not look at only your first choice. DAN
  3. Apache7mm

    San Carlos Draw

    Unfortunately a bad time for the draw to come around with 2 new clerks working, be as patient as possible or as your will can allow you plz. Results will probably not be up on the website anytime soon BUT i will personally post the results in a new thread here tomorrow (CW exclusive). Also seems to be a few rumors floating about which was inevitable but rest assure that the draw went fine (minus the aftermath soon to be sorted out) and no funny business occured. Feel free to msg me personally with any questions or concerns DAN
  4. Apache7mm

    Life Changed At 9:02 Last Night!

    Congrats to your family. DAN
  5. Apache7mm

    San Carlos Draw

    There was only 1 double entry. DAN
  6. Apache7mm

    San Carlos Draw

    Everyone drawn should be notified by tomorrow i would assume, draw went good. JAN draw success 41% NOV draw success 46% Overall chances were nearly 50/50 to get a tag DAN
  7. Apache7mm

    When do sheds start dropping?

    Nice bull. DAN
  8. Everyone who hunted NOV 2013 or JAN 2014 for Coues on the Rez needs to have turned in their Hunter Questionnaire and Photo of their buck to the department in order to be eligible for the NOV '14 and JAN '15 lottery. DAN
  9. San Carlos will offer all Coues Deer tags for the 2014-2015 hunting season using a Lottery system. Info is currently on the department website http://www.scatrw.com Sorry but No Line this year for Coues Tags DAN
  10. Apache7mm

    When do sheds start dropping?

    Seen a 340 class 6x6 bull drop yesterday JAN 27. DAN
  11. Apache7mm

    Glassem up part 2

    Whoa! o_O DAN
  12. Apache7mm

    First bobcat with the wife

    Thats awesome, way to go. DAN
  13. Apache7mm

    Nothing Spectacular, but it is a Shed

    Bonus pick up, awesome, put an angled cut into it for business cards. DAN
  14. Apache7mm


    That'll get the blood pumping right there! Stuff like that makes me come out with a full water bottle every time taking water for a walk. DAN
  15. Apache7mm

    Happy Birthday Red Rabbit!!!

    Happy birthday Doug, thank you for your AMAZING photography! DAN
  16. Apache7mm

    Pig hunting find

    Whoa 0_0 DAN
  17. Apache7mm

    Who's Ready?

    NO!! Not as long as I work for the department! Lol, i'm sure non-members will never be allowed to collect sheds, very popular as you would imagine, so popular that more and more ppl break the rules every year (closed FEBnMAR). DAN
  18. Apache7mm

    San Carlos Bucks

    Here's a few taken during the current JAN hunt thought I'd share. First 2 Unit C. Middle Unit B. Last 2 Unit D. Hope other hunters are doing good as well!!! DAN
  19. Apache7mm

    Who's Ready?

    Looking forward to 2014 DAN
  20. Apache7mm

    Happy Birthday JIM!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Mullins, same day as my sister wishing you great success in 2014! DAN
  21. Apache7mm

    December Coues 2013

    Awesome, love the color on those horns! Thx for sharing. DAN
  22. Apache7mm

    coues art

    Here's one I did of the Dan King Buck a lil' while back. DAN
  23. Whoa what a buck!! Congrats. DAN
  24. Apache7mm

    New Years Day Buck

    Sweet, looks like some open country as well, congrats. DAN
  25. Apache7mm

    2014 Archery Coues

    Whoa! Character! Congrats. DAN