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About Apache7mm

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 03/29/1982

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  • Location
    San Carlos AZ
  • Interests
    Hunting, Shed Hunting, Drawing.

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  1. See posted info. DAN
  2. Apache7mm

    San Carlos permits

    Congratulations. Yes lottery results are trickling in, will likely take until the end of the week or so to be finished with all rounds of possible drawings but I've already had ppl purchase their coues tags and some who say they don't have the option to purchase. For fall bear there should be a phone call from the department to determine if you want 1st or 2nd fall hunt. I believe you must purchase your $5 habitat stamp and $15 tag fee first before being able to purchase the hunt you were selected for. Again if anyone has issues reach out to me and I can help in any way I can. Also attached is the upcoming hunt dates. DAN
  3. Apache7mm

    San Carlos permits

    I forgot to add the hunt dates. Will do so this afternoon. DAN
  4. Apache7mm

    San Carlos permits

    Fall bear, Elk, and Coues lotteries close on February 23rd. Lottery drawing on February 24th starting sometime in the AM. Fall bear hunts did not have the 1st or 2nd hunt option during entry so I'm sure once you're drawn the office would be giving you a call to get your preference. I wouldn't be discouraged if you initially receive a "not drawn" email. Because some may take a 1st or 2nd hunt over one or the other it will result in 2nd, 3rd, etc rounds of drawings which of course could take all day or even all week. Elk lotteries will follow the same format and same additional rounds where required. Not sure why (assume its due to the "ease" of entering from your mobile device) but draw success will be way down this year with a gargantuan amount of entries this time around for all species/hunts. Coues deer lotteries will be a nightmare but they always are. If you applied for multiple units/hunts, you'll have to make the decision to accept the first tag you receive or roll the dice and hold out for the more premier units/hunts. The lottery will likely start with the less desired units/hunts and move up from there so could take some time with several rounds of drawing. Good luck to everyone that applied. I'm always available for questions or whatever anytime and can be reached at 928.200.2209. In other news around the Rez. Predator Management Event will be March 14-16 same format as before. I'll post info soon in the appropriate forum. Bass fishing at San Carlos Lake has been amazing for the last month or so and only getting better with this weather. Consistent 2-7lb bass being caught all over the Lake. Large boat launching and trailer parking available at the Soda Canyon ramp with more primitive launching at New Government corral. The lower Mohave ramp was covered in sand so wouldn't recommend. Crappie bite shouldn't be too far behind, there have been some caught here and there 2 to 3 lbs. DAN
  5. Apache7mm

    San Carlos permits

    Early October, he ran across the road and up the tree. Not as big as he looks, think the tree is pushing all the jelly outward and just has a thick coat. DAN
  6. Apache7mm

    San Carlos permits

    Lol. All I know is its tough to be a Non-member, especially right now. Good luck you guys and try not to pull your hair out. DAN
  7. Will there be another predator hunting event in 2025 as you 2024 post? If so let me know.



  8. Apache7mm

    Nikon D3500 Camera W/Swarovski Adapters- Sold

    Great little workhorse camera for anyone with a high school kid. Had mine for 4 1/2 yrs now and use on a very regular basis for wide variety of shooting from sports (indoor and out), rodeo, to wildlife, and even a wedding or two. Battery life is amazing, can fill up a 32gb card with 1,800 pics easily on a full charge and constant shooting. User friendly and easy to learn in a very short time. The Snapbridge app will let you download pics immediately via Bluetooth. Paired mine with a long telephoto lens and with optimal conditions can get pictures of wildlife out to 1.5 miles so I'm sure the spotter adapter a great addition. Good luck with sale, bump for a great camera. DAN
  9. Apache7mm

    Aurora and Comet?

    Snapped a quick Pic of the comet last night. DAN
  10. Apache7mm

    2024 Elk hunt

  11. Apache7mm

    Women's kings camo jacket FS

    New never worn (wrong sz), women's hunter wind defender jacket (detachable hood). Sz XL desert shadow pattern. $80.00 Located in Globe but can arrange to meet/deliver or can also ship free if you're feeling brave. Call or text 928.200.2209 for more info, thx. DAN
  12. Apache7mm

    Pecans for the upcoming Holidays

    These are amazing and delicious, you won't be disappointed. DAN
  13. Apache7mm

    Finally harvested my first Coues with a bow

    Congratulations on a trophy well deserved. DAN
  14. Apache7mm

    Suggestions on quad / atv

    We've always used Hondas at work, Rancher 350s and 420s have taken us to and from all the wicked places with ease. Lots of power and plenty of room for hauling gear, etc. As mentioned before they seem to be the perfect size to squeeze or bypass those places that could be tricky. All the accidents and mishaps on the bigger machines always seem to have the worst injuries. DAN
  15. The Buckhorn Fire is burning in the Malay Gap portion of the SC Reservation resulting in a closure of the area. DAN