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About BIG GD

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  • Birthday 05/05/1981

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  1. BIG GD

    Vortex Ranger

    Pm sent
  2. BIG GD

    WTB 9mm compact or subcompact.

    Haha +1 on the hi point comment. I figured I would bring it up never know. I know a lot of people who have hi points and love them. I asked them how they shoot and they said don't know we throw the gun at them and hope it knocks them out first if not run haha got my wife a ruger .380 and she loves it also have a 95lb german shepard and now a 6week old great dane. Good luck also have trail cameras around my place really interesting on what goes on.
  3. BIG GD

    WTB 9mm compact or subcompact.

    Have a buddy selling a 9mm Hi Point. Its comes with holster and 3 mags. Its a cheaper pistol but shots good. Asking $200
  4. BIG GD


    Where are u located?
  5. BIG GD


    How big is the mom and the dad?
  6. BIG GD


    5 hole. 5.25 bolt pattern. They are 17" wheels. Will send pics to email or cell phone. Email is garrettbigg@yahoo.com or 520 507 3985
  7. BIG GD


    Yes they are.
  8. BIG GD


    I still have a set of dodge wheels for sale. They fit 98-02 dodge. I will send pic via cell phone. If interested txt me @ 520 507 3985. Asking $125 obo Thanks
  9. BIG GD

    Free to a Good Home

    Wow did not relize I posted so many haha
  10. BIG GD

    Free to a Good Home

    How old? How big? Male or female? Got pics? And where u located at?
  11. BIG GD

    Free to a Good Home

    How old? How big? Male or female? Got pics? And where u located at?
  12. BIG GD

    Free to a Good Home

    How old? How big? Male or female? Got pics? And where u located at?
  13. BIG GD

    Free to a Good Home

    How old? How big? Male or female? Got pics? And where u located at?
  14. BIG GD

    9mm makarov kbi inc. pistol $200 *PICS added

    My father in law is interested but we live in willcox but we go to tucson once a week.
  15. BIG GD

    9mm makarov kbi inc. pistol $200 *PICS added

    My father in law is interested but we live in willcox.