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Everything posted by DrRx09

  1. Kind of similar to the member that posted regarding their coues tag. Never hurts to ask so figured I'd jump on here and give it a go I drew the 9 & 10 tag for Dec-Feb. I have gotten some great information on unit 9 and some for unit 10. Big Bo will not grant me access for unit 10 so was curious what people's thoughts were on 10 outside of the boquillas. Its a lot of area to cover between both units and just trying to narrow down my options so I am not wasting my time in certain areas. Any info is always appreciated and feel free to PM me. Also feel free to roast away if you'd like, I understand. And thanks in advance for any info!
  2. DrRx09


    I did a quick tape of 345 as is. Couple broken points may have pushed him a little further. I was just pumped to find it honestly. Hopefully it wasn’t someone’s ’lost bull’ from last year, but could’ve been.
  3. DrRx09


    Found a solid dead head while enjoying some time in the woods. Elk were bugling at night and well into the morning.
  4. Congrats again on all the success this fall Justin. Awesome deer.
  5. DrRx09

    Lets see your best

    2012 archery
  6. DrRx09

    Pigapalooza 2017 Family and Friends 14 down

    Key check... lol. Had a great time Justin! Thanks again and I had a blast as always.
  7. DrRx09


    Congrats again Justin and Nelson. Awesome bucks and story
  8. DrRx09

    Lucky again!

    If they put you on Metronidazole (Flagyl) to go home with I would definitely not drink alcohol
  9. DrRx09

    ALL SOLD...

    I can't respond about the not responding to you personally, but just because someone didn't post on the actual thread does not mean someone hadn't sent him a personal message. I personal messaged him much prior to yours based on your response. In my opinion AzHunt was a stand up guy and super easy to deal with.
  10. DrRx09

    ALL SOLD...

    Thanks again!
  11. DrRx09

    PSE Prophecy Compound Bow 60lb LH

    PM sent
  12. Thanks again for coming out both weekends Justin! Hopefully next year Ella can partake if she's ready to. She had a blast even though we couldn't get it done that day. Glad we were able to seal the deal the following weekend.
  13. She's on Medicare part D already correct? I haven't had to actually walk through someone doing it but here's a few links that might help out http://www.azahcccs.gov/applicants/categories/elderly.aspx http://www.azahcccs.gov/applicants/categories/medicare.aspx But to be completely honest, it kinda is the social worker's job to help with this situation. If you keep running into brick walls every hospital usually has a patient advocate or something similar to act on behalf of the patient to help get what the patient needs. Best wishes to your mother, hope she doing better.
  14. DrRx09

    DUB - T is down!!

    Amazing buck man, congrats again!
  15. DrRx09

    Dream Buck

    Congrats again Justin. Absolutely amazing deer
  16. DrRx09

    Pigapalooza 2015 (9 javelina, one taken on video)

    Great post Justin! Glad I was able to be part of it again this season. Thanks for bringing the muzzy. Can't wait till next season
  17. DrRx09

    AR-15 FS and 223 ammo

    Selling one of my ARs and some ammo $1000 obo Bushmaster A3 Magpul MOE Gr 16 in barrel Come with case 1 black PMAG with window Magpul vertical front grip Tactical Link single point sling/Tactical Link Sling Mount Vortex Diamondback 3-9x40 BDC reticle matte black slight scratch on the scope (see pic) Gun has about 500 rds through it Ammo: Federal 223 77gr Sierra Game King BTHP - 5 boxes Federal 223 69gr Sierra Game King BTHP - 1 box $100 obo Prefer FTF Located in North Tucson
  18. DrRx09

    AR-15 FS and 223 ammo

    Yes, still available
  19. DrRx09

    WTB 3-9x40 scope

    PM me and you can borrow my Vortex Diamondback if you'd like. I'm in Tucson