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Everything posted by DrRx09

  1. DrRx09

    today must be opposite day!

    Congrats again. The 1911 is definitely where its at. Love shooting mine
  2. DrRx09

    Great day!

    Had a great day with some great company that helped me fill my tag. Always wanted to get a big game animal with a pistol and that was the goal. Wasn't too sure it would pan out, but with some awesome help from Justin and his wife, and Nelson stalking in with me I was able to do it. Jumped the little group at 10 - 15 yds and put nice shot through some prickly pear pads and connected. Pretty bummed that Colleen wasn't able to connect, but still got a lot of time left in the hunt! Big thanks to Justin, Colleen and Nelson! I really appreciate all the help.
  3. DrRx09

    Great day!

    Ya sounds about right... The Ruger's are definitely putting them down. Such a rush doing it with a handgun. Just dropped off the skull at Simply Skulls Taxidermy, he did a great job on my 2013 rifle WT, cant wait to find a place for each on my wall!!
  4. DrRx09

    Sonoran Hot-Dogs

    +1000 they are they best! El Nene is THE best! By far! Wetmore and Flowing Wells.
  5. DrRx09

    Sunday Morning Triple

    Yes indeed...
  6. This is my 2014 archery buck I was fortunate to harvest my first archery buck on Jan 17th of 2012 (my best buck to date) and have been itching for another bow kill. 2013 started out with a failed attempt at a buck that has been haunting me and my brother for a few years now. I was determined to go 2 for 2 with archery in 2013 and had my heart set on a few "mutants" we had showing up to our salt pit. Come early archery season I was devastated when I found out that one of the 2 bucks had been arrowed by a fellow archer 2 days prior to going out. I had a close encounter with the real freak, nicknamed "triple crown" on one occasion, but he winded me and I never got another chance. Fast forward to my rifle hunt and my brother and I could not relocate the buck. I settled for a last day buck with my rifle while in the back of my head wishing I would have found Triple Crown. Come December we were determined to find the freak buck and eventually found him a short distance from his original location and the plan was in motion. My brother and I would both hunt this buck until he was ours! First few days were full of activity, but the big bucks were only hitting the scrapes at night. There were a lot of local does and knew this guy would eventually make a mistake and give one of us an opportunity. That came this morning when he walked 30 yds in front of me quartering away. The arrow hit its mark and he was down 30 yds from where I hit him. Not the biggest, but definitely the most unique buck I have personally laid eyes on. Once again, I have to put a shout out to my brother for getting me into the archery game, without his persistence I wouldn't be doing this in the first place. We'll get you "big country" this fall! Canyon Killing Gear puts down the first deer of 2014 Here's the pics:
  7. DrRx09

    Anyone buy a deer tag today?

    Went to the Tucson office today and the line was unreal! Just annoying that G&F couldn't get their sh!t together so that 2014 OTC tags could be sold at regular stores as usual prior to the opener. I'll just go tomorrow early in the AM, I feel bad for the guys that work all day and only have time to go at lunch, cause the wait was ridiculous. Thanks G&F
  8. DrRx09

    Father/Son Archery Double

    Congrats again man! Great job
  9. DrRx09

    Help with pronghorn sheath removal

    Best bet would be to ask one of these members Bill at SImply Skulls; his screen name is General or Cole at CMC skull works. Im sure either would be able to help you out
  10. DrRx09

    Colleen and Erika's Coues Bucks

    Congrats on some great bucks! Glad you guys were able to connect in a unit you were unfamiliar with, and hopefully next year will be even better.
  11. My brother and I went 2 for 2 this year. He tagged out on the first day with a nice 105" freak. I was hoping for something over my last years buck, but being the last day I settled with this great buck. 150 yds bedded down and the Tikka hit its mark. He had some definite ground shrinkage when I got to him, but I am stoked to get another Coues under my belt! Forgot to wear my "canyon killing gear" (sorry Justin) but its another buck down for the team.
  12. DrRx09

    Last Day Buck

    Sorry, he's not big on posting pictures on here, but its a 5x4 with a spread of only 11 in. The mass meaures about 33 in. Its a heavy tall buck.
  13. DrRx09

    Last Day Buck

    Sorry, ground shrinkage when compared to how he looked through the binos. He's great! I just meant he looked bigger than he really is. I couldn't be happier. I'm sure he'll taste great too!
  14. DrRx09

    What bullet would you use???

    I believe somewhere on here there was a discussion about this. I would say go for it. I'm planning on using mine this year as well. A well placed shot and it will do the trick. Just my 2 cents though.
  15. " I scored him again today and came up with 124 &1/8, but I tend to be a typical white guy and add a couple inches to my measurements." Best comment ever. Once again congrats Justin. That thing is a stud and you deserved it after all the work you put in.
  16. DrRx09

    Last year's success!

    Nice write up! Thanks for sharing the success!
  17. DrRx09

    Javelina and mule deer skulls

    Bump for great work
  18. DrRx09

    FS: PSE Bowmadness MC RH

    Have my 2010 Bowmadness MC for sell. Set at 29 in draw and approx #65. Had new 60X strings installed Jan of this year at PSE here in Tucson. Has an adjustable draw length and 70# limbs on it. Comes with whisker biscuit and stabilizer. $250 obo Specs from PSE website: http://tune.pse-archery.com/BowDetail.aspx?Year=2010&Model=0903MC
  19. DrRx09

    Gavin Weller's Non-typical bull

    Congrats Gavin. Love the look of that bull.
  20. DrRx09

    FS: PSE Bowmadness MC RH

    I should say I am looking for a local pick up. Not in a huge rush to sell and rather not ship it. I wish I could say I would be in the Phoenix area soon, but my schedule doesn't leave me much opportunity to venture out of Tucson.
  21. DrRx09

    Where's all the new Velvet pics?

    A couple more
  22. DrRx09

    Where's all the new Velvet pics?

    A few more. Not the biggest, but has potential
  23. DrRx09

    Where's all the new Velvet pics?

    Here's one
  24. DrRx09

    A couple pics

    Coupe pics from the cams, looks like a healthy lion for this time of year and a nice bear and few little guys