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Koury Guide Service

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Everything posted by Koury Guide Service

  1. Koury Guide Service

    Killing Giants in 3A Antelope Style!

    When you talk Antelope in the State of Arizona the unit 3A is never talked about for having big Antelope. Here are the Antelope we have killed in the last two consecutive years in the unit. Here is the buck we named Flare mounted and on display. Here is the hunt for the buck we named "Flare" Then last year I look at over 50 bucks before the hunt starts and finally find the buck we hunt opening morning. I bed him the night before the hunt and at daylight we are on him. After giving him a warning shot over his back we caught back up with him about 4 miles later and make a great shot. Congrats two awesome Antelope in a unit that is not know for quality. View the full article
  2. Koury Guide Service

    Skyler Koury's 3A-3C Big 6x7!

    So one day after Steffens kills the brothers are back at it trying to fill Skylers tag. Yes both brothers had tags, what luck. This story is going to be combined with Steffens in The Huntin Fool. All I am going to say is it is never good when you get the call at prime time in the morning and your child is crying saying he shot the wrong elk in the fight. Yes most adults would do a back flip to kill his elk and he is crying cause he shot the wrong elk as two bulls fought 20 yards in front of them. Great elk Brothers. You make dad proud.  View the full article
  3. Koury Guide Service

    3A-3C archery hunt 2013

    Check out some of the bucks that we have been watching since they started to grow their horns this summer. If you know of any one with a archery tag that wants to kill a great buck have them call me. I am only going to hunt three people in the unit. These bucks still have a month to grow before the opening day and they are like clock work right now and getting bigger every day. Here is my cell #928-242-0155. View the full article
  4. Here are a couple pictures of the success so far on the archery elk season. Michael, Bobby and Charlie have all made the best of there tags. Congrats guys. If you want to see updates a lot sooner friend me on Facebook under Shane Koury, I update my Facebook and Instagram a lot sooner than the blog. Good luck to all... View the full article
  5. Koury Guide Service

    3A-3C velvet deer for the week.

    I checked cards this morning and here are some of the bucks that hit last week. Horn growth is taking off just in time. View the full article
  6. Koury Guide Service

    Opening Day Archery Giant Down.....

    Jim made a great shot to secure his opening day giant. I had watched this Antelope for the past couple years. After Jim called with his tag I started the process of finding the three largest Antelope in the unit. I look at over 70 bucks in the process of elimination. This buck was our #1 buck. I had decided we would hunt him until he got in an area where he would be real hard to hunt with a bow and arrow and then we would move and hunt buck #2 until this buck came back to his normal routine. Luckily for us the first stalk was the only stalk we would need.
  7. Koury Guide Service

    Big Kaibab Bull down.

    I am going to keep this very short and to the point. I finally drew the 2016 Spring Buffalo hunt on the Kiabab plateau. I had over 30 bonus points accumulated for this hunt and 2016 was my tear to draw.. After receiving my tag I called Russ Jacoby and we met a couple weeks later to discuss my hunt and expectations. Yes I am a guide and kill alot of huge animals evry year with clients but Buffalo is not my thing. My knowledge of the Bufalo on the plateau is about 1/1,000,000 the knowledge that Russ has and I was not looking to kill a small Buffalo. After 10 days of no luck it all changed in an instance and I picked my Buffalo out of a heard of approx 130 Buffalo. There were so many there once I decided which bull was the largest it took another 20 minutes to get a clear shot. If you have a Buffalo tag on the plateau do your self a favor and call Russ. If you need his number I can get it to you....
  8. Koury Guide Service

    2015 Velvet Deer.

    The bucks in 3A-3C are starting to put on the inches. Our deer are always behind in growth for some reason. Here are some bucks that could be in trouble in a week or so. These pictures are from about a week ago. this time of the year they grow fast, there are some we did not get a picture of last week that are looking real good. If you drew a 3A-3C archery or rifle tag call today. (928)242-0155. View the full article
  9. Koury Guide Service

    Josh kills his biggest elk to date!!

    The last early hunt we had was fellow guide Josh E. had drawn a champ tag and was looking to kill a great bull. This hunt is a little after the peak of the rut so the bugle action was a little slow. After passing on numerous elk he finaly decided to put the smack dowm on this awesome 6x6. Great job...  View the full article
  10. I have a Pair of 10x42 Zeiss HT binoculars that have never been used. They are still in the original box with all the warranty info. These Binos retail for $2500. The cheapest I can find them is $2299.99. I will sell this pair for $1950 firm. I have pictures if needed. As stated they are brand new never before used. You can pm me or email me or call me all work for me. mtntop11@frontiernet.net 928-242-0155 cell Thanks again.. And Happy Holidays to all......
  11. Koury Guide Service

    Short Video's

    I have been updating my Instagram and Facebook page but have been a little lazy on the blog. Here are some of the short clips getting us ready for the up coming deer and sheep draw deadline. View the full article
  12. Jed and Ian both drew archery elk tags last year, so Jed gave up the guiding role and took on the hunter role. I am not going to say alot about these two bulls since Jed is making a video of the two hunts. All I am going to say is great job gentelman hard work does pay off. Over 800 inches of horn in two bulls..  View the full article
  13. Koury Guide Service

    First tag in 3A/3C any help/advice appreciated

    I will post some of the giants we have killed in just 3A-3C over the past 10 years. Numerous bulls over 400..
  14. Koury Guide Service

    Steffen Koury's 3A-3C Giant!

    Most adults only dream of killing a bull elk over 400 inches much less with a bow and arrow. Well Steffen at the age of 16 did just that and to make it better he did it just the help of 14 year old little brother. I am not going to say anything else about this bull and the hunt since it will be on the cover of The Huntin Fool here soon. All I can say is AWESOME job boys...  View the full article
  15. Koury Guide Service

    Steffen Koury's 3A-3C Giant!

    I do not believe there are 400 class bulls in every unit in Arizona. To have a TRUE 400 class bull you have to have everything length, width, mass, or a whole lot of extras. The unit is not what it use to be for sure, still a great unit though. We have personally killed 5 bulls over 400 in 3a-3c and lots of 380-390's. Hold out this year for something a little better.
  16. Koury Guide Service

    The big split G3 Bull.

    Next on the release was Damion. We had hunted quite a few days just waiting for the right bull to show it self. Two days earlier he drew on a huge bull but just could not get the shot off before the walk behind his cows and decided to leave. As dark was approaching fast we closed the distance on three bulls bugling hopeing one was the bull that had escaped us and as we meet face to face I could see we had just found the forked G3 bull that a buddie of mine had videoed in velvet and a different buddy have videoed just days prior over 5 miles away. A well placed shot and the bull fell in sight. Awesome shot and awesome bull Damon.  View the full article
  17. Koury Guide Service

    KC shoots on the last day!

    KC and Sunny were hunting together on a 2x1 with my guide Todd G. KC had already killed a 400 inch elk with his bow so his sights were set high, so high that he passed on a couple of 370+ bulls just hoping to find that neddle in the hay stack. He did have one thing in his favor, his guide Todd finds and kills huge bulls every year and after watching Sunny kill the bull he did opening morning KC could only hope. After 6 1/2 days of hunting and a flight back out to Georgia the next afternoon KC decided to fill his tag with best friend right on his side. Great job!!!  View the full article
  18. Koury Guide Service

    KC shoots on the last day!

    Wildwoody that is awesome. The animals cant see yellow you know.
  19. Koury Guide Service

    Steffen Koury's 3A-3C Giant!

    Yes dad has killed a 400 inch bull. I killed a 411 with my bow in the same unit about 10 years ago. It is the bull in my picture. But I sure wasn't 16 when I did it.
  20. Koury Guide Service

    7X8 Down.

    I got the call from guide Ken O. that they had just closed the distance and made a great shot on awesome 7x8 bull elk. Our season was just starting and two great elk down with the old stick and string. A huge congrats to J.D. on his first elk with a bow and arrow. View the full article
  21. Koury Guide Service

    Opening day success!!

    Sunny made the trip from Georgia to hunt the giant elk AZ is know for. After passing on a couple great bulls early opening morning this great bull gave him an opportunity and Sunny made the best of it. This bull has the extra on the right side near the top of the rack. Sunny came to AZ hoping to kill a 350+ P&Y bull elk and top that mark by a long ways. Great job Sunny!! What a way to start the elk season with this bull as the first one killed really raised the stakes for the rest of the 14 day hunt. View the full article
  22. Koury Guide Service

    Time to catch up on a lot of hunting!

    Koury Guide Service has been extremely busy and has been killing some huge animals. We killed multiple bulls over the magical 400 P&Y number and some great Mule Deer in Unit 3A-3C with bucks scoring over 180 B&C. Stay tuned for the updates to start. Here is a little teaser of what's to come. View the full article
  23. With the general deer hunts complete I have a little time to do some much needed updates on the blog. We have harvested some awesome mule deer in 3A-3C again this year but first a little review on what happened on the elk hunts so far.We started out with my Guide Ken Owens putting the first elk on the ground. Kens hunter Lauren had traveled 18 hours from his home town in Virginia. On day two Laurens PSE bow hit the mark.Great job Ken and Lauren. I was next up in unit 3A-3C. I was hunting with Glen. He had made the drive from L.A. to hunt with us. Glen had been on 8 elk hunts prior and had shot one arrow with no success. I made Glen pass on lots of elk prior to this bull making an appearance at 28 yards. Glen made a perfect shot and the elk never left our sight. After Glen had killed I went over to help a good friend that had the 3A-3C archery tag also. Two days into helping Russell connected with this awesome elk. With the archery hunts complete we got to break out the rifles and muzzle loaders. We had hunters in units 1,3b,3a-3c, and 4b.In unit 1 my guide Phillip and his hunter Wayne connected on this awesome bull with a 8 inch kicker on the left side to go with the additional 7 points per side the bull already had made for an excellent trophy. They had hunted numerous days and passed on over 30 bulls before putting the scope on this big old bull. Guide Josh and hunter Gary were hunting unit 3b with a Muzzle Loader and we all know that 3b is not know for its great quality. Josh made poor Gary pass on over 50 bulls before they finally found the bull they were looking for. The 2nd bull they passed Gary looked over at Josh and said that "today is that bulls lucky day, cause if you were not here he would be dead". Myself and John were hunting 3a-3c and were looking for a giant bull to put his tag on. The only issue I had was that two of my giant bulls had broke horns during the archery hunt. Here is on of the bulls that we watched late in the archery hunt but with one day before the rifle hunt started this bull broke one beam off just past the fourth point. Sorry for the poor quality of this pics the bull was a long ways away and with low light so we gave up quality of the pic not to spook this bull. Then with one day before the hunt started good friend Dwayne and his son Zack videoed this awesome bull. We tried but never could seem to be in the right place to harvest this bull, matbe next year. Then with only one day to go John and I found this awesome bull just before shooting light evaded us his bullet hit the mark and his hunt was complete. The great thing was Jed got the entire thing on video. I will post it later. Next we go over to unit 4b and guide Ken on day three brought down this beautiful bull with a long 50 yard shot. This AZ bull is now back in the great state of Georgia. A huge thanks goes out to all my guides for making Koury Guide Service what it is today. I could not do it without them. And a HUGE congrats goes out to all my hunters....  View the full article
  24. Koury Guide Service

    3A-3C Deer Hunts!

    With the draw to be out any day I thought I would expand on the potential that the 3A-3C has for deer now. It used to be a great elk unit and now with all the number of tags the elk have taken a hit, but the deer are going to be on the up swing. The unit has been changed to an alternative management unit so the age class of deer should get better this year and the years to come. Since the big fire in 2002 the buck brush is every where in the unit. The unit was just getting real good and then the Game and Fish opened it to over the counter archery tags and you could hardly move in the unit with out running into other hunters. Now were back to a draw for all the hunts and the tags have been cut way back for this year, it is going to be good this year and just getting better for the years to come. We spend alot of time in the unit glassing deer and elk starting in July and all the way through the hunts. We have seen some awesome looking deer in the unit, some we have been able to harvest and others are still alive and getting bigger. Here are pictures of the deer we were able to harvest in 2011 only. Here are a couple from the prior year of the Junior Hunt! Now a couple that are still getting bigger and smarter.[/url] I will post some more live pics tomorrow that I have on my work computer. If you draw one of these good tags give us a call and maybe your picture will be with the next big buck we kill. View the full article