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Everything posted by BOWUNTR



    PM sent. Ed F

    Coues capes needed


    Coues capes needed

    I'm searching for two mature Coues Whitetail deer capes. I can trade a beetle cleaned euro, artifical velvet on your antlers, $$... Ed F

    Golden trout.

    That's not a golden trout. It's a genetically modified hatchery trout. I think they call them lightning trout. Ed F

    Coues capes needed

    One down... one to go... Ed F
  6. Figured you'd show up.... and talk sh!t from your recliner. I went for my phone instead of my bow while it walked to the tank. You wouldn't know the difference between a house cat and a mature tom... I don't shoot immature deer in the face either... Ed F
  7. That's a 1 year old lion... I don't kill forkeys either. Ed F
  8. I had a tag... too small. Ed F
  9. 20250120_092458_1.mp4

    Archery OTC Future?

    1) If you buy an OTC tag in January you don't get to enter the deer draw. No more 2 tags. 2) Get rid of electronic communication during a stalk and spotlight scouting. Fair Chase rules... AZGFD currently being hypocritical with preaching Fair Chase. PROBLEM SOLVED.... most of the current mule deer quotas will never be met. You're welcome.... Ed F

    Crossbow permit repeal

    Me. If you don't obviously know, then you are ignoring the facts. I'll tell you my selfish reason for not wanting crossbows in the archery season... the quotas. F&G said that if you exclude crossbow kills in the August/September season... every single unit would have been open for the December hunt. Before the quotas I didn't care one bit about crossbows in the archery seasons. This is F&G's screw up for allowing them in the first place. I personally know of three able guys who abused the crossbow process... and shot forkys in August. One of them recently shot a javalina with a recurve. All 3 are just lazy and want easy. Ed F

    Crossbow permit repeal

    I sent mine too. Ed F Good job AZGFD. You have finally done something that made sense... identifying that crossbows are not archery equipment and that the current system was abused by many. Now... get busy on fixing the quota system that you haphazardly put in place.

    Coues Deer tail colors

    Here's a Coues Whitetail tail from a buck I just shot in Mexico. Red on his chest too. Ed F

    Over The Counter Archery Tucson AZ

    1 arrow groups maybe. I didn't read that he was shooting a crossbow.... broadheads, arrows, archery... He's trolling... Ed F

    Over The Counter Archery Tucson AZ

    You're kidding, right? Ed F

    RV on cold hunt question

    Your lines are going to freeze and cause problems if you don't winterize it. Propane is cheaper than fixing broken lines/fixtures. Leave the thermostat at 40/50. Ed F

    Archery Coues Success

    Whopper... congratulations. Ed F
  18. Being honest again... You were the first one I thought of when I posted. You can't resist. Funny again that you are stalking me and remember all my posts. You are in the top 2 and the other guy quit... have a nice day. Ed F
  19. Yes, honestly I do come here for the classifieds... bought and sold here. I don't post hunting threads anymore. I wish there were more hunting posts like when this site first started. Funny that you'd be all over this thread...you're in the top 6. Ed F
  20. Been a classified site for years... If someone posts something hunting related there's half a dozen regulars who tear them down from their recliners. Before I die I'm gonna buy my coffin on CWT. Ed F

    Duwane Adams ?

    The powerline buck grossed 200... just sayin'. Ed F

    Arizona Bowhunters Annual Banquet!

    See you there. Ed F
  23. Outdoorsman universal bino adapter. Functions and looks brand new. $50 to your door.
  24. For Sale - twin Swarovski STS 65's, non-HD. 25-50 wide angle eye pieces. Wells mfg mount. SKB hard case. Soft case. Sonoran products eyepiece synchronizer, never installed. Flawless glass and housing. Well taken care of. Next level glassing. Prescott $4000. Ed F