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About az300wby

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    Advanced Member

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  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, camping, shooting, and family.

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  1. az300wby

    2023 October Hunts

    My 13 year old son get his first buck opening morning!
  2. az300wby

    March Madness

    Well our President pick them to won the title. Guess he can even f up the NCAA tournament!
  3. az300wby

    Draw! We don't need no stinkin Draw. Otc elk.

    What happen he gave out to many honey holes? Hunters are savages!
  4. az300wby

    Draw! We don't need no stinkin Draw. Otc elk.

    Ill start. Porter Canyon 4b slam dunk. Idgaf share your knowledge help some youth hunter and others that have never killed in elk. Isn't the goal on the OTC hunt to remove the elk? Anyone that has a youth hunter and is interested in the OTC tag send me a PM.
  5. az300wby

    Draw! We don't need no stinkin Draw. Otc elk.

    In the know! Lmao. Just call the game warden he will tell you where to go. AZ was sued by a deep pocket rancher. Anyone notice all the tags in 4b and 3a. I wish them luck in getting rather of the elk in those areas.
  6. az300wby

    Draw! We don't need no stinkin Draw. Otc elk.

    Only took us 1 day last year. Wasn't OTC but limited opportunity hunt in the best unit in the state a cross the street from the wind farm.
  7. az300wby

    Results are up.

    Hope you get a great bull! I love muzz hunts.
  8. az300wby

    2a Antelope

    My wife drew an antelope tag with 3 points this year. Hope you get a great goat and have a good hunt.
  9. az300wby

    Results are up.

    Unit 10 muzz elk here!
  10. az300wby

    Card Hits!

    My wife drew an antelope tag and going to transfer to my son. A non real Hunter as natureboob would say. The little non real Hunter has an opportunity to harvest 5 of the az big game species by the age of 13.
  11. az300wby

    Card Hits!

    naturebob, I do not know which is lower than some guy calling trphyhntr a poacher with no proof what so ever or you bashing a young hunter for getting a sheep tag! I hope that my kids get tags over me because it is an awesome experience and they grow up so fast that before you know it they are living their own lives. You sound to me as a ahole of a father! trphyhntr is no saint, but i bet he would help a non real hunter kill a sheep.
  12. az300wby

    Card Hits!

    We got 3 bull tags and and antelope tag!
  13. az300wby

    Hits already?

    Hope it’s not my antelope tag. That would be number 4 for me. I have max points for wy, could be the year of the antelope adventure.
  14. az300wby

    Hits already?

    Just got 3 elk bull tags and an antelope tag!
  15. az300wby

