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More D

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Everything posted by More D

  1. More D

    .300 Win. Mag.

    Young hunter, Softpoint would do better on coues sized game than a more stout bullet that are maybe made for heavy game like elk. Don't get me wrong, you hit any deer in the right place he will die. That said, a Hornady SST, Nosler BT, Remington Accutip or "plastic tip" are I my opinion just about perfect for deer and coues especially. I will go out on a limb to also say that this style of bullet is "generally" more accurate, at least in my case. I would have no problem hunting with a Cor-lokt, or Win Super X or regular non-premium bullet if it gave me better accuracy. Like they said above try different brands and weights of bullets to find the most accurate. Don't feel that you need to spend lots of money on bullets. They will NOT make you shoot better only practice will. Good luck!
  2. More D

    whats up with 30B?

    Thats the one AZ G! I could not remember the "Swisshelms"
  3. More D

    whats up with 30B?

    I also got a 30A left over tag 3 years ago and access was just about impossable. The west side of Do Cabezas was the hardest. There are G&F sign in books but there are also land owner signs that say "NO HUNTING FOR 6 MILES" So you drive for 6 miles then another sign "NO HUNTING FOR 3 1/2 MILES" and so on. Finally at the top another sign says "NO HUNTING , CAMPING ,TRESPASSING" From the east there are or were only two areas to gain access, one we only found mulies and the other is full of other hunters. In 3Days of hard hunting I saw 11 WT does, 5 MD does and one WT fork horn. The fork horn was running with the mule deer does and I did not shot because I did not feel comfortable. I only quickly scouted the southern part of the unit. At one place they gave me permission to hunt STATE LAND but I had to park at the property entrance to get in, the truck would have been only 3-4 miles back. Another said "There ARNT any coues deer here" while standing under a porch that was FULL of antlers. I think this is why there are left overs. Put on you best smile, wink at the owners daughter and you might only have to promise to marry her to get access. GOOD LUCK!
  4. More D

    Bradshaw Coues?

    Where are the Bradshaw mtns? .
  5. AZ G, Where was that sheep at? How long ago? Just curious.
  6. More D

    Nice Coues Deer buck

    If I was your friend I would start thinking how many gallons of water I could fit into my truck so that water hole don't dry up! HAHAHA!!!!
  7. More D

    Nice Coues Deer buck

    How exciting, makes one look forward to the up coming season!!! Great job!!!
  8. More D

    Nice Coues Deer buck

    How exciting, makes one look forward to the up coming season!!! Great job!!!
  9. More D

    Oct. Coues hunt unit 31

    Welcome AZ Ranger! This is a great site! I'm sure you will like it. I happen to draw a 32 mullie tag this year. I have a few maps of the unit, maybe you could help me as well!
  10. More D

    unit 36C

    Welcome to the CWT family! Up untill about a month ago the northern half of the unit was really dry. Recent good rains have changed that, the water holes actually have water. Great luck to you!!
  11. More D

    Guessing Range and wind drift

    Cheating: Not at all. I need all the help I can get! No seriously, I beleve that it is part of being a responceable hunter. My range estimation sucks, that and archery were the resons why I finally got one and I don't reget it one bit. I now believe that only about 5% of the people who say they have good range estimation really do. Play with your new range finder the next time you go out and you will see what I mean.
  12. First let me me welcome all of our newest members! This is one great site full of great people. Now the problem! It is NOT my problem but I WISH IT WAS! My brother and I were talking a few months ago and I was giving him a hard time because he said that he wasn't sure he wanted to apply. He was expecting a new member of the family to arrive about one month before the deer hunt and was afraid that if he got drawn he might not be able to hunt with the new baby and all. I said that is easy just apply for the Kaibab mulie hunt. You won't get drawn, you have no points, but that way you will get a point for next year. HE GOT DRAWN FOR THE 1016 hunt Nov 19-28 12A WEST! In the first non-law-suit-BS-draw. No joke! No points, we hunted 36C WT last year. We have never even been to that unit, we don't even know ANYONE who has hunted there in the last 10-12 years. He applied so that he wouldn't get drawn.....then, now thing have changed to say the least! I told him not to worry. Go downtown and buy some maps and I would ask for some help from you guys. Scouting will be difficult if not impossable.We are guessing 8hrs form here in Tucson drive, but not sure. Thanks Boys!
  13. More D

    Bullets weight

    I also have a CVA in-line, it might be the magnum as well in .50 cal. The 240grn XTP's worked great. My first (and only) elk cow stopped in her tracks, kneeled down for a few seconds then stood and fell over hard. BEAUTIFUL MUSHROOM TOO! I also tried the power belt hollow points and it did not go well at all, 8 inches at 100 was the tightest it would go. I might have a larger than average bore but I am only guessing. At least your having fun at the range, scars and all!!
  14. More D

    Bullets weight

    Great question! Recoil, coues (small) size, shooting distance would make me try the lighter weights first but your own muzzle loader rifle will tell you what you should, have to, use. How accurate you smoke pole is with a given load what will answer your question. Reading Jim Shocky's muzzle loader stories you will see that he uses 100grs of powder and 300gr sabots for EVERYTHING from coues to moose. Why? Because it is accurate in his rifle and he know the load and where it is going to be at any given distance, aka practice. I wish you good luck! Hopefully you won't need as much as I need(ed) to work up an accurate load for your muzzle loader. Remember to try a bullet with small changes in increases in powder, not just 100 or 150grs. I takes ALOT of time to find a good one.
  15. More D

    Antler growth question.

    Welcome! Amanda has some info on this very topic on this site. When it starts how long it last, even when they drop them. Look into it!
  16. More D

    Email response From Primos

    And THEY said that one little-o-guy on his computer could NOT acomplish nothing!! !!!WOOOHOO YESS!!!
  17. More D

    caliber ?

    Great point(s) LH!
  18. More D

    predator control

    Two years ago while scouting in 32 I saw a band of does and fawns. One of the fawns was way behind the rest because he had a large part of its hind quarter was bleeding and missing for that matter. The only reason I got sad was because that fawn was my buck that I could have hunted a few years down the road. We have the answer.......we can legally hunt coyotes withOUT A LIMIT! I also decided then to try and put my lion tag to actual use in stead of just a chance in counter with a cat. Besides my "special tag soup" does not need any more help as it is. We should take our rifles on our scouting trip, camping trip, etc. Perhaps even organize a coyote hunt/deer conservation trip. Lets do this before THEY take this away from us legally.
  19. More D

    !!!!!!!RESULTS ARE OUT!!!!

    SORTA???? At least it went to father, son, grandson! The fun they are going to have and the memories...........it kind of makes it ok the I didn't get an Elk tag. SMOKEM IF YOU GOT ONE(a tag) HAVE FUN AND BE SAFE
  20. More D

    whens the actual day...

    I was REALLY hoping for Mon or Tues but nothing. I hate to admit it but I think the Friday is THE day. I am tired of loooking at the AZGFD web site , I must have checked it 25 times since Mon. GREAT LUCK TO ALL IN THE DRAW!!!
  21. More D

    whens the actual day...

    12:55 pm and nothing yet!!
  22. More D

    whens the actual day...

    AZGFD says the 23rd, but last year they had results on the 7th of July so there is room for hope.
  23. More D

    caliber ?

    Coueselk, It takes time but man you ended up with a NICE tack driver, and all you had to do was spend alot of time at the range, dang IT! I have allways endend up with a Winchester so they have sweet spot in my heart, the supergrades are beautiful but if I got one it would probably end up a range queen. Azshooter, Great to have you here in our "little family group" Welcome. Feel free to share you stories and PICTURES! We love pictures. I did not know about the 3moa mark on the Leupold, Thanks! Great topic, interesting reading till results come out! Are they out yet?...........How bout now?
  24. More D

    Unit 21

    WOW!! Big enough the your uncle had to use a tow strap as a fisging line!!!! HAHAHAHA!