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More D

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Everything posted by More D

  1. THAT'S COOL!!!! Looks like you found a "coues heaven"
  2. More D

    Javelina deaths

    and this again today. Disease Affecting Javelina 02-25-2005 12:17 AM (Tucson, AZ) -- What appears to be a bad case of food poisoning has killed at least 30 javelinas in the Tucson area since October. The animals have gastrointestinal and respiratory distress. Some of the dead animals have tested positive for salmonella, some haven't. Since it is hard to find a freshly deceased animal it has been hard to nail down the cause of death. Game and Fish says feeding the animals rich foods like dog or cat food could raise their susceptibility to contracting the food poisoning diseases. Officials also say household pets should be kept away from anywhere frequented by javelina just to be sure there is no spread of the mystery disease.
  3. Hey fellas and Lady I just found this on the cox.net home page! Dead Javelinas Point To Possible Bacteria Poisoning 02-24-2005 8:17 AM (Tucson, AZ) -- About three dozen javelinas have been found dead in the last three months and health officials believe the cause is a bacteria related to food poisoning. Wildlife specialists with Arizona Game and Fish say that the javelina are suffering from salmonella poisoning, which humans can get from eating undercooked chicken. Although pets can become sick by coming in contact with the droppings of an infected animal, officials say humans are safe unless they eat infected meat. Scientists at the University of Arizona are inspecting samples they get from Game and Fish to determine the extent of the disease. Previous illnesses that have affected large numbers of javelina include distemper and hog cholera. Copyright 2005 Metro Networks Communications Inc., A Westwood One Company
  4. More D

    My 2005 HAM hunt

    Where did you hit her? Did you get a pass through,etc..etc
  5. More D

    My 2005 HAM hunt

    Thank you for the pics of the teeth from your pig. I also find it very interesting. I shot a cow elk a few years ago and while fielddressing her I thought I might have hit her in the stomach because I found a lot of black grainy stuff. The stomach was intact and the hit was farther forward. It ended up being the liver, it was really grainy or sand like, but no hard stuff. Just strange . We figured that the .50 cal muzz just did a great job. The cow looked very healthy and not especially old.
  6. More D


    Man that Blows!! Am heading out now to 36A, I sure will keep an eye out!!
  7. More D

    My 2005 HAM hunt

    Great job! It looks like a great time of year to be out in the hills. Can't wait to go out with my wife to try and get here pig. I keep telling every one to remember how green it is because this is something special and rare for us here in AZ. Hopefully I am wrong and this is the end of our decades worth of drought.
  8. More D

    it's about time!

    This is GREAT news! They should put it to him and make an example out of him!
  9. More D

    AZ Hunt/Fish Fees

    When are these new fee changes effective? I feel that this maybe the beginng of the end, HOPEFULLY I am wrong.
  10. More D

    coues deer on the san pedro

    When the whole hunting party/family votes on where to hunt we end up applying at 32 for mulies. I have always quessed that lots of deer would come from the hills in 32 to go water at the san pedro river. Every year we say were going to check this out but don't for some reason or another. With out giving to much away, would it be worth finding a good crossing point to go sit on for the day?? Or maybe it doesn't work that way?? Thanks anyway
  11. More D

    .243 or .308

    I like your kind of thinking Ernesto!
  12. More D

    Nice First Buck

    NICE NICE NICE! Some guys have a life time invested chasing the Coues and have not got one as beautiful as yours!
  13. More D

    .243 or .308

    Quickly I would say the .308. Both are great choices and will have fans here on CWT.com. One that I have been day dreaming about is the 7-08 in a Ruger compact. I like the idea of a small, light rifle for long hikes in the hills. The 7-08 has some impressive balistics, a higher .BC and Hornady makes the 7-08 in the light-mag version keeps that short action par with the 30-06. It might be another option while you get to go out and buy a new toy!
  14. More D

    My (very late) Elk

    Great bull! Great job with the Elk & the WM!
  15. More D


    What happened GMM? Story! Story!
  16. More D

    Holy cow Josh!

    Those boys are unreal and the what dreams are made of! I can't stop starring! Thanks for sharring.
  17. More D

    New "Outdoor" channel

    Here in Tucson it's on 372 and the outdoor channel is on 250! Helll, I didn't know there were any other channels.
  18. You are truly a blessed man Ernesto! Seeing that big boy AGAIN! Most of us never see a big boy like that let alone with tag in hand! Your wife hunting with you! Hunting in Mexico twice in one season! I could go on and on......
  19. More D

    Rude hunters

    I think we all have had something happen to us. Mine was while heading out early to 36C to chase the mulies with a bow. My partner and I were just driving out to the spot and we notice a NICE 3x3 with his girls calmly feeding about 100 yards from the road. We deturmined the wind direction , drove up another 200yards and started to unpack our bows, etc. A quick check of the mulies.... still feeding away from us into the wind where we planned to come up from behind to the BIG boy at the back of the pack. Just about to finish getting ready and truck coming from the opposite direction very very slowly with two up front and two in back. As they drove by the guys in back were sitting on the spare tire with camo head to toe, bows in the vertical position, arrow nocked. They gave a nod as they drove buy. It was VERY clear that we were getting our stuff ready to start a stalk, start walking , whatever. Needless to say the truck, in clear view of us, stopped at seeing the same mulies and three guys flew off the truck and the previously calmly feeding deer did not like what they saw and took off with the three ""hunters"" in tow. Road hunting and bows in hand, arrow nocked only to scare away the deer. We were pissed and got in our truck and quickly drove away before we did something stupiderr.
  20. More D

    AZ Jan Coues and Muley

    AWSOME!! One heck of a day bowhunting!!! TONS to be proud of, congradulations!
  21. Any "girl" that can beat me in an arm wresaling match just messes with my sense of manhood, no thanks
  22. More D

    New G&F Commissioner appointed

    What Napolitano considers a "life long hunter" might be different than you and I. Lets hope not!
  23. More D

    My Brother's 105" Buck

  24. More D


    Hey LB, Too bad it did not work out , I too like to see big coues................................................or maybe the hunter wants to keep it on the DL. If so then I can respect that.