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More D

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Everything posted by More D

  1. More D

    my dec 24a hunt

    Great story and very nice pics! I like your buck, good palmation and unique. Congradulations!
  2. More D

    Dec. 110" Coues

    Great buck! Please tell the story, unit, etc.....
  3. This big boy makes me shive every timeI see his pic!
  4. Not vicious at all! This is just about the best site around with the most helpfull good hearted folks around. AZGFD.com is a good place to start. The Javi hunts are on draw though, if you don't have a tag the above mentioned web site might have some left over tags I hear. If you can't get a tag go out and enjoy the desert and take a few coyotes which are always fun.
  5. More D

    what to carry for javelina

    Be sides the quality of the meat all comes down to feild dressing and care. I have a system that is a bit(a bunch) over kill but the meat turns out great. I for one am really looking forward to the Javi hunt this year!
  6. More D

    what to carry for javelina

    Take the lever action. My brother got me a nice marlin 44mag for my birthday and boy do I wish I had the general javi tag instead of my achery tag. All of your calibers (mine too) are over kill but head/neck shots are good ideas. I also like javi meat, especially the younger ones, not to much meat but still good.
  7. More D

    archery rut hunt

    WOOHOOOOOO!!!!!! Coues buck with a BOW at 12 YARDS!!! I second name change! APACHE STALKER has a nice ring to it! Congradulations, I hope to do the same one day.
  8. More D

    Mexico eases Travel Requirements

    Hopefully it gets done. I know of a story from a " mover and shaker "about the road that was to be built, it was finished eventually, from Magdalena to Tubtama. At the begining of the last sexenio before Fox was presidente that road from Magdalena to Tubutama was supposed to be finished. It was only started, halfassly mind you, but "the funds were quickly exausted" So the road sat and sat. So when Fox was elected so was the new presidente municipal of the Altar which included Tubutama. One of the first acts to get that road finished so off to Mexico city he went to get the funds. When he asked for the the money they laughed and said that the road was already finished and even provided a road map proving that it was already paved . Eventually the road was finished and they did a good job too. But the complaint was that it used up the new terms moneys to finish it. As for the the money that was for the road originally......who nows. I hear it PAYS pretty good to be a politico en Mexico! I do bet that this road from Sasabe to Caborca will be done alot quicker because another large port of entry will be a great boost for the economy!
  9. More D

    36B Dec. Coues

    Sounds like you boys had some great fun! Congradulations to you both!
  10. More D

    Mexico eases Travel Requirements

    I am Interested in read that information! I travel to Hermosillo about once a month and that would make things simpler and quicker! I had heard rumos about this but they were hard to believe after hearing the same one for 2-3 years.
  11. More D

    New Hunting Opportunity in Mexico!

    I would NOW if I could. You know because we see this type of deer in open field at 110 yards away all the time
  12. More D

    New Mexico Muley

    Very nice mulie. Lets here the story!
  13. I heard from a AZGF biologist, not a WM, That he had seen feral pigs in 36A. No details though, all he would say was he saw them walking away from an old tank that was not maintained but had water in it. He said that he had not seen water in that tank for quite some time before that. I could only guess it was from the rains. That was the only clue he would give us. As if it helped. On my first or second Javi hunt we were driving to our drop of point for an afternoon hunt when on the next hill over running away from us not more than 200 yards away we saw about 6-8 HUGE all black pigs, one was dark rusty color like a joung Javie but they were ALL HUGE. Having read about the feral hogs that had been seen in the 36's I just assumed that it was the feral type pigs and not Javies. My Uncle and our Grandfather didn't belive it and chalked it up to Javie fever. My uncle had hunted there for years and never seen any feral pigs. Our grand father had been going there since the 50's to get fire wood and never seen any eaither. I ended up getting my first Javie on that first hunt two days later only about 400 yards away from where I saw the "feral pigs" and I still think that what I saw was WAY BIGGER than my Javie. I ran into a ranch hand two years later and asked him if any of the ranches kept hogs and said no. He looked like he had been working those parts for more than a few years. Who knows.
  14. I sure am glad I haven't found any dead bodies or the like. All I have found are two stone arrow heads. My first was while on my first deer hunting trip, unit 30B I think. We were walking on the top a ridge in the rolling hills of greasewood when I looked down and clear as day it was there looking up at me. Rather small, maybe an inch and a half long by half an inch wide and pure white! I must have been 11-12 years old. I kept thinking how difficult that area was to hunt, I mean not a tree of bush in sight and we all know how noisey that stuff is to stalk in. The second was while scouting for an new area in unit 32 for mulie. We enden up north of Wilcox and when you keep wanting to see what is around the next hill/ turn in a new area it gets mighty dark and we called it a night and camped were we we stood. Next morning we awoke to do some scouting and when I was trying to find my way back to the truck, I was in a small wash with very steep banks and I kept thiking that if there was any deer sign(even though there wasn't any) that it would be a great place to ambush game with a bow. As I looked down looking for tracks I spotted my second stone arrow head. This one was alittle larger and grey in color laying with about one thousand other similar sized grey rocks. Pretty COOL I thought. Those two times I remember alot when coming home from bowhunting. I just laugh at my self because if me and my family had to eat what I killed while bow hunting we would be up the river so to speak. Maybe the foruth year is the lucky one. I hope so!
  15. WOW that was beautiful! We in our home keep our troops in our prayers and in our hearts for the sacrifices that they make!
  16. More D

    5b north bull

    Nice bulls! I have heard what happened to your first bull a few times all with the same ending..........some coward claiming a elk/deer already on the groung to be "there's" Sad story that they can't take there own animal. After taking another look at your dads freak horn some one from this site has a trail cam pic of that bull!! Any one remember who?
  17. More D

    Rude hunters

    Now thats funny, I don't care who you are!!! LMAO
  18. Just at "my" wally mart last night and saw Wincherster 7mm WSM ammo for $8.00 a box. To bad I don't have a 7mm. It is the one on Valencia off Of I-19.
  19. More D

    youth hunt

    NICE KICKER on that big boy! I still am willing to bet that your smile was bigger than hers Way to keep the youngin involved!
  20. More D

    Mace's Buck

    Great post and way to hold out! But after seeing that big boy I'm sure it was a whole lot easier!
  21. More D

    New Hunting Opportunity in Mexico!

    Yes I was. Sorry I guess I was confused or maybe it was wishfull thinking.
  22. More D

    New Hunting Opportunity in Mexico!

    That ranch was built right out my dreams! Beatiful country and accomadations! I wish I could include myself with those who get to enjoy this adventure. Amanda, can you post some Coues pictures?
  23. Have a Happy Birthday ! Best wishes!
  24. More D

    My first Coues deer

    Welcome! Can't wait to see the pics!
  25. More D

    Fun Evening Yesterday

    That is a nice bobcat! Do you have any plans for the pelt? I bet it would turn out nice!