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More D

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Everything posted by More D

  1. More D

    Rocky Point

    A Mexican fishing whaa?
  2. More D

    Rocky Point

    We went down for a wedding last year and we rented a big boat (tour type not professional fisher) and we had a great time. We were about 18 total and paid $30 each and we caught two and a half five gallon buckets in a few hours. Best part was the last few hours they took us to a small cove where the water was completely glass smooth and as clear as a back yard pool. They cooked up the fish and prepared a awesome meal while we played. We had a great time and they were professional and kid friendly! Best part: not a single person/kid vomited. Worst part: I did not take nearly enough beer!
  3. More D

    wts dmps ar-15

    pm sent...
  4. More D

    44 Rem Mag reload info

    Wow! I would be happy to meet up with you. This week wnd I will be running around doing some work around the house feel free to call me and I would be happy to meet up. 520-429-2477 Thanks More d aka Daniel
  5. I have a Marlin 44 Rem mag rifle that I would like to reload for. The rifle was made in 1974 so not a 'old' rifle. The last few times I have gone shooting I end up not buying a box of ammo for it because it is too expensive. I have access to reloading equipment and I already have cases, primers, bullets. I just don't know about which powder, charge or COAL. Bullets are Hornady 240 xtp's if it matters. Thanks in advance Guys!
  6. More D

    Any car salesmen here?

    I have done it all, from working small dealerships to HUGE ones. I have also worked as a auto broker. To be clear I do not work as any sort of car/truck saleman any more but I would be happy to share any information with you from my past experiences. So feel free to call. 520-429-2477 More D aka Daniel.
  7. More D

    Quad Repair

    there was a guy on craigs list who did work at your home. i talked to him and his prices were resonable. never tried him out. he did have references etc...
  8. More D


    bump for a GREAT carry piece! I had this and traded it away....I have regreted it ever since!! Just not been able to buy another.
  9. More D

    UTV jump seat.

    I bought this http://www.cabelas.com/product/Bargain-Cave/Auto-ATV/ATV-Accessories%7C/pc/105591780/c/105776280/sc/105778980/UTV-Jump-Seat/1152318.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fbargain-cave-auto-atv-atv-accessories%2F_%2FN-1102820%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_105778980%3FWTz_l%3DHome%253Bcat105591780%253Bcat105776280&WTz_l=Home%3Bcat105591780%3Bcat105776280%3Bcat105778980 for our elk hunt and the kids did not like looking backwards so it is up for sale for $80 pick up/meet only. as new condition. think pre assembled. Thanks
  10. More D

    Questions regarding used Utility Quads (ATV)

    Search Walmart online for 'battery tender jr' It is the absolute best at maintaining your batteries.
  11. More D

    Questions regarding used Utility Quads (ATV)

    What size of engine? What is a battery tender? Also..is a quad with 1,500 miles on it considered "high mileage"? Thanks for the feed back, btw. Any toy you have that will sit more than you use will just about require a ''battery tender jr'' it will save batteries and keep your ride ready to go at moments notice. Mine is a 2008 and it has 1050mi I think. Size? My Ranger is a 700.
  12. More D

    Stupid question?

    It comes from having THE SHOT and it not firing because the powder is wet. I do not fire it I just open it up and reload in the am. It only has to happen to you once and you will do it for EVER!
  13. More D

    Questions regarding used Utility Quads (ATV)

    I was in your spot 3-4 years back. I ended up with a Polaris Ranger. I went with a Polaris because I have a cousin who works for azgfd as a biologist. They use quads harshly and 'ride them hard and put them wet' so to speak and he could only recommend Polaris. They use different brands but in his opionion the Polaris was just better from reliability to cost of maitainence/parts, ride, power, etc. The fact that he rode all different brands for work, we all drive our work vehicles differently than our personal vehicales, and Polaris came out on top. For me and my Ranger....I LOVE IT! I am very big on maintanince and the only thing I have had to do for mine is the battery but only because I did not have a battery tender on it. I really use mine too and it has never even hicupped. Also Polaris quads also tend to have independant rear susp with out having to go to the largest motor. It really makes a difference in the ride.
  14. More D

    chorizo recipe?

    one pound of Santacruz chile powder, it HAS to be Santacruz! one oz of oregano ten cloves of garlic one heaping large serving spoon of salt all per ten pounds of ground meat. make sure it is all well refrigerator chilled before grinding. I use the Cabelas meat gringer with the med size grinder plate. 4-6oz's of heinz vineger. I guessing on this because my wife uses the ''little splash'' method. 1-2 cups of pickled jalapeno can juice. Mix well, then mix again. Put into quart size glad ziploc bags completly full (no air pockets). They will/should equal about a pound each. Let sit a few hours so flavors mix well and this also allows the vieger to ferment before frezzing. Some recepies call for oil in the mix but we do not add it because it will not freeze more than 4-6 months so we addthe oil as we are cooking it. For my tastes I like elk and deer with 30-40% pork shoulder. Javi 50% pork shoulder mix.
  15. More D

    Bad Boy Buggies for Coues whitetail

    when i was in the market i never considered the bad boy because of the issue with recharging it. we only hunt in areas where we are dry camping. we run generators but only to recharge trailer batteries for a few hours. like stated before it is completely different out in arizona. now i do wish my ranger was a quite as an electric one.
  16. More D

    Camp Trailer for Sale

    how/where did you add the extra water tank? any pics? good luck on the sale. im gonna need to upsize soon too.
  17. More D

    Desert shed hunting advice

    Bill... you now know the reason why i rarely post...
  18. More D

    SOLD Polaris ATV Metal Rims and Tires

    I'll be second in line and i will take them pending a pic. thanks!
  19. More D

    Nice muley

    Wow...my dream mulie. Congrats!!!
  20. More D

    Merry Christmas

    I'm not showing the family this post because they will make me work out in front of my house for a week!!!!!! Joking aside....I looks great!
  21. More D

    Gerber knife

    Ill take it!
  22. More D

    Successful Late Bull hunt

    nice bull!! I took a cow last month that had a hoof just like that. As I was butchering her I noticed an injury to the bone just below the knee. Luckly a friend 'bugged' the bone and there is a hole right in the middle of it, i'm thinking a bullet wound. I'll try and post pics on another thread.