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Everything posted by OpticNerd

  1. OpticNerd

    Archery buck

    Great Job! I couldn't sit a stand that long your persistence really paid off. I really like the color on top of his head very unique. Great bases and eye guards with matching kickers of the G3s!!!! You shot a stud buck congrats!
  2. OpticNerd

    My Mexico Hunt

    Great buck congrats! Love the eye guards and G3s!
  3. OpticNerd

    180" Archery Buck

    WOW! Great Buck! It's not everyday you see a muley with eye guards like that. Congrats!
  4. OpticNerd

    Third Coues Buck

    Look at them EYE GUARDS! Nice buck! Looks like he was bleeding out of both ends. One shot?
  5. OpticNerd

    Should Mama go hunting?

    My wife and I were in the same boat a few years back and we ask 3 doctors and all 3 said it's not good for a pregnant lady to be shooting a rifle. It's not worth it in my mind even if there is no clear evidence showing it will hurt the fetus. When it come to your kids nothings more important.
  6. OpticNerd

    2011 Buck

    Wow! I want one of those! Great Job!
  7. OpticNerd

    big buck

    Nice buck JACK what it score? Looks a lot like the buck in this post I can't image there being much difference in score between the two.
  8. OpticNerd

    San Carlos Part 2

    Congrats! I've always wanted to hunt the SC sounds like a good hunt. Another member already ask this but did you ever get him scored? I guess him to be around 87 inches.
  9. OpticNerd

    Monday Morning

    Hello everyone nice site! I would like to share an outing I just had. It happened on Monday morning when I was finally able to get out and chase some coues with my bow even though I could only hunt the morning it was a great time out in the hills. Saw a good number of deer for me at least 11 doe and 10 bucks. At about 8:30 I found a decent buck and decided I had just enough time to go after him but unfortunately I never saw him again. I did get 10 yards from a 70 class 3x3 but elected not to shoot because I was hoping I could still find the bigger buck. I was able to video a couple of the deer including the biggest buck I saw that morning. That buck is at the end of the video. Sorry about the video it's a bit out of focus and shaky. Gotta love ruttin coues! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO4o8ak2Hk4
  10. OpticNerd

    Monday Morning

    Thanks Jimmer!