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Everything posted by OpticNerd

  1. OpticNerd

    Got a ticket from G&F

    +1 If you were driving with your release on then I'd say the ticket was justified.
  2. OpticNerd

    Sick of the Arrogance

    I guess this happens more then I first thought. I heard a similar story a few years back. Stuff like this sure makes me miss the days back in the 80s when I first started hunting. For the most part hunting use to be more pure and simple. No days the world of hunting is way more complicated then it needs to be.
  3. OpticNerd

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

    Congrats! Bull or cow?
  4. OpticNerd

    Wildcat Update

    I'm more of a Sun Devils fan but it's good to see the U of A winning after all the changes they've gone through in the last couple of years. I hope they can make it past Duke.
  5. OpticNerd

    Got a ticket from G&F

    Crazy story! The only thing I can think of is that maybe the officer thought you were road hunting. When would it be considered that you were actually hunting in 27? I know plenty of guys that consider just driving roads as hunting. You were already planning on hunting in 27 so driving down a road in 27 could be seen by the officer as hunting in that unit since you said you were planning on hunting the unit. If you saw a buck run across the road would you stop and go after him? Not trying to be rude just pointing out some possibilities.
  6. OpticNerd

    5 San Carlos Bucks 105 to 119

    Thanks for sharing those with us Julius! No need to go to Mexico with bucks like that. Love that 108 buck!
  7. OpticNerd

    Poll: For or Against

    There's nothing we can do about the spread of CWD from water sources because an animal has to drink. But an animal doesn't need bait to survive. I don't care if baiting is only 1% of the cause of CWD that's 1% too much. Until proven otherwise I'm not going to use baits anymore be it salt, corn or any other form of attractant. I still can't understand why some people think the G&F is out to get us and to shut hunting down piece by piece. It's their job to do what's best for the animals and to ensure that we have healthy herds so we CAN continue hunting. Sometimes we might not like what they are doing but that doesn't mean it's not what's best for our animals. Over the years collectively the G&F has done more research, surveys, historical data or any other form of animal studies then any of us. Put this all together and you got the most educated group of people that knows what's best for our wildlife and not just deer and elk but all of AZ's animals. Like them or not the G&F deserves our respect because without them we wouldn't have the quality of hunting we have today.
  8. OpticNerd

    Poll: For or Against

    I'm one of the few for the ban. I never been opposed to baiting until C&S posted his other thread about the subject. Heck I've even used them for my trail cams but that was before I knew the G&F believes baiting may lead to the spread of CWD. Even if the G&F said there was only a 10% chance that using baits could help spread CWD I'd still be against the use of baits. The risk of spreading CWD is not worth it in my mind. There's already enough natural attractants or animal condensing features out in the hills. Things like tanks, ponds, springs, seeps, game trails, funneling areas like saddles and such. With a little homework there's really no needs for baits so until there is some hard evidence that proves baiting doesn't help with the spread of CWD I'll be against the use of baits.
  9. OpticNerd

    Poll: For or Against

  10. OpticNerd

    AZGF will be back in to lawmaking in 2011

    +1 on this part. I may not agree with everything they(G&F) do but for the most part I think they are doing a good job. We got some of the best hunting in the west so they got to be doing something right. On a side note where are all these new laws the G&F have just recently pasted that I keep reading about? Not trying to ruffle any feathers but it seems like a lot of people think that we don't need anymore new laws from the G&F. I just can't recall any new laws being passed in the last 10 or so years.
  11. OpticNerd

    Big.... Junior Mule Deer!

    That would be my guess. Looks like it's going to be a pretty good DVD if that's what he's doing. KGS1 has put these post with links to his site on multiple hunting forums. Effective way to advertise his product by using the hunting forums. Maybe Shane will let us know soon if he's planning on putting out a new DVD. I liked his other two it would be nice if he made another. Thanks for posting the links to your site KGS1 you got some good stuff on it.
  12. OpticNerd

    Season's done until August

    Next time you glass up a 180 muley and don't want to shoot him give me a call I'll take care of him for you Good luck on the oinkers!
  13. OpticNerd

    I'm done!

    Thanks everyone. I'm going to try to get out and scout a bit more this year and try to refine my videoing skills. My goal is to find at least 1 buck over 100 by August and hopefully have him figured out by then. I'm already getting excited just thinking about. Can't wait its going to be fun!
  14. OpticNerd

    I'm done!

    Yesterday morning was my last opportunity to hunt this month and I got very close but couldn't seal the deal. I was able to find 5 does and 4 bucks. None of the does had bucks with them even though the bucks were still running around with there noses glued to the ground. I was able to get within 40 yards of a decent buck but when I drew my bow back he busted me and hauled tail I think he might be in Canada by now. Anyways it was a short morning and I was basically done by 8:30. I really wanted to be able to post some kill pics but I'm not a good enough hunter yet so this video clip of the buck I choked on is all I got. Maybe come August I'll be able to post something other then stories and footage of all my unsuccessful attempts at hunting coues with a bow. I took this footage about an hour before I was able to get into bow range. Even though I didn't get the buck it was still and incredible and fulling experience being with bow range of this buck. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt7iHieS0OM
  15. OpticNerd

    My December Trophy AKA (Cedro)!!!

    That buck is SICK! What's up with his antlers did he just recently rub the velvet off or did he just not polish them up enough. Congrats on a dandy of a buck!
  16. OpticNerd

    I'm done!

    Thanks! I know my stories and footage isn't the greatest but I really enjoy do it.
  17. OpticNerd

    The Puzzle Rock Buck

    Great job! I really enjoyed reading about the hunt. That terrain you guys were hunting looks fun in so many ways.
  18. OpticNerd

    New Guess the Score contest

    93 2/8
  19. OpticNerd

    Almost got a shot.

    Well I got the chance to go out yesterday morning. I got out fairly early but still got beat to the area I wanted to hunt so I back out and drove to a different spot. By the time I got to my new location it was just getting light enough to glass so decided to glass from the truck instead of hiking up to a better vantage point. Well 5 mins of glassing I turned up a lone doe and 5 mins after that I find another. In the next 10 mins I turn up 5 more doe and only 1 bedded buck. It appeared the rut was dead but as soon as the sun started warming up the hills I found two bucks chasing tail. I watched them run around for 15 mins or so when I decided I was going to go after these two bucks. I couldn't tell how big they where but they looked big enough to me. So I started scanning the surround area planning my stalk when I hear a branch break below me. There were a good number of cattle in the area so I figured it was just a cow. Well I was wrong because 10 seconds later I look down below me and I see antlers heading my way. The buck ends up walking broadside just 20 yards infront of me. I look the deer over and I decide he's a definite shooter in my books. Only one problem though... I left my bow in the truck! Long story short I suck! Anyways I was able to video the buck as he walked away from me for about 30 seconds. I did try to go after him but I never saw him again. I was able to get 50 yards from a 2x2 about an hour later but elected not to shoot. Here's the video of the buck. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFMulvauKOY
  20. OpticNerd

    Good Buck

    Great buck! I'd say right around 100.
  21. OpticNerd

    Chef does Mexico

    That was AWESOME! Heck of a job! Your buck has to be one of the tallest bucks I've ever seen. The lion kill buck is freaking cool also.
  22. OpticNerd

    good buck

    Yep his G1s are bigger then I 1st thought. I think your probably close on score especially because you've actually seen him out in the field. I'm definitely no expert but here's my number I come up with. Left G1 2.5 G2 6 G3 3.25 Right G1 3 G2 7 G3 5 MB 15 15 Total mass 27 width 14 Gross Total 97.75 I don't see him going smaller then 95 and he very well could go as high as 105. Very nice buck whatever the score. Thanks for the pics!
  23. I was able to get out and chase some more deer this evening. No shots taken but I got some more video. I got to my glassing spot at 3:30. I glassed for about 2 mins when I found a good looking buck tending a doe at around 1000 yards. I videoed the buck for a bit and the decided I'd better put the camera up and go after him before it got too dark. I noticed there was a perfect little cut that I could slip into and probably get pretty close to the buck. I glassed the area where I planned my stalk and wouldn't you know it I found a buck right in the middle of where I needed to go. I couldn't see him very good because he was in some thick stuff but I could tell he had pretty decent mass and good eye guards but he was definitely smaller then the other buck so I didn't attempt a stalk on this buck. With my 1st route being blocked by the smaller buck I had to find another way to go. Lucky for me there was another cut that I could get into and work my way closer to the bigger buck but after glassing the cut I found a bedded doe and there was no way I would be able to get around her without spooking her. This only left me with one other option but it didn't look like I could get close enough for a shot but I had no other choice so off I went. 30 mins later I was 375 yards from the buck and his doe. He was now joined but 2 other bucks and 2 more doe. At this distance I could see that he was a good looking 3x4 with very nice eye guards. I love big eye guards! I videoed the bucks for a bit and kept on stalking. Well long story short I did my best to get a shot on the bigger buck but the closest I could get was 150 yards. With daylight running out I started heading back to the truck when I noticed movement up above me. It turned out to be 2 more bucks and a doe at about 600 yards. One of the bucks looked good and I tried to video him but it didn't turn out too well because it was just too dark. All in all it was a good evening. Hopefully I'll have at least one more go at it before the end of the month. Here's some footage I was able to get of some of the bucks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoobP1hN258
  24. OpticNerd

    good buck

    Heck of a buck! It's hard to see his eye guards but from what I can see I come up with 98. Hey hunter1026 how long do you think is G2s and G1s are? I gave him 2 inches for his eye guards but they are very hard to see so I could be way off.
  25. OpticNerd

    Sunday afternoon chasing deer

    Yea it was a bit windy but it helped cover my sound so it actually help me a bit. Hopefully This weekend I'll be able to make it out again.