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Everything posted by OpticNerd

  1. OpticNerd

    WTB: Ford Excursion V10 4x4

    Looking for a V10 Ford Excusion 4x4 if you happen to have one or know of one for sale please let me know. Thanks!
  2. OpticNerd

    WTB: Ford Excursion V10 4x4

    OK. Thanks for your time Terry.
  3. OpticNerd

    Big Whitetail?

    Look at tha mass! Sweet buck! Thanks!
  4. OpticNerd

    WTB: Ford Excursion V10 4x4

    Awesome thanks Terry!
  5. OpticNerd

    WTB: Ford Excursion V10 4x4

    Thanks for the Craiglist link. I've been looking on Craigslist for a couple weeks now but haven't found excactly what I'm looking for yet. Hoping someone here is looking to sell their Excursion that hasn't listed it yet in any classifieds or if someone has seen one on a lot somewhere. I've pretty much got anything available online(Craigs/Ebay) covered. The diesel is out of my price range and a bit overkill for my needs since I won't be towing anything or driving it much. I hear a lot of good things about the 7.3 though and would be nice to have but the V10 just suits me best. Family is getting too big and we can't all fit in the Jeep anymore so I need something bigger. Tried out a couple 4 door trucks but they were just a bit too crowded for us. I've done quite a bit of research and I'm dead set on the V10 Excursion.
  6. OpticNerd

    WTB: Ford Excursion V10

    Looking for a V10 Ford Excursion if you happen to have one or know of one for sale please let me know. Thanks!
  7. OpticNerd


    Great pic! What state was this picture taken in?
  8. OpticNerd

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    Yes you are correct. I was talking about hunting in general not referring to baiting. I could be wrong but hunters 20-30 years ago seemed to get along much better then they do now days. Having the internet might have something to do with that but that's a completely different topic. Back to baiting as coues & sheep pointed out earlier baiting tends to be getting more and more popular over the years and this could be causing baits to be less effective. I'd still like to know if any of you have also noticed a decline in the effectiveness of baiting over the past few years as coues & sheep has?
  9. OpticNerd

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    Some very interesting stuff here especially the part about the significant increase of attractants being used now days and how it effects the baiting advantage. Makes since to me the more attractants being used the less effective they will be. Seems like the popularity of baiting is growing year after year if this keeps up imagine what it will be like in 5 to 10 years. By this time baiting might not work at all due to the over use. Have any of you other guys noticed a decline in the effectiveness of baiting over the past few years?
  10. OpticNerd

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    +1 on a lot of what Arizona said. It was brought up in an earlier post something to the effect that we don't need anymore G&F laws and regulations that we had enough as it is. Well for many of us the same concept could be applied to hunting. We don't need any more new techno gear, equipment and extreme tactics in hunting. What's wrong with leaving hunting the way it is or even better yet the hunting was 20 or 30 years ago? The more new advanced technology and methods that are used the more new laws and regulations the G&F have to come up with to insure proper game management. The argument of letting people hunt the way they want to hunt just doesn't work. Imagine if your playing golf in a golf tournament and one of the players decides instead of hitting the ball with his club he going to use a golf ball launching sling shot instead. When you and other players confront this guy to tell him this isn't the way we play golf what would happen if he says "this is the way I want to play golf. I don't tell you guys how to play so you can't tell me how to play". Wouldn't work would it otherwise there would be nothing but chaos. The same principle applies with hunting we need rules and regulations to keep everything in balance and in harmony as best as possible. The idea that we hunters all need to stick together and fight this or else keeps getting brought up and I still have to disagree. It would be different if it was something majority of us hunters agreed on but I'm going out on a limb and saying that close to majority of AZ hunters would like to see baiting go. It might not seem that way here on CW but a lot of the hunters I know that are for the baiting ban don't voice their opinion on the web. Would all you "we hunters need to stick together" guys support me if I was getting a petition going to legalize road hunting deer and night with the use of big high powered spot lights because this is the way I want to hunt deer? Probably not. Like I said earlier I do believe hunters need to stick together as best as possible but to imply if we don't pull together and oppose this ban then it will only lead to more things outlawed is a bit of a stretch.
  11. Ouch! I can relate it's a horrible feeling. Hope it turns up for him.
  12. OpticNerd

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    Seems like a lot of people here feel that we hunters need to stick together whether one agrees with the bait ban or not because if we don't pull together and stop the G&F from banning baits then this will be the stepping stone to other bans and laws made to restrict us hunters until we have no advantages left. Wow talk about your scare tactics! In my +25 years of hunting I've never had I one bad experience with the G&F. I've even been caught breaking one of the game laws and I still have not had any bad experiences with the G&F. Sure there are bound to be a few dill holes working for the G&F but the same can be said for us hunters. I agree that hunters need to stick together as best we can but this doesn't mean that we have to automatically agree with curtain methods of taking game. I respectfully disagree with the majority of the people here and I'm all for the ban of baiting.
  13. OpticNerd

    binocular question

    Some good sujestions already made. If your going to be free handing your binos then you'll probably don't want anything higher then 8x unless your steady like a rock. Anything higher then 8x it can be very hard to hold still enough to get a shake free view. If this is the case then you might want to take a look at the Leupold Yosemite binoculars. I believe they only come in 8x and 6x and at $100 new they'd be hard to beat for the money. The 6x tend to get better rieview and are a great binos for free handing!
  14. OpticNerd

    New Swaro spotter!!

    I'm lovin it already except for the price http://www.eagleoptics.com/spotting-scopes/swarovski?page=2&sort=best-selling&specials=all Can't wait to try out the 95mm!
  15. OpticNerd

    15X binocular comparison

    I'm with Red on this one. They did mention that they thought the Swaros had the best color and contrast and that the porro design of the Zeiss and Docters were more to their liking for longer periods of glassing but other then that there wasn't too much detail comparing the binos. I'd really like to see how the Zeiss did as far as edge sharpness goes. I don't recall anything being said about edge sharpness with any of the binos. On axis resolution is great but I love a nice flat FOV sharp to the edge. Good comparo non the less thanks for the link.
  16. OpticNerd

    Change of the Rules

    My thoughts as well.
  17. OpticNerd

    10 day hunts

    Good news to me. I miss having the 10 day hunts.
  18. I haven't posted much lately so I thought I'd share some of the pictures I've been able to get so far this year. These are actually stills taken from video footage so the quality isn't as good as pictures actually taken from a still camera but it's good enough for me.
  19. OpticNerd

    In favor of 2072

    I can see how guides would be in support of 2072. Auction tags bring in people with big money and people with big money are more likely to hire a guide and are also more likely to tip well. If your a guide it makes good business since to support 2072 but just because it's good for a guide business doesn't make it good for hunting.
  20. OpticNerd

    Weird deaths!

    Jack and coke is a little smoother. Looks like a Jake n Coke
  21. Don't know if this has been posted yet but does anyone know the story on this buck? http://azgfd.net/photos/details.php?image_id=4872&mode=search
  22. OpticNerd

    when do they start dropping?

    Yep seen bucks still with their antlers as late as May 16th in the southern units.
  23. One year after deer season my brother unintentionally left his mag loaded in his 6mm. The mag was left loaded for about 10 months. When he finally went to shoot it again he was having trouble getting rounds chambered. I don't know if it was due to leaving the mag loaded or not but he never had any problems like this before this so there's a good chance leaving it loaded was the cause.
  24. OpticNerd

    Like Father, Like Daughter

    WOW great shooting young lady! Should be some great memories made for many years to come. Job well done congratulations!