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About OpticNerd

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    SE AZ

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  1. OpticNerd

    Kill shot video

    Wow you’re right it has been about 20 years now! Crazy how much the world of hunting videos has changed since then. Even though it’s so much easier to share videos on Youtube I sometimes find myself missing the glory days of the hunting DVD. Anyways thanks again for watching my videos all these years I really do greatly appreciate it!
  2. OpticNerd

    Kill shot video

    Thanks and you’re welcome. Always good to hear from people that still enjoy them. I do like posting videos on here but sometimes I feel like I’m just spamming you guys with all my vids. Ain’t nobody wanna be that spammer guy 🤣
  3. OpticNerd

    Kill shot video

    Thanks. Yeah that through me off a bit when he said that but the buck actually did kind of smelled like salmon. It was one weird smelling buck. Never smelled a deer like that before. The Oct buck was a pretty old buck. His teeth were worn down quite a bit.
  4. OpticNerd

    Kill shot video

    Thank you! I greatly appreciated it 🙏
  5. OpticNerd

    Kill shot video

    That’s a goodun! North or south of the ditch?
  6. OpticNerd

    Kill shot video

    Thanks n you’re welcome 👍 Thanks! Hopefully he’ll still be around in about 8-10 months. Couldn’t agree more 💯 Thanks! You’re welcome and thank you 🙏 No problem thanks for watching 👍 One of the better seasons for us. First time I’ve ever considered paying someone to process a deer because my lazy butt was tired of cutting meat 😆 Thanks! Camera had a different angle than the shooter. Shooter was about 75-100 yards up and to the right. But if you want to critique something you couldn’t always get on the shooter for their use of a range finder 🤣
  7. Wanted to share a short video I just put together of our 2024 hunts. Not much to it...5 kills and a couple missed shots. I'm still getting over the miss on that last buck. Missing a buck like that will give a hunter nightmares for the rest of their life. I'm just glad it wasn't me doing the missing for once 😜
  8. OpticNerd

    Who's going Goat hunting this year?

    A wise person once said “all it takes is one!”
  9. OpticNerd

    Successful HAM hunt

    So let me get this straight…on these HAM hunts it’s ok to use a muzzy capable of shooting 400-500 yards that is clamped down on a tripod giving you a rock solid rest but it’s not ok to freehand a pistol that has any type of apparatus on it that can allow the shooter to brace the pistol on the body. Can someone explain to me how that makes sense? Congrats nice pig and sweet looking rig 👍
  10. OpticNerd

    Archery OTC Future?

    Does anyone have the numbers on how many deer killed per by archery hunters vs rifle hunters?
  11. OpticNerd

    WTB mule deer hide

    I got 2 kids with a hunt starting this Friday. If we get one I’ll try to remember to cape it out for you. Where you located?
  12. OpticNerd

    2024 coues

    Congrats! That’s some clean looking footage very impressed. Great work guys!
  13. OpticNerd

    Guess The Score !!

    Man I’m having a hard time trying to guess a score. Sometimes I come up with gross scores in the low to mid 120s while other times I came up with scores in the low teens. Call me crazy but I think he grosses closer to 120 than 110. I’ll guess 118 7/8 gross and 110 1/8 net. No matter what he scores that thing is freaking sweet!!!
  14. OpticNerd

    Guess The Score !!

    That’s a sweet buck! Even the dog is impressed 🤣