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Everything posted by bowhunter4life

  1. mid 90s is a great guess.mike
  2. bowhunter4life

    I got my elk

    also what unit?
  3. bowhunter4life

    I got my elk

    great story and great bull..
  4. bowhunter4life

    what is USO

    those guys are all about the mighty $$$$$$.what ever it takes. good news is what comes around goes around...
  5. bowhunter4life


    wow.me too.I just have a rv plate.guess I should get the quad also licenced.mike
  6. I beleive on the res. up in northern nev.
  7. is the other guy name jay?
  8. amazing what $$$$$$$$ can buy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. bowhunter4life

    Salt licks

    keep it going. they have never let salt to be used for deer except when trapping was legal in the 80's
  10. bowhunter4life

    36b 12/16 - 12/31 hunt

    when you hit the utility line about a 1 mile in turn north and it will take you along the north side of that range.glass the southeast slopes in the early a.m. you will be suprized what you will see only go in about 3.5 miles
  11. bowhunter4life

    question about loyalty bonus points?

    that is cool every year we will have at least 3 points in every draw
  12. bowhunter4life


    crap when I was a kid I hunted doves,rabbits,snakes and quail in the orchards.now it is arrowhead mall.we would hit 67th and bell and the guns would come out.it is hard to be a high schooler now adays.mike
  13. bowhunter4life

    G R O U S E

    dont temp those rifle hunters they may think it is one of those buffalo tags they got to buy.
  14. bowhunter4life

    Need Help Scoring this Carp

    have you started and salk licks?
  15. bowhunter4life

    Salt licks

    dont tell anyone...keep those sites to a minimum
  16. bowhunter4life

    36b 12/16 - 12/31 hunt

    how far did you go back in there? from the hi-way.are you talking about the tank on the right( you pass it and look back to the north east.this is about 3 miles in? mike
  17. bowhunter4life

    deercaine or blackmagic

    great lookin quad. oh ya nice rack
  18. good point.yes archery is in season.should call g @ f and give those #s and see what they say.mike
  19. bowhunter4life


    ya baby.maybe we have a future lawer on our hands.mike
  20. bowhunter4life

    G R O U S E

    that last picture said it all.great story.mike
  21. bowhunter4life

    Pictures through Binos

    is that bull sceaming""" rimrock-outfitters ""
  22. bowhunter4life

    More Sheds Found.....

    great find.
  23. bowhunter4life

    Need Help Scoring this Carp

    also are these pictures from one setting or do you have him coming a # of times?
  24. bowhunter4life

    Need Help Scoring this Carp

    whooooweeeeeeee.great buck.I too think he's a solid 185. an awesome desert mule deer
  25. bowhunter4life

    Sept. 11

    A-men brothers.God bless us all..