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Everything posted by bowhunter4life

  1. bowhunter4life

    road conditions

    I was in 6a,5a,22 that 10 mile square corner good access and camping.It got down to a low of 36. still patches of snow left. mike
  2. bowhunter4life

    my 2006 Lion

    great story.a lion is a lion..you might of just saved that mule deer you saw.by taking that lion out of the area.
  3. thanks for posting mark.we did get to do a little packing.I think I found a cure all for my hunting addiction.To have my 8 year old and see troy with such great joy and watching them talk about there shots to each other.brought a tear.I think mark and I made two young hunter 4 life.they both followed directions to the " T "waiting for perfect shot oppertunity.showing great respect to the game they took!.it has only been a few days and that is the hot topic daily.He brought a picture to school today of the ram.He said he showed it to everybody he new and stated hopefully he will get his mount back before the end of the school year to show it off.he already has found a place to put it in his room. that makes me a very bleesed person knowing my son is so proud, that he is a hunter and has honor and respect for our outdoors..I think I would give up hunting, to watch and guide him to many more hunts.( that is the first time I've ever thought that something could make me stop being the shooter.) watching the heart felt joy it gave those kids...man oh man I now know how much we need to take kids hunting.I never new the impact hunting has on our future hunter. mike
  4. bowhunter4life


    thanks for all those awesome pictures.mike
  5. bowhunter4life

    Let it snow!!!

    now that is cool
  6. bowhunter4life


    all pictures were great.congrats to all that sent pictures.mike
  7. bowhunter4life


    well said coosfan!!! I second that motion. mike
  8. bowhunter4life

    Snow lion hunts

    wow.what agreat few days.congrates to some great dog work.mike
  9. bowhunter4life

    Let it snow!!!

    them geese are cool, that picture could be a post card!
  10. bowhunter4life

    long family collection

    that is truly a great family picture.a bunch of coues nuts
  11. bowhunter4life

    Rain in the forecast

    let it rain..... let it rain... lord we need it....
  12. bowhunter4life

    How steady are your hands?

    now that was weird
  13. bowhunter4life

    33 javelina

    a 15" skull??? that is huge for a piggy!!
  14. bowhunter4life

    Casey had an OK hunt

    what a great hunt.congrates to both of you.that's the way to start off the year.mike
  15. bowhunter4life


    I will be there. it is always a great time!!
  16. bowhunter4life

    G&F Deer survey coming out soon

    I too, do not like the shorten bow seasons."suppose to be for more hunting oppertunity" looks like less time for bowhunters.how is this getting more hunters into the field ? mike
  17. bowhunter4life

    Iowa Whitetail Hunt @ ABA Banquet

    I will be there bidding on that for sure.I've seen those whitetail taken from them!!!!mike
  18. bowhunter4life

    Helpful website

    wow is right.I have the same problem.man there is a way to many out there.
  19. bowhunter4life

    Average HAM porker

    love that handgun pose" if you call that a handgun
  20. bowhunter4life

    havent been on in a while

    you got to love archery javi hunts..great piggy
  21. bowhunter4life

    Little weaner buck I saw

    woooweee that was cool
  22. bowhunter4life

    carp i got last week.

    wow is right..is that a west az buck? " west of phx"
  23. bowhunter4life

    Barbary sheep

    those are cool.are those over the conter permits in new mexico or a draw?
  24. bowhunter4life

    Coues Pic

    bownut,what archery shop are you at? mike
  25. bowhunter4life

    Why Arabs throw Rocks

    he will probley never shoot another one.that was cool