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Everything posted by bowhunter4life

  1. bowhunter4life

    Draw Results

    I'm still hoping for friday after 5pm
  2. bowhunter4life

    bowtech bow

    I too can not figure out how to post pics. e-mail mkornoski@cox.net mike I am to a loser.I cant post pictures also
  3. bowhunter4life

    PSE Thunderflite

    that was an awesome bow.I too used that model for years and also took some cool critters with it.mike
  4. bowhunter4life

    Bow Hunter Happening in Williams

    I will wear a desert christian archers t-shirt with a picture of a bull elk on the back.mike
  5. bowhunter4life

    not so lucky coues buck..

    they sure don't leave much behind.
  6. bowhunter4life

    Bow Hunter Happening in Williams

    I dont know any of you
  7. bowhunter4life

    My sickness

    sounds like you need to build a dog house while at home for them coues mounts and huntin video's
  8. bowhunter4life

    Campsite Trickery

    years ago we had a chair potty ,a little worn out. when our good buddy took it out. he just finished the dog call and those legs gave way.it was a long ride to the creek in the back of the truck to wash off. years later and he's still getting us back.
  9. bowhunter4life

    My sickness

    15 years with my wife, the key. spend personal time in the off season to her wants.make her feel just as important, no more important and life will be good. happy wife, happy life.
  10. bowhunter4life

    The Results

    the good news. we are only about 2 weeks away. the bad news. it is a long 2 weeks...
  11. bowhunter4life

    New set I found yesterday

    did you ever hunt those bucks last fall ? great find. mike
  12. bowhunter4life

    More wolves

    the only time I've seen hunter show up, was last year fighting our sept. elk hunts.we all need to do a better job at getting to the meetings and letting our voices be heard.
  13. bowhunter4life

    bowtech bow

    what year is it ?
  14. bowhunter4life

    The Results

    lets hope for after 5 lets hope for friday the 14th
  15. bowhunter4life

    pro shop

    corner archery in glendale
  16. bowhunter4life

    unit 23

    I did see some of those anti hunters in there . they too stated there is no deer in 23 but a few elk-deer
  17. bowhunter4life

    Kachina Bulls

    wooweee that is an awesome bull!!!!!!!!!!
  18. bowhunter4life

    record book banquit

    Is any body going to the az. wildlife,bowhunting fund raiser next saturday. my self and bowsniper will be there.mike
  19. bowhunter4life

    Kachina Bulls

    can you believe born and raised in az over 30... years and had no clue kachina is 8 miles south of flag
  20. bowhunter4life


    I was in the payson area since last thursday. It rained every day. between 2:00 to 6:00 pm. It is greening up very nicely.rain sure feels good on the soul.
  21. bowhunter4life

    Kachina Bulls

    what is the kachina bulls? mike
  22. well I saw my first fellow member drive in front of me today at 43rd ave indian school. only saw a quick view through some other traffic. the sticker stood out well. I have the same one on my truck.mike
  23. bowhunter4life

    chevy 4 x4 coues whitetail sticker

    I was just a by standard on 43rd heading south. while you headed east bound across 43rd. It was just cool to see the sticker on the back of the truck. just kidding about cutting me off. mike
  24. bowhunter4life

    chevy 4 x4 coues whitetail sticker

    she was that truck,not sure if it was a badass driver.........................well maybe.........................he did cut me off driving 85 in a 40 mph zone........... that #$@$%$#@#$................ hehehe just kidding.
  25. bowhunter4life

    Hope for the best?

    what zoo did you take that camera from?