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Everything posted by bowhunter4life

  1. bowhunter4life

    5 months of pictures

    sure is fun to see all them critters, looks like a well rounded ares you found.
  2. bowhunter4life

    International Sportsmens Expo

    Thanks Troy, PM sent
  3. bowhunter4life

    My daughter does it again!!

    that's wonderful! that smile says it all
  4. bowhunter4life

    Happy Birthday Bowhunter4life!

    Thanks everybody! I had a great weekend playing in the snow!
  5. bowhunter4life

    Washed out Unit 18B pig hunt!

    Nicely done Don!
  6. bowhunter4life

    our site

    It sure is nice to see the site return to old form!
  7. bowhunter4life

    Guess the Lion Weight Contest

  8. bowhunter4life

    6 Weeks In Coues Heaven....

    two stud bucks, what dreams are made of! Jim congrats on another great mexico year!
  9. bowhunter4life

    Win a Havalon Knife

    very impressive, there is a good mix of "eye candy " to keep our eyes looking for new products. I did notice the links to discussion forum, you spelled monstermully with two LL. I will be visiting your site once it is up in running. thanks for allowing imput.
  10. bowhunter4life

    Whacked My First Coues...

    Welcome to the archery coues club! your dedication and will allowed you great results! 2 beautiful bucks with archery equipment.
  11. bowhunter4life

    All archers must read

    Good post, Just a short few years ago, ABA spend alot of money and hundreds of volunteer hours to save our September bull hunts, you may remember a questionare they sent asking about your experiance. They spoke and gave the facts to the G&F commish. when the vote was coming down to move 1/2 of the Sept. tags to nov, they fought tooth and nail with only 25 bull tags going to all units for nov. hunts. They also were there to protect our archery deer tags from all going to a draw, luckly only a few did and some have returned to over the counter. This past year they went back and asked G & F for some archery spring turkey hunts. If you look in the regs. we know have over the counter archery spring turkey opportunities. There are alway isssues with shoots and personalities, but without the ABA we have no archery voice in AZ! Just remember to have fun at these shoots becouse someday we may not have one.
  12. bowhunter4life

    Mike Udall aka Treestandman

    May God's grace be with the Udall family! I ask that God bless and protect mike's children. I always enjoyed his stories and photos. He will be missed by all!
  13. bowhunter4life

    New forum look

    I agree, it needs fixed! We all have to allow time to bring it back. Ok is it finished yet? LOL
  14. Great job Geno and crew! Another superb January, archery at it's best!
  15. bowhunter4life

    Hunt Applications

    yep. they will work
  16. bowhunter4life

    First Time Turkey Hunter Seminar?

    It will be the 3rd Tuesday in March. It will be updated.
  17. bowhunter4life

    First Time Turkey Hunter Seminar?

    The Desert Christian Archers is having 2 hour spring seminar on March 15th 7:00 PM at Calvery Church I-17 between Cactus and Thunderbird. check out www.desertchristianarchers.com for for info. Typically 80-100 people each year come to this presentation and and timberline calls will be on hand.
  18. bowhunter4life

    Some Mounts to Check Out!!!

    Beautiful work!!
  19. bowhunter4life

    the year of Javelina

    We had a blessed January! I was able to take this Boar on my 2nd morning hunt. The next week the Junior hunt started & was my daughter Kendra turn. Everything worked perfect and she made a great shot! Then today with scheduling issues "kids sports" was my sons 1st day to hunt and after a few hours, he made a complete hunt.
  20. bowhunter4life

    the year of Javelina

    Thanks all, this was a great family month of hunting. I was not able to get out and chase coues for 1st time during January a long time but would not trade this awesome month hunting with my kids.
  21. bowhunter4life

    New Guess the Score contest

  22. bowhunter4life

    Dillon's first Javelina

    Justin, Great job teaching and being a great father for your sons. Dillon, way to shoot straight and give a little rubb-in to your brother!
  23. bowhunter4life

    2002 polaris $1500. SOLD

    is it automatic? is it street legal? Thx! mike